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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. One can only hope, and it seems they're hearing us out at least alittle bit considering they're reworking the votekick system.
  2. Christ you're entitled. Imagine blaming everyone and whining about problems that are beyond mod control. We've constantly asked, and at times even had to argue with the devs, because they've been absolutely stubborn and refusing to change anything. Imagine projecting onto moderators because you're delusional and self important while also assuming nobody does anything when we've done way more than you have besides you spending 200 on anesidora just to complain about not getting the full set then ranting about it in the discord and blaming everything other than your own financial incompetence. Other than that you've provided absolutely nothing of value to the game compared to the moderator contributions. Read the room, know your place, and most importantly... Grow up already.
  3. Bumping this up since alot of similar threads were made.
  4. They confirmed this as the same reason in the discord. ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Congrats on mod! And good luck!
  6. The fullparty capsules shouldn't even exist. They're mainly used to sneak in afew super rare items like golden warrior, herc face, broom etc. Otherwise they have no purpose and are extremely predatory. Forcing players to have incomplete sets because some of the parts are only in mixes is borderline abusive and I wish they didn't make it this way. Sadly it works for them and I don't see them changing it anytime soon (or ever).
  7. Tanooki


    We're getting some mods starting tomorrow, so soon enough we'll have some form of moderation in the game hopefully.
  8. Bug fixes, compensating rewards, some QoL changes. It's small, but these updates are a good step in the right direction. I've seen afew people having issues with it, which is valid, but babysteps. They're showing us they're actually fixing things, albeit abit slow, but I'm happy with this update so far. Hopefully when they iron out more bugs we can get bigger content updates.
  9. They don't really do updates on weekends, also we're probably going to get a bigger update on tuesday since the clan event is coming soon. That, and they're finally getting moderators then as well. They also mentioned we weren't getting an update this week in both the announcements and discord.
  10. Not real, those are fake mods. No mods currently exist at any front.
  11. forgotten junkyard (old version when it was bigger). cargo and toy garden are also pretty.
  12. They gave themself the [MOD] tag when they created an account, anyone can do it because the devs never filtered the word out.
  13. Eh I call BS on some of these. The culling failed because the devs got ultra greedy and made it so that you had to pay just to play the game, the cosmetics etc didnt kill it, the devs themselves killed it. And TABG was a pretty niche gimmicky game at it's core, it wasn't made to last due to this, that being said it still has (albeit a very small) playerbase. Blaming battlepasses for killing games is a really silly take, especially for free2play games. I can name afew games that also died, but had a battlepass, that had nothing to do with it (gundam evo [not a battle royale but it's an example], etc). While I agree battle royale is unrealistic for mv, it can be a lucrative business practice in general (not saying they should add it but it's whatever either way). Try being abit more constructive instead of being rude please.
  14. We're STILL waiting for mods for both discord and the forum. It's been painfully slow and the longer it takes, the more toxicity will spread. We'll also need ingame mods as well (actual ones, not the fake ones we currently have).
  15. The current ingame mods are fake btw.
  16. Tbf it might not always be 5 dollars, as the rarer the item the more you'll have to trade in to get it.
  17. Bumping this up since the new additions to the capsule lineup.
  18. The rates are worse because alot more of the sets are mixed now.
  19. Forgot to add, if you use the wayback machine you can see their older posts, dating back afew years. Iirc they had an even older website but I think they swapped domains.