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Everything posted by SweatyGengar

  1. realistically. If what the program does is only to put a static crosshair on your screen it is not cheating. its the same as putting something in real life in ur screen to see the exact center of it. If it does not give u an actual advantage from other players it is not cheating. For example Auto Locking (aimbot) walls ect is cheating because it gives you something you should not have. A crosshair especially in microvolts is given.
  2. log in rewards are a loop of minimal MP and Stands with different png masangsoft i dont ๐Ÿคž u
  3. current microvolts is 30-40 people who tryhard on every single game and only play junk and bitmap because they are the 2 smallest maps and they can out snipe u 24/7 The problem is not the explosives. its the skill cap. you have literally the best of the best playing with new players. so of course new players won't play this. who wants to play a game to go 0/20/0 50 games in a row. The game is only "enjoyable" to people who played the original. and even if they are not good the only reason they are playing is because of the memories they have from the og game.
  4. technically that's wrong. The game makes money as long as someone is paying for micro transactions at this point. By refusing to play for a while you stop purchasing RT/spinning capsules and the game starts to lose income. Forcing devs to either Drop the project OR work on it so people can spend again. If you haven't noticed the game does feel iffy. has been since day one and a lot of people have called it out. But instead of anyone looking into that we get a capsule parts swap. more minimal rewards like 50-100mp and fucking stands which oh god i',m so sick of. My point is. The game is not at a good state as of right now. Buggy rounds , laggy matches , possible cheaters left and right. go on and go on. These all need to be resolved before asking for money every week by changing the capsules and adding new MP parts which guess what. u can only get by spending RT and getting mp from the capsules.
  5. lets talk facts since you've started this argument. Tank in the og game was disrespectful. Since speed was always the hardest thing. Speed would require you to have good pathing and a good evade rather that taking hits head on like tanks did. Now in this current state its worse. Since the player base has gotten way better since the original by playing toy heroes ect while the game was closed. It is harder to kill someone who needs 4 bazooka bullets and 2 shotgun shots from up close / 2 sniper shots / 3 shotgun shots and half a riffle mag Rather than killing someone who is slightly faster and dies with 2 bazooka shots. 1 sniper or 2 shotgun shots And maybe speed isn't for the "beginner players" since the skill required to play well with speed is higher than playing tank. If you can't hit a speed player its either because your aim is literally bad or because he is just a better player.
  6. i've said that since day one. some weapons seem off. and speed is not worth it now. EVERYONE is playing tank. if you're a speed player its simply unfair. I have a rule not to play tank. You might find it childish but i've had it since surge. Now whenever i play an elim i have to basically kill 2 people instead of 1 for a kill and its infuriating. Also sometimes its true that speed is not active until you equip a speed melee and even then sometimes it bugs and u run normally just with the base hp
  7. there is a cw (clan wars) event. You register your clan and party members and participate. I believe the event is currently full but you can look it up in the discord or somewhere in the forum
  8. i had the same problem. easy solution that worked for me. i just closed my steam completely (logged off as well) opened it back and it worked just fine. Also i had a problem where because of the RIOT VANGUARD my game wouldn't open. and when i closed it, it worked just fine
  9. Pretty much alot of the above. Just to clarify this post was created to ask for "game modes" i saw a lot of people asking for weapons and a level remake q_q.. So. I'd like my boss battle back. 4 max. (If possible without the cost of tickets. just make the rates of the drops super low so people grind it instead of paying for it.) Next would be Arms Race. Possibly the (more fun) ffa. Where instead of sweating you just enjoy using (non accessible weapons) and racing with other players on who will get a kill with all of them first! Now. This is a personal Idea not something that existed before but I think something that would be quite creative and fun. "Hide and Seek". Basically a similar premise to Zombie mode. One player hunts the rest of the lobby. who ever the seeker finds they join his team and try to find the rest of the survivors. The twist? The seeker has some sort of blindness. Since it will be only melee to be balanced the hiders will be slowed (half of the normal speed) while the seeker will be faster (max possible speed). The blindness effect I'm speaking of would be like a dark shadow surrounding your screen. Similar to a sniper scope but not visible all the way. That's all. Appreciate u asking for this โค๏ธ
  10. Eastern European Summer Time Also i understand that most people work during that time. i'm in college so i don't have any troubles. But sadly that is the only time i genuinely had fun playing without sweating
  11. This is for EU server: In all realness sometimes i just wanna sit back relax and play with one arm and enjoy the game for what it is. Usually at 5-7pm the servers get the most population and there are a lot of maxed out lobbies where people try too hard to get a good kda and flame. That for me is unnecessary. So what do i do? i play in the morning times. 7-11am its so fun. There are new players and u can teach them stuff. there are some good players who are laid back and enjoy the game instead of flaming and its genuine just a good time Now. i know probably the majority of the players here dont care about that since they just play for 30-40 minutes tryhard and log off. but if u do feel like you don't enjoy that part so much and just wanna relax a bit like me feel free to join me early on >.>
  12. You go to Australia but you get bitten by a Spider (You don't become spiderman you just become paralyzed) I wish i could get My Blue Nether Blade back (Also davi i love u. best moderator here you're fun)
  13. Simply said. for the past 2 weeks every game I've played it feels like there is a 300 ping latency (including people freezing warping ect.) My ping is 50-70 I asked other people they said they had the same problem as me. Game is unplayable right now Just played a game and died 6 times behind a wall from opponents that i couldn't even see. When playing the replay it also looked as if they were wall banging me each time as well.
  14. most hackers will be easily spotted. if u see a guy with basics hitting every sniper shot in milliseconds its a cheater. u can always use the replay system to make sure but once you've played alot of this game its easily spotted
  15. Happy to announce that we are back and We are looking for 1.Original players of blackbox 2.Good players that are active The Recruitment progress is quite simple. ~You have to be over 90 level to try out(for clan points purposes) ~You need to be an active player ~To get into 1 of the 3 teams you need to try out with the leader of that specified team. Now. You might ask : What do you mean by 3 teams gengar? Well! let me tell you! So the clans have a limit of 30 players, so i thought How about making 3 teams of 10 people for each individual "job"? that way we can all play a role. What are the roles? simple Team 1: The Cw team.(Clan wars) With me being the team Leader we will be doing (most) of the cw. meaning we will be the competitive aspect of blackbox. Team 2: The scrims Team This team will be also good players that are constantly evolving their skills by playing in public lobbies and dominating there. Team 3: The Fun Team Basically here we will have people who got accepted and can fill the roles of team 1 and team 2 in case something goes wrong or we need a player. (This team will also be doing most of the Event Missions for the clan if These happen) So if you wanna Try out. Hit me up on Microvolts (GengarSweaty) Or on discord (gengargone) To try out for Team 1. Team's 2 Leader is Currently Hayataco on Mv And team 3 Leader is not yet decided so we can appoint one of you if an original member doesn't take it. We also have a discord that I'm happy to give out once you've tried out even if you don't pass we are happy to expand the server with a nice community. Thank you ~Gengar
  16. tbf i play with mellee:a riffle:b shotgun:b sniper:b no bazooka:c grenade:c and i was a full tank player but got tilted after 20 sniper shots that didnt 1 shot but i'd die from 1 bazooka so i became a tank user as well sadly
  17. i agree. there should be a level limit instead of seals. So that people cant just carry all their weapons and sets to reset their kda. but they can if they've played an X amount of hours on the other account
  18. the new parts that have been added are improved in terms of graphics quality. but yes i agree with everything you said
  19. Way too much negativity. I understand the frustration and that you wanna express your opinion but there are a lot of ways u can do that without being so hateful. Graphic improvement has been done on certain parts and cosmetics. If it changed too much it wouldn't be microvolts anymore Sound design is fine. You probably have your own personal opinion on it Doesn't mean everyone agrees. A,b,c,d types are great and allow everyone to use the same weapons no matter if they use RT. i think its an amazing add The level SYSTEM and the MG i do agree need to be re-worked on but the game JUST LAUNCHED. so you can wait 2 weeks and see. If they dont fix it by then i'd say you can be hateful.
  20. So. Simple and short 1.The clan icons and clan names being visible again. 2.The level icons CHANGED (personal opinion but these are bad.) 3.Reset the levels (keep guns and clans). The game came out TODAY and more than 30 people are lvl 100. I'm level 55 myself. It shouldn't be that easy to get levels. OR If it is that easy. I'd suggest adding seasons. That would give people something to grind for each time. Level max being 100 and then resetting. With rewards along each milestone of LVL.
  21. You Got Andrew Tate! I insert a Cigar
  22. yes. but since i know it from release i want it now :). everyone is greedy. myself included. i want that specific item and i want it to be rare like it was.
  23. sea wasp. im droppin 100 easilly if sea wasp is in launch. and IM HOPING its an early access capsule only. Like first month of the launch then they remove it.