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Everything posted by ChillyCapy

  1. I played for around 3 weeks and rn I don't have any reason to log-in anymore. Once you have already upgraded weapons/clothes there isn't much to do since: We don't have objectives/missions with relevant rewards; You don't get MP in matches to buy new cosmetics; The log-in rewards are trash; I even made a new account to give the MP capsule a try but the fun didn't last long, each day the number of rooms shrinks. If you're not giving us MP by playing casually at least do it by weekly events that estimulate the comunity like splatoon does. Also, when I was 15 I had a lot of spare time for this game. I doubt someone will priorize Microvolts and spend money on it nowadays when Sony/Microsoft have cheap services where you can play many AAA games and Nintendo have the cheapest console in the market with lots of great games. Look at the RT prices, a Switch Lite is like 170 capsule spins. Around 5 items? clownery, I doubt we get to see this game's first bday
  2. Embrace tradition and keep food names for the mod accounts dear [MOD]Tiramisu. πŸ›
  3. I don't remember how they deal with it on TF, but ngl, I'm not a big fan of all weapons having the same stats. For me, it's very important to have this easy and fast visual feedback to know what's my foe's playstyle. BUT, I think they could improve it by making each weapon have a default option, speed, and power in different colors like green, blue, and red. At least for the MP weapons, I still don't know how they're dealing with the capsule weapons tho. They could even make the special versions RT only, wich is better than how they are treating the ADV weapons. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ That would be great too! TBH the new way they're doing with the parts capsule is the only thing I genually loved. The parts capsule by itself is kinda scammy, build a set with the same color/stat was impossible back then (8 parts x 2 colors x 2 stats = 32 different items). 🀑 I had the same experience, I felt so overwelmed until I understood they're all the same. Now imagine new players who aren't even familiar with the UI shopping for a new weapon? Make it simple.
  4. The kick system has always been a problem. I remember many times trying to kick hackers out and players voting no. At the same time I was kicked for some stupid reason like not holding the battery or just having a good day on sniper. The only way of taking it down was if they could afford a big team of mods to monitor the rooms. Sadly that's not happening anytime soon.
  5. When I played the 3rd closed beta test I thought it was a placeholder to hide the shop weapons of the final version from us, but this braindead system still going on during the open beta official release. It doesn't make any sense, we have more than enough weapons available to distribute stats. On ALL MV versions, we had: Mimic: fastest option but lacks in power; Pound: balanced option; Pocket Rocket: powerful option, but lacks in firing rate and ammo; The same goes for all other weapons but Masang thought it wasn't balanced enough and decided to change (fun fact: no one has ever complained about MP/ADV weapons). Right now in the shop we have 3*3 weapons, being: Sting Ray/Pocket Rocket/Pound type A: Same as default weapon; Sting Ray/Pocket Rocket/Pound type B: -Firing Rate/+Bullet Speed Sting Ray/Pocket Rocket/Pound type C : -Firing Rate/-Ammo/+Power/+Blast Radius/+Bullet Speed I don't see a problem with the stat change, but why give all weapons 3 different versions that are THE SAME as others when you could distribute each stat for each weapon? That's so stupid, messy and polluted. πŸ₯΄ For example: Sting Ray: Same as default weapon; Pound: -Firing Rate/+Bullet Speed Pocket Rocket: -Firing Rate/-Ammo/+Power/+Blast Radius/+Bullet Speed It's not that hard, it's just basic logic. Also, it just doesn't burn away the reason of having different weapon designs but also makes it easy for new players to identify what are the meta weapons so they don't throw their mp away getting a bad weapon since they are expansive.
  6. Imagine the number of people missclicking and deleting rare items. πŸ₯΄ We shouldn't be able to sell rare parts/weapons, just delete them. Also, an easy recovery method would be great, that's a big problem everyone has in every MV version.
  7. Amelia's face is trash, Sophitia is just a downgraded Naomi, Simon has no charisma and Sharkill is unmemorable. They are terrible and don't seem to belong to the same game as the original 4 (Naomi, Pandora, CHIP, Yamato). Knox who debuted on the Rock Hippo version is an example of a well-made character. He has personality, charisma, a unique design and still follows the same aspects of the other figurines. Masang should remove the post-Surge characters and rework their designs from scratch cause they make the game look floppy and cheap. Girl, imagine having Naomi's knockoffs as fav characters.
  8. Weird we're not having an open beta, hope the content updates keep consistent so the game doesn't lose its pace. Thank god it's finally being released ✨
  9. I guess they will still open a final Beta to make minor changes until the final release, test the servers capacity and other technical issues. A lot of people didn't play it yet. I bet that they will fully release only in October.
  10. Is reality hateful? MVS was dying and there wasn't a solution because the system this game is built up doesn't work anymore for indies, it's a matter of time untill the capsule snowball unballance the game again. Lootboxes for themselves already attract negative sights nowadays. This reboot was the perfect chance to change the game from 0, introducing new ways to shop for weapons and getting rare stuff maybe attaching it with gameplay/merchandise. However, the only change they came with their long and arduous years of development was a few changes in weapon balance. Really? Do you believe they made their research and after a brainstorm they found out this system from 2011 still is the most balanced for MV? πŸ’€Be real sis A long time ago I tried a major in game design, it wasn't for me but I can assure you that all the changes they showed us till this day can be made from 0 in a month, maybe 2 months if you're generous with a team of 6 heads. Also, as a player, It's not my job to give suggestions, I'm not the one who's being paid for it lmao. We already gave a lot of suggestions on MVS forums and even here. Now it's up for the GM's to take it or leave it. Once MV stops being profitable they will shut it down again with no mercy, so don't feel sorry for them. Just search for the company precedent with other games. // I saw some people debating about the development time, I just counted it from the year MVS was shut down (RH wouldn't shut it down during the negotiation lol). It's not the point tho, even if they had 3 years+pandemic, isn't enough, their job can be done at home.
  11. This beta sucks, I played the beta version for the Arab and Latin MV (the Arab one was gold, Pandora couldn't show her skin lmao) and they were so much fun. Here everything is a little grey, no weapons, no clothing, no personality, boring, doesn't look like a fresh start. The capsule system breaks MV and creates a big gap between players, they should have done something new like a season pass or something. In my opinion: Microvolts>Microvolts Surge> Microvolts Recharged. MV was always a little p2w but things got worse after surge. Bazooka and Grenades got op, paid weapons can be enhanced even further, capsule clothing giving even more stats, and ugly ass characters introduced after Yamato.
  12. This CBT is terrible, there is nothing in here that justifies 6 years of development. Same UI, same performance, same mechanics, same weapons and same cash grab system. What surprises me more is the audacity to use "RT" for the in-game cash currency. lol (Rock Hippo = Rock Tokens). They have no idea what Microvolts is, what makes it fun or whatever, the only thing they were brieffed was about the game balance (which they're still failing to solve too). I wasn't able to play the previous beta tests but god, this is the THIRD version and there's NOTHING new, it's actually worse. How's that even possible? It doesn't feel like a fresh version, it's like that old photo box we all have hidden somewhere that smells like mold. You open it to revisit the past but 30min later closes cause you're getting allergic. I started playing MV in late 2012 so I've seen a lot. The cash system in Microvolts just doesn't work anymore, not for this type of game and they should have done their homework because we have A LOT of alternatives nowadays. Microvolts only salvation was if Epic/Valve bought it, sadly we got Masang instead. I give this game a lifespan of 3 years max, RockHippo had its flaws but for a long time, they knew what they were doing. Don't waste your money here once the game is released.