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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/22 in all areas

  1. Removing the swapping mechanics ruins the game. Its understandable that you guys wants to give new players a chance. But removing the good parts of the games isnt the way to solve this. My suggestion is simple. - Add level restricted servers (New players 0-20, 0-40). You will always be able to play with your friends if you would like to. - Add some kind of ranked games (Which already is planned). It will make the "better" players to focus more of that. - Make it easier for new players to test out the new weps. Give them one of all "Standard" weps (Kw, Bombard, Driver and so on) for maybe 1 day each instead of 1 set for a week from the tutorial. - Another option is adding a square type of tutorial where you can test them all. Well my point is, make it easier to get INTO the gameplay. But still have the charm of the game that attracts players to stay untouched.
    7 points
  2. Hello everyone, As you all know sniper weapon is one of the most liked weapons in the game, after playing more than 10 matches I found out many mistakes you guys have made and it should be adjusted. 1. It hits random damage (RNG) How it should be? So the sniper should have 3 damage types: Headshot; which means it must kill the person no matter how much extra HP he has Chest and Belly; it must deal 80% damage of the default's enemy's HP which is 1600 Legs; it must deal 60% damage of the default's enemy's HP which is 1200 2. It's zoomed by x2 zoom The default sniper scope should be zoomed out by x1 from the current made scope and you can x2 zoom by clicking again in the right click in the mouse (this option shouldn't be applied to all snipers, for example on MV it was applied for Venom only). 3. The zoom speed and reload speed stats are way too high The sniper must be nerfed, both Sea Eagle and Venom. Also there should be 2 types of snipers Type A (Sea eagle); the sniper with the best zoom speed but less reload speed Type B (Venom); the opposite of Type A, the sniper with the best reload speed but less zoom speed Suggestions for future updates: Add sensitivity for sniper scope. Add a sniper for power upgrade to deal the highest damage. Add skins for the current snipers.
    6 points
  3. Okey, as u can see leo in beta are cheaters and what i am saying,just ban them permanently and never let theese players play, how to do that? hm.. i think u have permissions to give them IP address ban to this forum or to game right? so just do it,and yea i know u wanna let the beta be untill september 6 but there are just cheaters right now so, i think its better to close the beta,do a better anticheat ( xigncode i think ) and then ban every one of the cheaters ,yea and leo ? maybe do a some Moderators inviting to your team u know? like, maybe u need some moderators to game to protect the game and bannning people with cheats, sorry my english bad, just on beta are cheaters and sharing it with us ( general category ) so.. just close beta, ban this players,and better anticheat + it would require you to hire some moderators to monitor the in-game progress of the game, or ban them. thanks, answer please, love ya all. i hope all cheaters will burn.. ( in game for sure )
    2 points
  4. Networking Currently cast server update's player data around 10 packets per second, you should increase even though it would increase bandwith. Add cooldown checks for packets that normally can't be sent that fast, make sure to have checks against players with huge ping. More serversided/clientsided checks for packets that normally aren't possible to be sent from current's player state(seems it's still possible to exploit them). I highly suggest a total rework of cast-main servers communications regarding Host,players,priority of packets regarding being host. Host should be able only to control room related settings and manually kicking players while the game hasn't started yet. By rework I mean calculating damage and everything serversided and not letting the host player take care of that since it can be easily manipulated and exploited including possible threats to other players(talking about how cast server broadcasts the message to every player). Game's Data/Resources Loading I'm pretty sure you guys are aware of how items are structured in cgd, let's take example how they used to add a weapon: 2 hours, 1,7,30,90 day(s) -> 5 fields Then 1 field for unlimited version non upgraded. 3 upgrades in total and 9 fields for each level in total 27 fields for all upgrades If we sum all this up 33 fields in most scenarios just for one weapon in itemweaponsinfo.cdb, take consideration there's alot more items in the game than this. Improve textures,sounds,maps loading times and rework the caching system. Client Previous clients had tons of memory leaks and bugs, but I did noticed you guys did improve already on taking care of memory leaks which is very good. Currently the game doesn't use atleast 1080p textures in 2022 for background images atleast they are just stretched as every visual resource in the game, and yes you guys are limited alot by memory bandwith usage due of the game being x86. (optional) I would suggest if you guys really won't change your decision related to XignCode anticheat, atleast make sure you guys manage to get atleast latest version updated of it and the full version, not some old version that doesn't have many client sided checks or even heartbeat system some of them. And I strongly advise to also guard/checksum checks or more by yourself and not relay entirely just on XignCode. People might wonder why they have lagg sometimes even with high-end pc on 8v8 matches or 16 players ffa, well that's because of the iteration system in the game the more updated/rendered objects in the game the slower the game gets. It needs completly rework and optimised. Once you master gamebryo, please do fix player's camera collision bugs being able to see through map from specific angles, same goes for weapons/effects/glow being visible through walls and other spots. Including glitches through maps. Features Add demo system, and make sure to be able to see every player's perspective exactly 1:1 like you would watch from behind him his entire aim movement,crosshair placement,fov,zoom in for sniper,animations, every effects in the game, basically everything the player sees in the game when normally they play, and being able to control and see from every player's perspective in match, slow down to see the demo per frames etc.. Also remember this is not only useful against cheaters and to calm down community's suspicious regarding some players or staff, but can be a big step for the game and streamers,youtubers,editors who want to make nice and cool edits. For editors I would suggest adding posibility to remove objects/sky, make sky green to be used as greenscreen for editors would be ton of help and would be much appreciated by entire community for sure. Being able to disable glow/effects of items from other players other than yourself(visual only). Add more video settings that could improve fps for players by lowering them. Add support for most text encodings in chat for example: being able to see arabic,cyrillic characters and such on from same client to allow other players to communicate as they like.(optional) Add support for copy/paste controls from chat, but remember to add checks against spamming and such on.(optional) Add social community animations/emotions that would be usable in any game mode while playing, for example kissing, saluting, laughing, crying, stuff like this were once implemented in 2013 in plaza version. Regarding trade if ever implemented again, don't make it p2w, you guys could make some sort of monthly pass access for trade that can be purchased by either some good ammount of mp earned from game, or bought with real money, let free to play players enjoy this as well.
    2 points
  5. Listen, covering your eyes and saying "everything will be okay!" is not the mindset you want to keep having. People aren't openly cheating, they're soft hacking. I watched an FFA earlier with a hacker using aimbots on and off to make himself look legit, he had a K/D of like 20 - 5, and was lvl 200+. There ARE cheaters, and living in denial isn't helping anybody. This is a serious issue that shouldn't be swept under the rug, if you keep thinking this way then they'll keep getting away with it.
    2 points
  6. I'm not the only one! Finally! They're using cheats made for that shitty toy heroes or Microvolts 2015 version that, somehow, still work. Trigger bot, wallhack, aimbot and melee range. It's not fucking fun anymore and I'm sick of it. Some people said "BuT YouRe BaD He Is NOt CheAtIng" after quite literally hitting all sniper shots and having 262% more sniper kills than any other weapon kills. I'm looking at you, Obsidian and saeedtomato.
    2 points
  7. on god, let me make this clear once and for all. 2 of the 3 shotguns dont need to be swapped anymore which is a good thing, the best shotgun currently is the bombard, but only if you are capable of swapping with it. and that is a ok. this game will not live on for a long time if it gets catered towards the same old audience from 10 years ago. Games in general, especially free 2 play titles survive off of new players. so it is of utmost importancy to keep new players coming, making the swapping mechanic needed to compete is a bad desicion for the games life span as well as the community. also you didnt need to swap rockets and grenades in the past. it would be good to know how to swap for rocket launchers yes, but for all of the nade launcher swapping benefits them so little that you might as well just not do it(unless you are talking about every itteration of old MVS items then yes swapping would've benefitted most of them a lot, but since its all just gonna be reskins anyways this literally isnt an argument). also wave stepping/ninja swapping and whatever else there is is still a thing, which makes the true skill difference. In conclusion: Keep swapping? Y E S 100%. Is it good that you dont have to get the mechanic down to perfection to at least sort of compete? YES. Do the weapons still need to be rebalanced properly? Of course they do, thats literally the point of the current beta. Would it be better if you needed to swap every weapon? Absolutely not. That would hands down be the worst case scenario for the game. I'm not saying swapping is bad. But what I am sayin is that things need to change, so that the game can enter a new Golden Age and it is up to us to provide the feedback to make that happen. I hope you can get and at least sort of understand where I'm coming from and give it a little thought about it. With that I wish yall a very nice and fine day.
    2 points
  8. They have just made the explosive to automatic weps, and a shogun that makes 5 bullets a sec.
    2 points
  9. Swapping was a skill that seperated casuals (like me) from the pros (not me lol). And I was totally okay with it, seeing how hard it is to consistently do it while staying in motion reminded me of pro fortnite players and how they build fast while still having insane gunplay. Swapping needs to return to it's original form, if you're a casual like me, playing melee only or zombie mode seems like the best way to avoid "sweats", or don't play FFA tbh (this isn't a good solution, but it's a temporary one until they figure this out). Swapping is such a unique mechanic and players shouldn't be punished for using it. Making everyone able to "swap" just ruined the current gameplay we have because everyone can spam with no effort at all.
    2 points
  10. No one is cheating lil bro
    2 points
  11. take the swapping out of microvolts and no one that loved the game will return.
    2 points
  12. Salut prietenii mei romanii, daca vreti sa intrati pe serverul de discord pe care l-am facut sa vorbim despre joc sau la o caterinca pe altceva. Sper sa te distrezi daca intri pe server ! Goal-ul nostru este sa strangem legendele romanesti ale MicroVolts Surge / MicroVolts Recharged pe server Discord: ะผ1.ั”ฯ‡ั”#7257
    1 point
  13. Somebody please tell me I'm not going crazy, I have come across a few people I felt were melting me too fast with the Rifle, and barely, if ever missing any sniper shots. This has been through the few days of this CBT. I decided to go into spectator Mode and watch said players for a game. (two instances in this case), I noticed they would hit like 99% of their shots. Hence I came to the conclusion that they must be using a trigger bot because then this would be explained. For instance I would notice these people zooming in with their sniper, and basically hesitate to shoot, in an FFA game as the enemy is running behind cover, they would not shoot at all unless their crosshair was 100% guaranteed to be on the enemy. They would occasionally miss a shot of their shotgun in super close range when the enemy would jump on top of an object or on top of their head etc. Another example of this would be when they were using their rifle, they would not hold down left click and trace the enemy, they would trace the enemy and only shoot when the bullet would connect with the enemy 100%. So they looked like they were tap firing, but very irregularly , such as, sometimes they would shoot 2/3 bullets (they would all hit) then they would shoot 1 (which would also hit), but they would never shoot lets say 10 bullets at once and having 6 out of these miss and 4 hit the player or vice versa. The bullets were somehow always hitting. I should also mention that these people are playing a lot and are quite high levels. It's super sad, cheating in a game which has yet to be released. Does anybody know if it is possible to for the devs to pull bullets shot vs bullets hit % eg: accuracy from the account data in order to see if the people in question were actually cheating ? I realise people can have good aim, but I am sorry, it cannot always be this good and consistent.
    1 point
  14. Considering how things are going i think its fair to say this wont end well. They are stubborn and wont change a thing about the game even when the community is telling them they dont like the state of the game. We should have taken a warning with all their other games.
    1 point
  15. I was MyraK played in a friends clan called RATS. Some people from 2014-15-16 might know ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  16. The thing is tho, if you add these new weps which has no delay in firerrate. How will new players survive a driver with 5 bullets a sec? How will they escape 3 nades + bazooka bullets in their face before they even have a chance to equip the right wep? They wont have a chance of moving out of spawn.
    1 point
  17. It should be made easier for the new players, yes. But like, having Exile shoot so quick, you can't really escape all three shots AND don't need to swap?. . .nah. Ain't it. Spamming isn't something you can enjoy, unless you're on the spamming end. . .it will scare new players off.
    1 point
  18. Swapping will always exist they are just adding ways for new players to compete with older players for example the driver shooting 100 mph is one of the "early" ways they thought of to combat players with higher skill level. they just have too keep balancing the game and at the sametime find ways for new players to beat older players (aka no skill) but then it also has to be close to no skill but not be overly broken where to if you dont use swapping you can just keep destroying the older player who is using swapping its more like the player who is using swapping still wins but the newer player can either a. compete closely or b.get a few kills on the older player regularly.
    1 point
  19. You're saying that spam is the best way to get new players? Its the opposite, if I were new I wouldnt want the view of 500 explosives in my face. Insta dying to hell fire isnt the way.
    1 point
  20. They shouldn't touch the only mechanical difference between this game and others. Being able to swap is the fun part of the game. Some people are better than others like it is in every game. Remove it and you'll have a bad version of CSGO. Microvolts will not have a chance of competing as an fps first person shooter game against CSGO. Swapping is the unique "skill" you'll have to learn.
    1 point
  21. Yooo. I love this ngl. LEO! Listen to this man! ^^
    1 point
  22. Playing with 140 ping makes the experience a bit lacking for us Europe folks. Keep up the great work guys.
    1 point
  23. Well having talked in private with a lot of people that i thought were cheating. I've noticed that they told me there is currently no anti cheat in the game. so they exploit it without getting punished currently. spawning items/auto healing/aimbot ect.
    1 point
  24. This guy is a no-lifer TH player who has multiple accounts. One being Level 60+ So...no wonder he never misses :')
    1 point
  25. Hello, Yarmiz As much as it sounds thrilling to get a new server that will give you a more pleasant ping, you mustn't forget that this is the first phase of the closed beta of a free-to-play game. The current objective seems to be limited to exploring and solving the existing glitches and bugs, besides gathering suggestions to make better future decisions, rather than offering a smooth experience. Eventually, a European server is more likely to be available. I'm not sure if there will be a server for the Middle East since you already have access to the game. I suggest you get to know players from this region and perhaps create a discord server to use for uniting your requests for the future. I am looking forward to playing with you in-game!
    1 point
  26. Hello Leo, when will we have an EU Server? I have 160ms and it's really annoying to play that way.
    1 point
  27. Isn't it abvious that the playerbase is european? even though im middle eastern
    1 point
  28. After playing the game in it's many different names since 2010, I feel like this 'recharged' version of microvolts completely killed the nostalgia of the game itself. Swapping isn't needed anymore, rifles do no damage, explosives are utterly disgustingly broken again, speed upgrade is ridiculously OP, and the massive changes to the weapons (Driver having 5/10 bullets) just completely defeats the purpose of balancing. Why would anyone use a KW with 2/8 if some guy can just spam 5 shots with a driver before you get your 2nd shot off with ur KW? There's plenty of balancing issues, and it sort of feels like all the good parts of microvolts were taken away, whilst still keeping all the bad parts.
    1 point
  29. Come to defend your friends who werenโ€™t mentioned in this topic โ€œlil bro โ€œ ainโ€™t no way you gonna try to talk down on somebody when you drive a clapped out TT and use it as your profile picture , please understand , canโ€™t take a hairdressers opinion seriously unfortunately ๐Ÿ˜‚
    1 point
  30. One of Leo's reasonings for the repair system is to apparently keep players spending mp...which is like????? What kind of way of thinking is that? Plenty of games allow people to hoard free currency, and forcing people to spend it does literally nothing, why make us use our mp on nothing? It's inconvenient and I didn't like the way he responded with that.
    1 point
  31. Ahaha I don't blame you since it was so long ago and we were kids. We used to skype and stuff. Yeah I'm not proud of that nickname ๐Ÿ˜…
    1 point
  32. In my own opinion, I like the current swapping mechanics simply because the old ones weren't accessible- the skill ceiling was too high on top of physical problems like my hands always shaking and being a bit small on most keyboards. It's a bit unwelcoming to new players versus ones who have been playing for a decade, now. It's very hard to master, and while skill should always factor into winning, I've never been able to master it despite also playing for a decade... I always feel accessibility should be put into consideration when it comes to reviving games- not to make everything easy, but possible to pick up on for people who may have never heard of this game before!
    1 point
  33. Hey everyone, Leo I hope you're reading this and having a great week-end! ๐Ÿ˜„ So, the swapping mechanic that everyone was used to it in the old versions of the game and I think it was the most unique and skill requiring thing in the game feels like it has changed, why so?
    1 point
  34. It might feel like a waste deleting four characters, but I feel like I'm not the only one who feels this way. To me, these four characters feel out of place, unfinished and recycled... By removing them, masangsoft can save some resources to work better on the other five. Quality over quantity. But if they decide to keep them, I feel like they need a good amount of work.
    1 point
  35. Why remove characters? Just have them there for CSD players. Doesnt need to have outfits, they could focus on improving the originals + kai. You have really good opinions on the rest tho^
    1 point
  36. You should read the news, they are trying to remove all p2w.
    1 point
  37. I think giving the new players the tools to actually try out the game is more important than trying to remake a functional loved game. Changing the gameplay instead of teaching it is wrong.
    1 point
  38. Hello! I understand we're still in closed beta, but honestly the game is HORRIBLE right now, you shouldn't have touched the game mechanics but anyway I hope you guys listen to our feedbacks and make the game great again. We need the same old MV gameplay, I will write everything below. Important needed changes: Shotgun; let's start with KW-79, it should be 3 bullets instead of 2 also the fastest to swap with between all the shotguns, Driver should be 2 bullets and the slowest between all shotguns also the most powerful one, generally all the shotguns are too fast they need to be nerfed by decreasing damage and swap speed (Bring back the same shotgun system as it was in MV besides RNG). Rifle; the damage for rifle is so low it needs to be puffed a bit, decrease the firing rate and the capacity. Remove the upgrades for parts and default weapons, it's not necessary and it's not something we're used to. Decrease the walking for speed stats, it's way too much high. Bring back the same movement and sensitivity. The current weapon sounds are bad, we need the same as MV always had, same goes for the voiceover. Add Europe server, 80% of the community lives there Increase the tickrate. Change the chat colors, public one to white, team chat to blue and clan to green. Add more levels for weapons upgrades. The firing rate for bazooka and grenade is so high, it makes the game spammy it should be decreased. I will keep editing this post it's not done.
    1 point
  39. It seems possible to add higher resolutions after considering the cost of UI locations, scales, and some other stuff to modify. But it would be low quality because of low-resolution textures, which means we probably would need a graphical remastering. And it doesn't seem to be possible at this moment due to the expenses and time to work on it so I will need to think about it.
    1 point
  40. Hi, Here are the latest update details for Microvolts Recharged on September 2. Item Shop Added Inventory Expansion items that will give you more inventory space. (Maximum 1000 slots available) Additional Beta Keys The team has selected more beta testers and additional keys have been sent out to the pre-registered members. (Please be informed that no more keys are left.) Please check your e-mail inbox! Thank you.
    1 point
  41. You can outrun zombies in zombie mode, and just because you could have done it in the past, didn't mean it was balanced. It was pretty broken back then too. I feel 16% runspeed for sets is okay, but the melee runspeed feels glitched, because the values are higher than the numbers displayed. Melees that had 900 runspeed back then weren't as fast as they are now and the current melee speed upgrade gives melee about 800 speed and feels faster than goldberg with 1000+.
    1 point
  42. Agreed, the old ones look way better
    1 point
  43. Everyone is forgeting something very important. "No Level Cap" - Levels will not stop at 105, and right now in the beta, every lvl needs 4k exp to lvl up. So the chance of lvl rework is pretty high!
    1 point
  44. Have or Microvolts for me are the winners i like both
    1 point
  45. I agree with this 100% , the old ones from microvolts were amazing honestly. Maybe they should switch back to the old ones and on the players profil they can add the Rank the player has, like League Of Legends has, if this makes sense.
    1 point
  46. 1. Have Online (old),2.Microvolts (old),3.Toywars JP,4. Toywars TH
    1 point
  47. Daca va intrebati de ce n-am pus link direct, nu m-a lasat. Cautati pe disboard.com == MV | RECHARGED ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ด
    1 point
  48. Greetings! We are very excited to announce that Microvolts Recharged is having store page and community Hub on Steam. Donโ€™t forget to add to your Wishlist!
    1 point