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Everything posted by reeb

  1. Long way to come πŸ›€οΈ
  2. Ill wait for official Discord server tho
  3. In my opinion ranking system and lvl system should be 2 separate things, like in League of Legends for example. Lvl should be going 1-100 with visible graphical info on that Ranking should be based ONLY on ranked type game mode, and dont affect all gamemodes
  4. reeb


    Ye, Discord would be really needed for developement info, hope it will appear sooner or later
  5. We are all waiting ❌🧒
  6. Beta should be this summer πŸ’―
  7. All things that we arleady know bout game seems like we will have good old OG Microvolts πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈπŸ§’
  8. This forum is tiny little bby step and there are arleady hundreds of players, we all wait. Keep it πŸ…ΏοΈ
  9. reeb


    Man, things happen. It's dev team after all so it's obvious that some delays will occur. We have to wait. 🐸
  10. Ye, we really should focus on helping on Microvolts grow. Part of advertisement is in our hands πŸ‘€
  11. I think most wanted are Europe, NA and South America ones. In order 😬
  12. If game will launch on steam, there should be an option to add custom maps trough workshop, but it is not needed. Microvolts always had a lot of maps to choose from 😈
  13. 1. There should be 5/9 upgrades for each weapon? I think previous upgrade system worked pretty nice, 1-5 is more likely to upgrade than 6-9 and thats for good. If the Team is going to create more non p2w system, all upgrades imo should stay and be like visual aspects of the veapon that will look better! 2. Are you ok with the Success-Upgrade Winrate? Yes, its good. Hard, but as life its. 3. Do you think Super-Glue event could be nice system? 1/week based on a Quest? Ye, its good, like daily logins or sth. Agreed. 4. Trade System could be free/open/disabled? Trade system imo should be paid some MP, like 5k for one change. Its just changing with other players but in order to do so you have to get 15-20 lvl or sth to stop grinding players.
  14. 1 - Ranked ....................................................................... YE THATS GOOD, BUT SEPARETE IT FROM ACTUAL RECENT GAME RANKING SYSTEM (1-100 lvl) 2 - Battle pass................................................................. NOT VERY GOOD OPTION, BUT IF THEY REALLY NEED IT TO MAKE GAME EARN MONEY IT ISN'T THE END OF THE WORLD FOR ME 3 - New maps and skins ................................................ AS LONG AS WE KEEP "TOY, SCRAPS N STUFF" VIBE, IM IN 4 - New game modes, maybe a Battle Royale............. NEW MODES OK, LIKE HIDE N SEEK, DUNNO ABOUT BATTLE ROYALE THO - IT NEEDS BIG MAP, NOT REALLY FOR THAT TYPE OF GAME 5 - I hope you don't run away from the toy theme....... +1 6 - End of P2W..................................................................+1 7 - South American servers.............................................IM IN EUROPE SOOOOO 8 - Maybe Nfts..................................................................NAH MAN WHYYYY 9 - Create western-themed skins, only eastern was saturated....................IDK, ITS REALLY SPECIFIC 10 - Voice chat....................................................................................................MAYBE IN LIKE TEAMS OR CLAN WARS, RANKEDS OR ELIM, NOT GLOBAL THO 11 - Seasons accompanied with ranked and prizes for the best!..................DONT MAKE SECOND FORTNITE, ALL ARE SICK OF IT 12 -More events..................................................................................................OK 13 -More events with rewards, events with free rewards behind an objective that makes the player stay longer in the game............OK 14 - Weekly or monthly news, in a game you can't leave the player without new experiences!................................................................YE
  15. At this point only time will tell, just keep watching imo πŸ‘οΈ
  16. Truth is - really we all don't know much. We have 2 options: Wait patiently Forgot about project I truly believe in that project tho, hope to get that memories back again πŸ’―
  17. smooth, cant wait 😈