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Everything posted by Nax

  1. Good observation, I would also like to make one for you. The game was also in Spanish at the time, it would be good if they added this feature again. Greetings
  2. I already added you! We can possibly fix it by intentionally corrupting the files and asking for verification. I'll contact you later. Greetings.
  3. Contact me on discord. d_nax
  4. Try something else. Open steam, then minimize it, go to the folder where you have steam installed / steamapps / common / MicroVolts / Bin. In this path you will create a notepad and there you will place the following: set __COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker Start MicroVolts.exe To finish, save the document with any name ending with ".bat" Example: Open.bat When you save, double click on the file you just created, and hopefully you don't get an error.
  5. Hello The katana sound is produced by a bug, don't worry it will be corrected. Greetings
  6. Hello everyone! For those who have this problem, you must close microvolts and steam from processes, then open steam again, go to the library and click verify files, wait there and that's it. Greetings.
  7. Hello What error do you have exactly? Greetings
  8. Hello I invite you to make this complaint through support There they will be able to provide you with the proper attention. Greetings
  9. It is recommended that you do it through support, this way you will be able to make the report and they will be able to investigate thoroughly. Remember that the forum is to discuss general details of the game and not to report players. Greetings
  10. Nax


    Hello I would recommend that you reinstall steam and the game and try again if the error persists. Greetings
  11. Hello Please send a ticket to support and comment on your case, attaching your respective evidence. Also remember that from "Replay Mode" you can generate a report for the player. Greetings
  12. Hello I understand how annoying this can be, I invite you to save this evidence and submit a ticket to support. They will study your case and take their respective corrective measures. Greetings
  13. Nax


    You are using inappropriate language to start a post. I recommend that you moderate this language publicly, eliminate these types of expressions and try to divide the text in two. Greetings.
  14. Nax


    Can you attach a screenshot of how you have written in the forum before publishing?
  15. Nax


    Hello Fresqui Long posts are accepted, but the forum has some rules regarding "links" or the way you share images, I invite you to check carefully where you are making a mistake. I also inform you that at the moment only the massangsoft team can delete posts. Greetings
  16. In the next photo you will find the option that we mentioned before.
  17. Hello This mode already exists in a more manual way In the "esc" menu within a game you will find this option to mute some or all players. Greetings.
  18. Hello Melu is right in what he says, this game is very different from the previous versions we received. How can you say Microvolts was ever completely finished? They could add more things in the future (Example in the case of THO, maps, clothing, etc.) Yes, it is notorious that microvolts is in decline at the moment, it is obvious that for many fans who were eagerly waiting to enter, recharge rt and get their most precious items from the previous versions, they could not do so. It does not mean that in the future those players will not be recovered, as more things are added to the game, people will return. I know it's frustrating not to see the game as we got it at some point, but for now we can appreciate the effort they are making to put microvolts back on top. Greetings
  19. Hello Zoia As someone mentioned currently, this was already there. These lines of text are nothing more than that, if they are not adapted to the main game engine they will have no use, they will only be old files that were already there and are not configured today. Greetings.
  20. Hola Wow! Simplemente con esto puedo describir tu trabajo, es supremamente increible. De verdad seria algo muy bueno para la comunidad latina, como lo dice melu, hay que moldear mas la voz, si suena algo forzada. Pero no deja de ser un trabajo beta y como en todo desarrollo siempre se pasan por varias etapas para llegar a la parte final. Sin duda alguna creo que tienes el merito y ganas de llevar esto a cabo, por esto te invito a que participes del programa ¡Buscamos un socio creador! Toda la informacion la encontraras en : News & Game Updates / Announcement / Looking for Partner Creator! Tambien podras obtener mas informacion del programa y exponer tu caso en el siguiente correo : cs@masangsoft.com Mucha suerte y animo con este proyecto. Saludos!
  21. Hello As the colleague mentioned previously, all this will change with future updates, as you know it has been quite difficult to revive microvolts, and it is still undergoing constant changes and improvements for the public, look forward to all these changes. Greetings!
  22. Excellent introduction to Halloween Little by little we will return to the top. Thanks for the statement brother.
  23. Hi Zoia. Ve a la pagina de steam y loggeate, marcando la casilla de recordarte. Cuando ya este loggeado abre otra pestaña y ve a la pagina de microvolts, y le das en logearte, te llevara la pagina que dejare en la imagen anexada, le das en el recuadro verde de logearte, automaticamente te regresara a la pagina de microvolts ya loggeado. Espero puedas loggearte y informar de esta situacion, y disculpa los comentarios racistas de esta persona, estoy seguro que recivira su castigo por ello. saludos