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Everything posted by OGSapphire

  1. Well nice post but they removed the tutorial gift for some reason it was in the previous betas.
  2. And they need to add the system toyheroes added their good for f2p players.. The loot box and level up system
  3. The only good thing they can do is revert the game back to surge and fix everything from there with live feedback and make close betas for the new things they want to add in the game, its that easy.. like how can a company do this baaaad!!!!!
  4. By 'verifying caches' you mean verifying the integrity of game files ? Well go to that path that it gave you delete the named file from the error then go to steam -> game properties -> verify integrity game files and it should work, if it doesnt that doesnt work then reinstall the game.
  5. Game gltiches / bugs A visual bug where you cant see any rooms on any server.
  6. I love ur ideas about the competitive shop, titles, cons and pros. Nice thread 👌
  7. Dont really get ur hopes up about playing the game because of the stage its in is very bad just look at the feedback provided by the ayers and you'll see.
  8. They probably want us to test basic weapons only so dont give it too much about those..
  9. MicroVolts Beta 3.0 - feedback v2 Gamemodes Capture the battery, free for all, team deathmatch shouldnt have ammo and hp laying on the map it shhould drop from the players sometimes. Capture the battery has close spawns to the mid on house top. Game glitches / bugs I got into a ffa match and my map was black after that i pressed f12 to take a screenshot then it crashed.(it gave an error but i forgot to take a screenshot of it) At the end of a match everyone gets stuck in place(i know it doesnt matter that much but it matters for me =]) When you join sometimes the maps has parts of it black (example: the red chair on hobby shop) Random crashes. Random connection failed errors. Map glitches are still, they need to be fixed untill the release of the game. When making a room sometimes it gives an error about the title having an invalid word and title of the room is a standard one given by the game. Weapons Melee - it doesnt need rng. It ruins the melee only. Rifle - needs a buff on firing rate because its the worst out of all the weapons. Shotgun - theres no need for rng if it cant be removed then lower it by a lot even with the upgrade on power it doesnt do a 2 shot.. nerf on it power atleast -200 or -300 damage. Sniper - the sniper does too much dmg for a stock weapon. 2.2k(if upgraded on power and 2k dmg iisnt ok either for stock) isnt ok it needs to do 1.8k dmg or something like that and it shouldnt deal the same damage on the legs as the upper body.(which is 2.2k dmg), when hitting on the legs it should deal around 1.8k(if the damage stat stays the same). Not all snipers should have double zoom only venom. Microgun - all good, i actually like it even if i dont use it. Bazooka - it needs changing on reloading speed. Grenade launcher - all good here. Overall - if these weapons are gonna be stock weapons stats they will be good enough. Suggestions These are suggestions for the beta. We need more things to test on the shop. Add the ranked and league modes so we can test them and give feedback if they wont work. P.S : The list may have typos & unban me from the discord server
  10. But if they stay like this its ok because they are stock weapons. The shotgun needs a nerf on power like -300 or -200. Rocket and nade launcher - zooka needs nerfing on reloading speed, nade launcher need a little buff on firing rate but like i said above if they stay like this its ok as they are stock weapons.
  11. This beta weapon balancing is better than the other 2 betas.. They need to remove rng from shotgun or atleast lower it, buff firing rate for rifle and bazooka reloading speed but if they stay like this its ok because they are basic weapons so it doesnt really matter.. They really need to add other weapons untill the next week and parts, sets and accesories
  12. Try to verify integrity of the games and if that doesnt work reinstall the game
  13. Try to verify integrity of the games and if that doesnt work reinstall the game
  14. Well idk i didnt get any reasoning of why i am banned on there
  15. Idk for me it only works when im signed in with steam try with masangsoft account then if you can see the clans but to create or join a clan you need lvl 20. Just know that the clan system is useless anyways nothing about the clan you created/joined shows up in game.
  16. Level 99 has its own level icon, i send a photo with all the level icons on official discord server but i got banned from it so it got deleted
  17. MicroVolts Beta 3.0 - Feedback This will topic will have major and minor feedback. Misc Lvl 99 has the lvl 98 icon. Remove AI mode as it is useless especially for a beta. Sometimes the scoreboard doesnt want to show up when i press TAB. After the match when you press the button to exit and go back to lobby the cursor doesnt show, you have to press ENTER for chat then press on the exit button. You can stream the game on discord(you have to stream on screen 1 for the game not to crash) Too many bugs/glitches that make the game crash.(some of them werent in beta 2.0) If you lower the resolution from 1920x1024 the game gets pixelated Things to add throughout the beta More accessories, sets/parts and weapons.(especially the new sets the team did) Add clan system to work in-game. Ranked and league mode so we can give feedback to them. Item presets. Game glitches / bugs Sometimes when i leave the match it gives me an error pop-up like 3 times with a different error everytime.. Example : unPReadCurrentFile -2 setup/STEAM/popup_01.dds unPReadCurrentFile -2 setup/STEAM/shop_04.dds In-game when i press on the clan button(next to the Limited Capsule) it goes straight to microsoft edge or internet explorer which wont work.(if you can change into google, idk) When i press the coupon button it crashes my game or sometimes leaves the game and the pop-up for coupon comes out(Link to imgur) For some people the game doesnt work (its either some issues conneting or missing files) PS : UNBAN ME FROM THE OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER
  18. If i got rightfully banned for being a "troll" then me helping members that are clueless is considered the trollingT-T
  19. OGSapphire

    Unban me

    Unban on the official discord server it aint right.. i get banned for helping the clueless members but the trolls that say racist things dont get banned? Whats this about T-T
  20. Oh yea i forgot when you make a clan it doesnt show anything about it in-game, you cant even talk in clan chat or in the users list. It only shows up on the site
  21. The anti cheat is added but you can just abuse the AI mode to lvl but it doesnt matter since its beta
  22. If you try to stream the game on discord it crashes the game.