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Everything posted by OnikaMaraj

  2. this sht is DEAD. ๐Ÿคฃ
  3. I would actually love for this to happen, but i doubt it'll happen anytime soon. Still, would be great to have it!
  4. Yeah, i don't think anyone who got to level 100+ before the update, got the rewards. I'm seeing new players that are 100+ with the gold stand though. Hoping they find a fix!
  5. I cannot agree more. I catch myself looking for stuff to upgrade because i keep being battery capped, ugh!
  6. oh my god! Finally someone with taste that i can relate to, haha. Alina Baraz just released a new song and its REALLY GOOD! It's called "Don't Buy Me Roses"! And of course, Doja Cat's "Wet V*gina" (won't spell it properly because of many reasons) Enjoy!
  7. @ me when you are off that burner account. Have a blessed night luv~
  8. I know that, but they also could've worded it differently or removed it completely. We will just have to wait, i guess. As time goes by, they will definitely notice that it will be worth for us AND them revenue wise. They can plan it, after every bug and issue we're dealing with are fixed.
  9. You're really stuck on the past i see. I'd just recommend to get it off somewhere else somehow... would probably help. Just a tip.
  10. Hey guys! I saw this empty button when i clicked on a friend in my friends list and this popped up: Hoping this means something, haha.
  11. oh ehmm... well, this is a choice. lol I really hope they change these icons or just change the leveling system in general.
  12. My favorite set would definitely be a mix between the Anesidora Legs, helmet and the Ringmaster Top!!! Gloves are optional, but definitely in the color black, hehe. It's just chefs kiss~
  13. Hmm, i see. But looking at how the community reacts to not having trade, there's a high chance that will change in the future. Then of course, how far into the future would be another question.. haha.
  14. Heya, Me personally i would just keep them. They do not give you that much MP anyways.. who know's if and when trade's gonna be available, you know?
  15. I remember the Rumpus Room Glitch, where u could squeeze yourself between the upper floor and the lower floor blocks via super jump. Didn't make the game unplayable, but made you be more aware of snipers haha
  16. Tank/Speed has always been a part of strategizing, even though some people do not wanna accept that fact. It, however, matters how you deal with them. For example: Tank = Sniper (D) Speed = Blast Radius (would be my choice at least)
  17. I totally agree. Riot Games does it, so it'd be cute to have it here as well.
  18. oh my god. U just brought back memories, since S4 League has been my childhood game that i started playing in 2011. Loved the game now, and still do.. if it wasn't infested by hackers again. Besides that, the playerbase also died by much compared to back then, haha.
  19. I completely agree with you. EDIT: I meant to quote mIKA-, oops!
  20. Ouuu.. good question. I personally would agree with LoL (definitely Evelynn!!!) Other than that, i'd love for them to have a collaboration with Tokyo Ghoul! I guess i'm a fan of dark concepts? haha
  21. Hey guys! I just thought i'd create this, since i am genuinely interested in what you played before MicroVolts was actually released. I'll start: Genshin Impact: It is genuinely fun, but after you have reached the current state of the updates etc. it does get a little "one-note". (Big whale here..) League of Legends: If it wasn't for the constant unnecessary buffs/nerfs that the champs get, i think i would have more fun playing.. but the skins make it worth it, hehe. Overwatch 2: Same thing as LoL; gets boring faster, if you're not playing with your friends. Phasmophobia: Listen.. i actually am a big scaredy cat, but this game is REALLY. FUN. Knowing each ghost type's and what their ability is may take long, but i guess that's what makes the game fun. Final Fantasy XIV: I just started playing it, but it seems really chill and soothing if you need a game to calm down while listening to music!