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  1. The main reason why MV looks "good" or "unique" is because everything that you can see in the game is fake. The entire lightning is pre-calculated, baked to files and simply drawn over the map textures. Therefore you can't really compare it to Unreal Engine games as MV is full of illusions. Heck, you can't even have moving objects in MV because the lightning would mismatch with the rest of the map. Imagine wanting to go to the beach but instead of actually going, you just print a picture of a beach and stick it to your wall. Yeah, that's MicroVolts for you.
  2. A lot of people in this community have a misconception about Masangsoft. Masangsoft primarily purchases online games to maintain them, not to greatly develop them. They basically prevent them from dying and run them as a legacy service. It was also stated multiple times by Leo that they want to use a self-sustaining concept which provides them with income even without having to continuously add new content. Also the previous developer NQ Games was backed by a big telecommunication company which provided them tons of sweet $$$ to develop MV. I highly doubt that it was ever profitable for them. In Korea, the game is mocked as Kimchi Fortress 2 and was a huge flop. The only reason why it survived in Europe is because it could run on every potato machine and had a hand full of players from every country creating a somewhat stable playerbase. Let's not trick ourselves into believing that MV will become some sort of Fortnite 2.0 or will become popular in any other way.
  3. Exactly this. Besides from a lot of technical issues with these characters, the newest ones (Kai not included) do really feel empty and were made without any devotion during a phase where NQ Games has gone into full cash grab mode. As a dev, each further character also increases the amount of clothing parts that you would need to release if you plan on not letting the character die again.
  4. I know that a lot of players just want to help right now, but I think Masangsoft first wants players to report bugs related to this beta (for example text errors, bugs related to the upgrading or when something behaves unusual etc etc). At least that's what I understood from reading their statements so far. Big changes like the one in this thread will cost them a lot of time and should be done once the game is running in an acceptable state. Besides from that, not everything OP wrote is important or necessary for them to focus on. The current tick rate is fine as it only affects movement and states in the game and actions such as shooting are handled instantly. The checks mentioned in point 2 to 4 would increase the security a little bit but would also conflict with the concept of the cast server only being a relay server (as a client dev you expect it to not temper with your sent data in any way). Since the entire game logic is implemented and verified on the (host) client, the host is basically the "server" of the match and all suggested checks would need to be implemented there. Besides that, I agree that the host client must put less trust into the other clients and the general broadcast logic of the cast server must be reworked. The disk item structure isn't optimal but does not cause so significant loading times for the devs to focus on right now. Some core aspects such as that each time or upgrade variant is treated as a different item will be almost impossible to change unless they want to rewrite large parts of the client, server and admin tools. The render issue is also most likely caused by bad culling and physics code (all players are kinematic PhysX actors with a very poorly optimized custom collision handler...) and other stuff unrelated to gamebryo directly. Regardless of all that, you can easily reach hundreds of FPS with average hardware most of the time and therefore this isn't necessarily an urgent beta issue. Also, I'm not sure what you mean with demo system, but in case of a replay system like in Overwatch, this is literally impossible unless you build the entire foundation of the game on such a system. You would need to transform the entire logic of how events are created, dispatched and handled to be able to replay them and reproduce the exact same gameplay. But for the other features such as the social stuff and trading, I fully agree and they could also provide Masang with some more options to capitalize on the game.
  5. Yeah, they have to find the sweet spot where the game is enjoyable for both zombies and figures. As the other posters here said, the size of the map will heavily influence the fairness and balance and must be taken into consideration. Tweaking the zombie HP, zombie knockback and player weapon strength can probably help achieving that goal.
  6. I strongly believe that the devs thought foreigners = americans and therefore only launched the NA server.. 이 게임의 플레이어들이 대부분 유럽 사람이라서 유럽 서버 만들어주세요^^
  7. You have to consider that Masangsoft has a small budget and might not be able to afford the same systems as AAA titles. Xigncode is already implemented into the game and therefore easy to further maintain. I know that it sucks to hear, but free to play shooters with the scale of MicroVolts will always be haunted by cheaters.
  8. In this case I didn't even consider Kai as a new character as he is actually the second character after Naomi that was added to the original korean game (with Naomi being the "base girl" and Kai being the "base boy" character). Don't ask me why he wasn't activated in MicroVolts earlier tho.
  9. I know that you had good intentions when creating the thread, but these suggestions are largely unrelated to the closed beta. I think the time for such suggestions will come once the game is in a stable and balanced state.
  10. The newer characters created by NQ Games are a complete mess (also item wise) which is why you are better off removing them entirely from the game. This will save you resources and time during the first development stages of the game. There will always be an opportunity to add these later on when the game is balanced and running well.
  11. The game was initially developed for low end computers and to offer a free alternative to TF2. Besides some casual players from developed nations, this also has attracted a certain type of audience from countries that I'm not going to describe further. You can't ever resolve the toxic nature of these people but a better chat filtering system and moderation might help a lot.
  12. That makes no sense at all. If the specific stat is accessable to all players equally then the game can still be perfectly balanced. I believe it is good to let the player have some kind of "build" (RS/HP) that he can enter the battle with and follow different strategies.
  13. Not that any of those points are wrong, but I could have sworn that I have seen almost every concept somewhere ;)
  14. Well, as I said the players in this forum are most likely all familiar with MicroVolts. Therefore only advertising the beta in this forum will already get you experienced players. What they probably meant is that they will not advertise this beta anywhere else so that no new players will sign up to the beta in the first place.
  15. This bug is really hard to fix without clear steps to replicate it. I think Masangsoft should focus on other bugs first that are clearly reproducible.