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miwafoxl last won the day on June 11 2023

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  1. Good meme, although I'm pretty sure the team behind the tournaments are consisted with different individuals. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Fanbase brasileira (acho díficil ser a portuguesa) do MV parece tar tão ruim quanto a fanbase gringa Nem parece que passou uma década, parece que crescer é opcional hoje em dia tehee
  3. Ninguém vai te entender aqui se você escrever em Português, aqui é majoritariamente um forúm inglês-cêntrico, mas vou tentar fazer um sumário pra os gringos Translation-summary: She is saying that the despite the newly added Xigncode anti-cheat, cheaters are still present on the game, allegedly with aimbots, speed boost and also unnatural use of snipers and rifles. Apparently some players have 2560 health points (?) Afaik, all the characters have 2000 health points. She also recorded footage of those players in action, and sent to Steam for cheating analysis. Not sure if what she saying is an actual concern, I'm just here breaking the language barrier.
  4. Once upon a time, there was toys. Toys were evil, toys didn't want to stay togheter, toys need to fight in order to be the only one remaining. So the toys started battling each other because they want. Toys want something out of their lives. Toys want to be played with. Toys are fun. Toys want attention of their owner. So toys started killing and dismantling each other for dominance. At the end, there was no owner. The owner was too busy on the computer, playing MicroVolts: Surge.
  5. I think this is all a mess, they're trying to unify an account between their games in MasangGames, but their server/account provider it's pretty bad and unreliable. I tried to delete this account to create another with a different email but it was a solid mess I've made because of the server or whatever. I got even a hard time changing my password.
  6. Website ignored my formatting, can't paste links.
  7. Unfinished games have always existed, since the beginning of gaming. Here is an example of N64 half-baked game. Those will not go away anytime soon because the nature of the relationship between money and the industry. Some studios really like the idea of milking money out of games just because this industry more valued than any other. I agree, so many bad games this year, LoTR: Gollum, Redfall, Jedi Survivor, Forspoken (Forspoken is not even glitchy or bad, just a completely MID and cringey game, makes me feel nothing). I get your expectations are like this and so do is mine. Good thing is that Leo with MasangSoft are most likely NOT trying to make AAA game. I believe MicroVolts it's on the weaker side of gaming, it's just as notorious as some indie games nowadays. The good part of being "underground" — so to speak — is that you probably won't make much profit, your game is destined to not be played by many people because there is no much of interest. 100% of those PRETTY BAD games we can admit that it just a cash grab. There is no inspiration in such games, nothing new to see here, just a way to make some money. MicroVolts is probably not these kinda of games, it doesn't make sense, there is not enough engagement to make a profit of this game even if the leadership was the most evil. They would be destroying something that is already "destroyed" and people would just get out of the boat, end of MV, it's now a matter of another developer to make a game with the same aesthetic, that's it. I said before in this forum, but I'd like to reiterate this: everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY — have an idea of what a 2023 version of MicroVolts should be, EVERYBODY. Some wants the game to have graphical updates, engine updates, remove characters, add characters, "do not change anything" people, "change everything" people. A divided fanbase is inevitable for this game because everybody has an idea of how this game should be updated and I believe it's a matter of acceptance, communication and collaboration to seek and agreement of how the fuck this game should be. Okay, another thing is that, it's the exact same game. They haven't changed a thing on it's core, so if you remember bugs from 10 years ago, they're probably still there AND it's good to bring them to the public view, because that's the way of fixing them. Yeah, swap is not a feature. Other than that, it's the exact same thing.
  8. That's some pretty good sketches, I like it! Excited to see the coloured version 😆 I mean, I bet no one here haven't complained and doubted MasangSoft's competence... I'm tired of it, I'm already seeing that the game I want will never come out of this. Everyone here apparently has a different vision of what a 2023 version of MicroVolts should be, and a perfectly divided MV's fanbase is inevitable under the current circumstances That's what happens when you try to revive a dead live service from 10 years ago. It's actually pretty realistic to think they can't make this game live enough after release 1.0, there all reasons for that that were extensively discussed throughout the forums. Lack of communication, no road-map, no regular releases (something like Paladins' Open Beta), game engine from 2005 (makes adding content really difficult and time-consuming), balancing of the game, they can't monetize the game only to OG players, new players should come and receive a modernized experience in order to monetize and grow further... and so on. I'm completely pessimistic about MV's future ... at least I would be happy to know that this game didn't die again. Only a really really comprehensive and passionate game designer can solve that many problems UNDER the budget limitations WHILE still manages to please most of the fanbase. MasangSoft have some really strong weight on their backs right now, probably going through the wrong way I'd argue. I mean I don't know their plans (again, no road-map), only the problems they have to solve.
  9. Glad I could help 😌
  10. It's a little more offensive than that: "D*ck in the devs that wont launch the game" Well I didn't expect brazilians to help this project much, yet the only ones I've saw in this forum (as far as I can tell) were just being stupid beings ...
  11. Bad Kitty... It's kinda sad in a certain way because the game will apparently not evolve even though is being re-released after 10 years, the expectations is that the game would be at least modernized in the aspects it need (not talking about graphics), and clearly has in some, like the removal of P2W components. I guess it will be just a "original version" of ToyHereos without P2W.
  12. I mean textures updates would be fine to me, especially if it's "remastering" the older textures, giving a better definition (higher resolutions) and that's a thing that can actually be done with the current circumstances, but my man is talking about porting the game to Unreal Engine 5 which basically means redoing the entire thing, which is ... unrealistic (?) Certainly can be done, but would require a lot of time to MasangSoft to work and also could be a shoot in the foot if the game is unable to run properly due to bad optimizations giving that the game would be calculating lighting in real-time and probably would receive higher-detailed models. Still quite unrealistic in my perspective ...
  13. Yeah I'm entirely aware of this technique, was all over the place in older games because it was the least demanding in hardware. It's quite literally called "baked textures" or "baked lighting" and yeah everything you said about moving objects is a thing that can't happen because of the technique limitation.