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Everything posted by Sontopo

  1. I told him to send a ticket, try to send one too https://www.masanggames.com/SUPPORT_INQUIRY
  2. My friend has the same issue and he can't join my clan... would be nice if you could tell us what they can do.
  3. Probably this is due the new beta 2.0.
  4. Could you please cut this off already? Your childish fighting has nothing to do with the OP thread, so please, refrain to keep this nonsense discussion here, go private.
  5. Well, my windows memory integrity check is broken thanks to this XignCode3, they shouldn't be using XignCode3 at all. S4 League had it and was horrible, it was like having nothing.
  6. Tbh, no, the issue is most of the players are from eu or around and servers are in NA if I'm not mistaken.
  7. That's not how it works. They are not selecting players based on their game experience.
  8. Yes, they should just remove stats and change VFX and sounds.
  9. i guess they just want to stick in the old fashion way, forums, I think forums are cool.
  10. I tried to paste the link of your thread, but gives 403 error, so I had to quote.
  11. I think isn't very polite and appropiate to answer a thread in a different language than the OP used to communicate.
  12. Please, refrain to create threads that are not related to the game. By the way, this should be in Off-Topic.
  13. This is what they answered to another topic in GD. Anyway, they will surely do an OBT with tons of bugfixes.
  14. Indeed, this could be considered spam as mentioned in the forum rules:
  15. Not yet, I guess they will be making one for the CBT or probably release.
  16. CBT access is usually given randomly and is an automated process.
  17. Yo creo que cogeran a casi todos, porque ya han defraudado mucho a la comunidad con las largas esperas y los tiempos indefinidos sin comunicación.
  18. FR I never thought MV would be coming back, I'm so happy rn