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Meat last won the day on April 16

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  1. This is gold. The amount of messages and even mail he send you proves he is obsessed with the fact you killed him. The energy you need to spam like that is crazy. Take it as a compliment
  2. You have to login on steam and stay logged in.
  3. Every day you could do single wave hard mode (20 round one) and gain 3 coupons by doing it 3 times which took about 30 minutes. 3 coupons x 33 days =99 coupons so literally in a total of 34 days you had a hermes. Also in rt hammers you could gain hermes aswell though it only had a 0.5% chance of dropping. All without spending a penny. Thats what made this game fun. It allowed players to get every item without spending AND retaining the fun aspect.
  4. You are right. The only thing i would add is MVS was never p2w. If every item is obtainable by grinding it cant be p2w. If you have enough new ppl playing the game it is fair and fun for them. Instead of playing vs old pro players. Thats the issue the majority are old highly experienced players now. Beginners cant keep up. Even if you gave them all 7 gods they will still lose to old players. This game needs new ppl to be fun or new players will be opressed too much
  5. For crying out loud Masangsoft. Your intentions are great. The idea to publish this game on Steam and now Epic games is great, but you guys just don't get it do you? This will be the same as with the initial launch on Steam. A sudden rise in players and it will peak and then come crash down. Why? All because you refuse to listen to the playerbase. REDO the game. It is the only fix. Literally reset every single thing surge had AND THEN throw it on a gaming platform. It is so simple to use common sense. Your marketing is great, but your sales (capsules) and product (the game balance) sucks. This is why you are failing as a company. I am not trying to offend you in any way, since you won't read and certainly won't act on this message.
  6. That Nek0o0 kid brings me memories lmao. I played zombie mode once and basically the score was 3-3 and everyone exept this kid was a zombie. i killed him sneaky from behind so everyone in the room won and he was the only loser, and i said: "ez neko loser" After that he said the most vile things you can possibly imagine untill i logged off which was 1 hour later. Yes he kept spamming my chat full with racial stuff and more. I was crylaughing the entire time. One day after this incident he even send more vile texts via mail lmao. Im in tears remembering him thanks to you lol
  7. Try relogging on the computer. Used to help me when i played months ago.
  8. First of all i have not in months. Also just because you are struggling irl doesn't mean you need to get jealous on players who got a bigger budged than a 5 year old kid who gets allowence from their parents. Second i am not a melee player, since the release i have never joined a melee only room and yes not even once. I just like to melee bots like you. Lastly "youre just catching on" i have been saying the same stuff for about 3 years now. You've been obsessed with me since the game came out and it's getting creepy.
  9. This is the norm all morning every day. 10 rooms you say, but howmany are actual TDM rooms? 1 at best. The rest are scraps small 1 v1 rooms. There were times on surge when you had 4 pages full of big major rooms. It's sad
  10. Is this normal? When you buy a game, redo it, launch it on Steam. And then this is the result? I know 16 year olds who could manage a game better than you guys. It is insane to me. Get a before and after clip from Microvolts and say it had a glow up i dare you. Years of time to work on it and still nothing but dissapointment. No comunication is your biggest issue, and why? Because you have no budged, and why? Because your halfassed game doesn't generate income because you removed all content and everything that made it special. Return everything if you want to make money and have a playerbase higher than 0. It's emberassing.
  11. Like i said this game could have blown up if they had not changed anything exept for the existing bugs from surge. The sad part is they are money hungry and DONT realise that if they kept things the way they were, they would have made WAY MORE money AND had a healthy/happy playerbase.
  12. Been calling all this for 4 years now. Its useless. MVS had no p2w. Explain to me how it is p2w if you could buy hermes by doing single wave 3x a day for a month straight and collets 100 coupons? Or even rt/ rainbow hammers. At least we could have fun in non csd rooms. You want balance? Ok go play in a special mode in ranked where everyone is 2000 hp and uses the same 7 weapons. Not everyone who wants to play a shooter is looking for competitiveness. Most players are looking for fun and deep content to explore. That is what drew everyone to MVS in the first place. It was a shooter with options and good projectile designs. Now its gone. If they have all the old files still left they could reboot this game in a week or so. Make shit tonnes of money and keep a healthy player base.
  13. I crash usually 3 times after a update. The game just shuts off and i go back to my desktop instantly. But thats it afterwards i never crash again.
  14. IDK i never had problems aslong as there wasn't a lag host since i have always lower than 20 ms