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Everything posted by TheGGray

  1. isnt that the guns just skin? Cant you get same powered gun with mp? I didnt look at the shop at all so idk but if its like what i said, It's just like a LOL champ skins.
  2. We won't know until something is done or not done so dont give up
  3. Yea, if they didn't change it, it must be a bug or something. I don't remember reading about such a change.
  4. I agree with you, for the capsule system we need pity things like gacha games.
  5. You're god damn right xD
  6. What you're suggesting to block is nothing more than a challenge for a CS:GO player who turns off their crosshair. A skilled player will still continue to be skilled, whether the mechanics are on or off. In this case, new players will simply have to push themselves and adapt to the game by learning those mechanics.
  7. Selam dostlar, 2012den beri Microvolts oynayan biri olarak ve uzun yıllardır oyunun tekrar çıkışını bekleyen biri olaraktan discord topluluk sunucusu kurmayı düşünüyorum. Aktif bir şekilde forumu takip eden veya oyunu bekleyen Türkler varsa göstersin kendini. Belli mi olur belki de bir bakmışız düşündüğümüzden daha kalabalık bir topluluk ile karşılaşırız.
  8. Will there be separate pricing for countries? Any idea or any information about that?
  9. #No More P2W It's the first thing i read in whole topic, and i really like it xD