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Everything posted by failer

  1. Well, what is wrong with you? Have you considered the potential impact of boycotting a game? Choosing not to play as a form of protest isn't always a constructive approach, especially for small companies that could be seriously affected by such actions. Also the reasons for the boycott might not be clearly understood by the game developers. Focus on engage directly with the creators. Consider sending detailed feedback, participating in forum discussions, and using established communication channels. The moderators have already initiated several threads, which simplifies the process of expressing our opinions and stuff. If the game no longer provides enjoyment and you decide to stop playing, that’s your choice. but actively boycotting isn’t necessary. We should aim to support the game if we want it to thrive, and that requires a strong player base.
  2. The game is lacking in many aspects. From a basic weapon system with no variability whatsoever. Lack of maps and game modes that the original version had. A RT policy that tends to be abusive. A MP system that... doesn't exist lol. Bugs that have been in the game for over a month and haven't even been fixed (the katana sound). No graphical improvements in the game, despite it being over 15 years old (not even a retexture to 4K). Lack of updates that affect the gaming experience (events, maps with decorations adapted to the season, and some stuff that would refresh the game). A season pass that feels more like a subscription. Lack of communication from the team. Lack of in-game moderation. Imbalance in the game's stats. Lack of original content (everything they are uploading is recycled content from the original version, and it's only skins). These are just a few examples that come to mind spontaneously. It's clear that there is a fundamental problem: the game is in a version that is far from acceptable. Given what they have earned in the first few months, they should have some budget to work on different aspects of the game, but there are no notable updates. I know that the company's goal is to make money, but come on, at least do things right. We have invested part of our money to show support for the game and help it grow, but it seems that everything has gone to the benefit of a company about which we know absolutely nothing, and it also shows no signs of respect and trust towards its community. At this point, the best course of action would be to start from scratch. It's clear that the strategic and administrative decisions have not been the right ones, and they don't seem to have acknowledged it either. They haven't said anything in the last two months about our opinions. This subforum is full of pages from the community expressing their complaints for obvious reasons, and the administration has remained completely silent.
  3. Can we please just try to stay on topic and avoid insulting those we disagree with? This discussion isn't about our individual expertise or how long we've been playing, so please ignore your ego. Let's focus on the fact that the grenade should be nerfed and everyone who say the opposite is wrong.
  4. Well. I did like the video. The synchronization between the shots and the audio was notably well-done, which is often overlooked in many edits. In the future, please, consider using longer shots at a regular speed since that edit gave me some headache lol. I can see the effort you put into your first video tho. Keep going mate
  5. You are the smartest person in the world, but everyone else's intelligence has decreased. While you understand the complexities of the universe, you're surrounded by adults who can't even tie their shoes. I wish I could time travel.
  6. You travel to Hawaii, but you arrive during the biggest pineapple juice spill in history, which has made all the beaches sticky and closed for cleaning. I wish I could read minds.
  7. Yeah, you already said that, and I understand and appreciate your efforts in creating a topic for us to share our suggestions directly with the team. However, it is a bit concerning that we needed a specific channel to convey our feedback when many of us have been actively sharing insights on the game for over a month. Anyways, I kindly suggest checking out this subforum, since it contains valuable feedback on various features, some of them from players that have quit, so they might not see this. I hope we can ensure that all valuable suggestions are taken into consideration.
  8. Hey buddy. I just don't understand why we even bother creating topics on the official game forum if they're not going to pay attention. It seems the only way to get our opinions across is through a moderator who communicates with them on a different platform (Discord). I don't want to come off as overly critical or as a 'hater'. It's just disheartening for me to think that they don't even read the forum.
  9. Hey yo! Let me tell you some facts. If I understand correctly (correct me if I'm wrong), he intends to adapt the textures, assets, and other elements to a 4K resolution. The graphical engine they use has its inherent limitations, so don't expect more than that. Remaking the game is an option, but I fear they won't pursue it because it's far too expensive for them to even consider. They've had the rights to this game for years and haven't made any changes. They're merely releasing "premium" clothing and weapons that they didn't create (since they've been in the game for a long time) as part of an event to generate revenue. It's nonsensical. Their player base has significantly dropped in just one month. At launch, there were 4,000 players. Now, they struggle to attract even 400. The absence of marketing, fresh content, and communication from the developers discourages people from even downloading the game. We can't equate Apex Legends, which saw a 4x player peak two years after its release, with Microvolts. Budgets are not the same. Their marketing team totally missed the mark. They should've focused on us, the die-hards who've been around for 16 years. We're all grown up now and wouldn't mind shelling out a bit for a game that's been a huge part of our lives. But nope, they didn't get the memo. They didn't bring anything new to the table and didn't even throw a nod to their OG fans. Game was not dead, they simply killed it.
  10. I actually think that snipers should be able to oneshot people. After all, what's the purpose of sniping if they can't? However, their rapid weapon-swapping speed puts them in an overly advantageous position. To balance this, the number of bullets they have should be reduced, followed by a decrease in their firing rate.
  11. Well, the main purpose of the game was to make it entirely free-to-play (F2P). Only cosmetic changes would cost RP, which, in my opinion, is the best option they could choose. As for the content, yeah, you're pretty right there.
  12. Well, I'm just gonna quote (literally) what I said in another post, which, I think is very relatable to the situation going on. Upon searching the internet, it appears that Masangsoft primarily concentrates on acquiring game rights and implementing micropayments to achieve money. They have owned (or had owned) dozens of games in the past, with most of them now shut down due to a lack of updates. Players simply stopped playing (GunZ, for instance). A lot of players reinstalled the game driven by a sense of nostalgia. However, nostalgia tends to fade once you become accustomed to the provoking elements; players begin to notice the game's lingering limitations and bugs, and eventually choose not to continue playing, especially when alternatives are just a click away. The developers haven’t really fixed any of the bugs, graphical, or gameplay issues that the game had 16 years ago. There’s still a hardware limitation tied to a graphics engine that was developed nearly 20 years ago, with no updates since 2012. Perhaps a remake would be a solution? Recreating the game with Unreal Engine could be fantastic, sure. However, Masangsoft, a company of fewer than 100 people, probably can’t afford that (even with their $7,41 million annual sales), or their developers don't know HOW to do that (don't forget that Masangsoft only focuses on getting the rights of the game). I don't know how accurate this info is, since I'm getting all this information from the South Korean Business Database. The only viable option for them? Adjust the game balance, introduce micropayments, and hope that players spend enough to bring profitability to a game that was essentially dead before they even launched it. I fear Microvolts will not be an exception. They have held the game rights for a long time but didn’t release the game until now. And when they did, it’s basically the same version we were used to. The reality is, we’re not children anymore, and the industry has advanced significantly, deterring us from sticking with a game that holds no promise for the future.
  13. Well, what Fryzas mentioned is probably, the accurate response. Upon searching the internet, it appears that Masangsoft primarily concentrates on acquiring game rights and implementing micropayments to achieve money. They have owned (or had owned) dozens of games in the past, with most of them now shut down due to a lack of updates. Players simply stopped playing (GunZ, for instance). A lot of players reinstalled the game driven by a sense of nostalgia. However, nostalgia tends to fade once you become accustomed to the provoking elements; players begin to notice the game's lingering limitations and bugs, and eventually choose not to continue playing, especially when alternatives are just a click away. The developers haven’t really fixed any of the bugs, graphical, or gameplay issues that the game had 16 years ago. There’s still a hardware limitation tied to a graphics engine that was developed nearly 20 years ago, with no updates since 2012. Perhaps a remake would be a solution? Recreating the game with Unreal Engine could be fantastic, sure. However, Masangsoft, a company of fewer than 100 people, probably can’t afford that (even with their $7,41 million annual sales), or their developers don't know HOW to do that (don't forget that Masangsoft only focuses on getting the rights of the game). I don't know how accurate this info is, since I'm getting all this information from the South Korean Business Database. The only viable option for them? Adjust the game balance, introduce micropayments, and hope that players spend enough to bring profitability to a game that was essentially dead before they even launched it. I fear Microvolts will not be an exception. They have held the game rights for a long time but didn’t release the game until now. And when they did, it’s basically the same version we were used to. The reality is, we’re not children anymore, and the industry has advanced significantly, deterring us from sticking with a game that holds no promise for the future.
  14. Oh, this sounds like a fantastic idea! Hope you can gather enough players 😄
  15. Did u try to reinstall the game via Steam? Seems like some files are corrupted, causing your grame to crash when it tries to load some assets
  16. Send a ticket to the support team. It might be something temporal and It surely will be fixed soon, but hey, it would be better for them to be aware of that bug as soon as posible. Looks like an AI generated response, lol.
  17. My bad. I already sold all my duplicates. Those capsules I bought with MP weren't worth it. 🥲
  18. I agree with you. Even though they are the largest maps in the game, they still seem relatively small for a Zombie Survivor mode accommodating 16 players. It's a bit dissapointing, and it often feels like you're going to die no matter what.
  19. Uhm, I get your point, but I believe the game is still in its early stages, and it will likely improve over time. The issues you mentioned mainly pertain to balancing, which shouldn't take them too long to address. Regarding the Zombie Mode issues you mentioned, back in the original game, the mode was never balanced for fair players (those who don't use glitches on maps to access inaccessible points). It seems they prioritized to fix this issue to make the experience more enjoyable for newcomers. One major concern with this mode is the size of the maps. They are remarkably small in comparison to the number of players (16 people), making it quite challenging for Toys to survive against Zombies toward the end of the game. This is why I never liked this gamemode. Larger maps would be an excellent solution, but I suspect there may be technical limitations stemming from the game engine preventing such changes. As for the Pay-to-Win issue, the developers have successfully eliminated that concern. The game is now truly free-to-play since there are no stat advantages for paying players over non-paying ones. The only current limitation lies in the limited variety of costumes available for purchase, whether with real money or not. However, I believe this shortage is likely due to the game's early stage of development, and I'm pretty sure that they will introduce new sets in the future.
  20. I'm not necessarily saying it was the optimal choice, but given that it's the development team's decision, there are likely valid reasons behind it. I do wonder, however, if retaining a 'normal' level scaling system might have been more beneficial
  21. I think It's all about inclusivity. Simplifying early-level progression can attract a wider player base, including newcomers to gaming or the genre (specially kids). This ensures that more players can enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed.