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  1. Hello everyone, I have tried the CB 2.0 and some few things i would like to see changed. 1. The sniper scope, it feels weird and shaky and i would recommend to restore the sniper scope to how it was in MV and also you can check how it’s in Toy Heroes. 2. The reload are slow especially with grenades. 3. The shotgun damage with the KW is weak and you perhaps need 4 shots to get a kill with it. 5. The rifle needs a bit more balancing, I almost landed every shoot with the rifle on someone and was stunned how they survived it.. 6. This just my opinion concerning the sounds of the weapons, i find it annoying and i like the old one the one Toy Heroes uses is perfect. Overall you guys did a great job and hopefully this game becomes the hottest on the gaming market. Best wishes to you all.
  2. So what’s gonna happen to THO?
  3. Did they just delete the levels?
  4. Hi, can we have a follow up at the end of every month? We wanna know that this time you will release the game for real
  5. Hello we finally got an answer after so long!! Anyways when’s the release date?