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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/23 in all areas

  1. This CBT is terrible, there is nothing in here that justifies 6 years of development. Same UI, same performance, same mechanics, same weapons and same cash grab system. What surprises me more is the audacity to use "RT" for the in-game cash currency. lol (Rock Hippo = Rock Tokens). They have no idea what Microvolts is, what makes it fun or whatever, the only thing they were brieffed was about the game balance (which they're still failing to solve too). I wasn't able to play the previous beta tests but god, this is the THIRD version and there's NOTHING new, it's actually worse. How's that even possible? It doesn't feel like a fresh version, it's like that old photo box we all have hidden somewhere that smells like mold. You open it to revisit the past but 30min later closes cause you're getting allergic. I started playing MV in late 2012 so I've seen a lot. The cash system in Microvolts just doesn't work anymore, not for this type of game and they should have done their homework because we have A LOT of alternatives nowadays. Microvolts only salvation was if Epic/Valve bought it, sadly we got Masang instead. I give this game a lifespan of 3 years max, RockHippo had its flaws but for a long time, they knew what they were doing. Don't waste your money here once the game is released.
    3 points
  2. Hello! As I had a lot more time to test things out this weekend I can happily say, I really enjoy the general gameplay, however there still needs to be some balancing done aside from fixing other small issues which i've noticed. So lets get Straight into the weapons. Weapons Alright, let me start this by saying, I didnt play each and every of the weapons enough to give extremly good feedback, but from what I've noticed the next few suggestions are worth lookin into. Type A Weapons: Melee: As of right now the supposed runspeed melee is for sure the weakest pick. It deals barely any damage and isnt even fast enough to actually make up for these minuses. It should at least have as much damage as the Type B Melee. Type A sports the least damage for even tough it should be on par with Type B. Rifle: this is probably the most balanced rifle, personally id like to see the base ammo increased from 30 to 35, but thats about it. Shotgun: Personally I think its in an alright spot, it could use a little more power, or range but thats about it. Sniper: I honestly didnt play it enough but it could definetly use more power. Gatling: Honestly speaking, all displayed stats are just fine. however, the ingame accuracy is extremly terrible for having these average stats. Bazooka: Seems fine. Nade: 100% needs a nerf in both power and blast radius. Type B Weapons: Melee: Persoanlly speaking, im not really A range melee user, but as already stated in the A Type melee point, either power nerf the B Type melee or buff A Type's power accordingly. Rifle: Hands down the worst rifle. The stats are really just all over the place. While it has the most power, its not enough to justify the slow Firing rate or the Terrible accuracy. It 100% needs to be buffed to a 750 or 800 Firing rate and like a 670 or 680 base accuracy. Shotgun: What can i say? Its a KW but 10 times better. Its good that there is a Shotgun where you kinda need to swap, I like that the mechanic is still here, but please, there is no world where this shotgun need 1600 base power, thats just not it, if definitly has to get nerfed in one way or another, otherwise the other shotgun types, as of right now at least, dont really stand their ground against it. Sniper: B and D type share the same stats so ill just bring them both into here, the only stat thats kinda ok is the power, which for as slow as these snipers are is not powerful enough, either this sniper gets a slight damage buff an adjustment reguarding zoom and reload speed. Gatling: This Gatling is probably the most balanced weapon of the three, it pretty average in mostly all stats and thats kinda good. Bazooka: I like it the way it is, mabe it could use like a 50 point firing rate buff but thats not really that important. Nade: It really is just kinda here, its got the highest firing rate, that being said, its not too fast to the point of a lvl 9 pulse from mvs days. its in a good spot for what it does. Type C Weapons: Melee: I dont know what it is, but if seems off, its got the most power and is just as fast as a Type A melee, which just straight up shouldnt be the case, from what i can tell, its either glitched or the speed difference is so minimal that ist straight up not worth getting a speed melee right now. Rifle: this is probably the most broken rifle of them all. the firing rate is too high for the too good accuracy and on top of that its got the most bullets in the mag. If the firing rate stays like that, then it needs to be way more inaccurate. If the firing rate would be reduced to 1000 its still way to accurate, and would still need a nerf to 880-890 accuracy. Either 1100 fr and 850 and below accuracy or 1000 and smth between 880-890 Shotgun: Its a fun to use shotgun, but its just lacking in the reliability department, either it gets 3 in the mag or more power, since the fast firing rate is just so out there that it makes the gameplay feel a bit off. Sniper: This one is just fine as it is. Theres something about it that makes for a good goof every now and then but its not too good to be reliably abused by someone. Gatling: Yea this one it kind of extreme, i mean its basically a two hit, which for some reason doent make it hardcore op. Id still say nerf the damage a tad bit and we good. Bazooka: Has no bussiness being as good as it is. The slow firing rate and 2 instead of 3 bullets literally dont matter at all, it needs a little bit of that power nerfed out of it. Nade: It literally worse than the Basic grenade launcher. which should probably not be the case? the only stat their even in is reload speed. It either has to get mor balast radius than the type a nade or a power buff to 830 to 850. Overall toughts about weapons While i didnt specifically test out each and every weapons reload speed, i have to say Shotguns, Snipers, Bazooka and Grenade Launcher reload speed dont feel up to par. Its not somthing that you notice every time, but in the situations that matter your more like to not have a realoded gun than actually being able to fight the way youre used to. Misc Alright, after that lenghty weapons stat text from just now I hope youre still with me. This next part isnt exactly only about bugs, but some things that I've noticed while playing. As I already mentioned in my last post the Gracious Top for Amelia still freezes the game for a few frames whenever someone with it equipped joins the room for the 1st time. Here some new things I've come to notice. Once a game ends and you open and close chat during the XP screen your Cursor dissapears and stays gone unless you reopen the chat. Its either intentional or not working properly, but I've noticed that if the Host disconnects from the room, either someone random, or someone from the same team gets host, while not the best Ping is kinda not included in that anymore, or maybe it is but not as priority? For some reason the no-scope sniper Damage is a lot higher than usual. going as far as 1k + damage on a no-scope headshot. The shield still doesnt block freeze or burn damage. The basic weapons need stats different from any other weapon type. Drawing lots displayes a wrong error message when trying to spin over the amount of items left in the capsule. I've noticed that my Game didnt crash when quickly selling items. The missions Icon is yet again the wrong one. (Its text is in Spanish instead of English) There doesnt really seem any actual benifit to using speed parts, since there isnt any Bullet or Blast protection. Which makes speed parts effectifly as good as not having any option on them. Auto Zoom on snipers, while its not always noticable its kinda annoying, either get rid of it or even better make it a toggleable choice in the settings. Thats about all I've got to say so far. I'm really enjoying the changes they made. The game feels new and yet fmilliar at the same time, which is important for both new and returning players. As a closing note, dont mind the english i wrote here, theres for sure mistakes in there, but it is what it is. Yall have a good one!
    2 points
  3. Missed opportunity there to say: 'The censoring for the **** aswell.'
    2 points
  4. Here's some feedback from my point of view 1. I'd love to see a toggle "only compatible parts" option when selecting parts for a specific character. 2. Single wave feels way to easy. Either give less points upon kill or Increase points needed to get health or ammo. 3. REMOVE ENTIRELY THE HEAL SPAWNS FROM FFA, or at least have an option to spawn either nothing, or one random upon death. The current heal spawns destroy the 1vs1 experience. 4. Also i'd love to see a giant battle royale map with 100 or more players. In terms of map design and etc., you can ask the community and you can give them rewards instead. I'm pretty sure lots of them will participate!
    1 point
  5. Hello, In my opinion the option to change the color depth (ColorDepth) should be totally removed and make 32bit color depth the default. This would elimate possible bugs (which according to some users changing to 16bit color depth is making the game crash) and remove complexity of the code and make room to a future modernization of the code. Thank you in advance.
    1 point
  6. Hello everyone, my name is Dario, and I'm from Italy. I'm an old, veteran MV player with the following old nicks: "Unstoppable_X3" (before the 10-character cap for nicknames) and later "YoukoZari" after the cap was added. I started playing this game in 2011 during the open beta and stopped in 2015, which means I got to experience the golden era of this simple, yet wonderful game. While I didn't play the closed beta 1 and 2, I finally received the key for beta 3. Today was my first day back after eight long-awaited years, and I have to say, this game is still darn awesome. I've noticed a lot of criticism on the forums, especially regarding the poor expectations people have about this company. I have to admit they have every right to be scared and disappointed. Over the years, I witnessed a lot of radio silence and poor communication by the devs, ignoring the needs and wishes of the community. However, despite all that, when I played my first few hours today, I felt like I belonged here. The feeling is unbeatable, even with just the basic, upgradable weapons. I've played countless games in these eight years, and trust me, it's not just nostalgia talking. The core mechanics of MicroVolts are what I truly missed, even compared to arena FPS games like Unreal Tournament and such. The devs simply need to understand that this game doesn't require many "groundbreaking" changes. The foundation is solid, but it does need new content like maps and game modes. There should be incentives for people to discover and fall in love with it again, like sponsored tournaments or events with streaming platforms, along with objectives to "grind" for. GIVE US THE RANKED SYSTEM. A slight graphical improvement to meet the new industry standards wouldn't hurt either, but it doesn't need to be a massive overhaul. After all, we have games like Valorant and Fortnite with cartoony art styles that still work perfectly even in 2023. I really hope this game will get to see a new bright dawn, because I wanna start playing it again and I really hope many other players feel the same as I do, we all have a key role in this, without some optimism everything is doomed to fail, sooner or later! I love you all, see you on PVC Factory FFA.
    1 point
  7. Hi, Can i get a key, because where i leave it's impossible to get the key in time. I know that is the rule but i was playing in 2012, i miss the game really so can you do something. Thanks 🙂
    1 point
  8. Hello, Using the controls from Steam Deck would be probably hard, yes. Though you can turn the device into a computer which means one could use the keyboard and mouse to play Microvolts. This would mean by enabling Linux support (updating the libraries and probably changing a small config in anticheat) It would make Steam Deck compatible and every other linux distro.
    1 point
  9. This beta sucks, I played the beta version for the Arab and Latin MV (the Arab one was gold, Pandora couldn't show her skin lmao) and they were so much fun. Here everything is a little grey, no weapons, no clothing, no personality, boring, doesn't look like a fresh start. The capsule system breaks MV and creates a big gap between players, they should have done something new like a season pass or something. In my opinion: Microvolts>Microvolts Surge> Microvolts Recharged. MV was always a little p2w but things got worse after surge. Bazooka and Grenades got op, paid weapons can be enhanced even further, capsule clothing giving even more stats, and ugly ass characters introduced after Yamato.
    1 point
  10. I've been playing zombie mode on and off and have not found "zombies winning almost every time" to be the case. They have really short range and instead of push back shooting them stuns them which makes it less annoying playing as a zombie since you're not being physically knocked back over and over. I can understand nerfing the jump but I feel that everything else is fairly balanced.
    1 point
  11. Suggestion 4 wont work due to the game engine wont take a map that big lightly especially with 100 players on it. I agree with the rest but they need to remove the HP and AMMO drop on TDM, Capture the battery aswell. Those need to be dropped from players.
    1 point
  12. Surge was better than any of the betas. No idea why they didnt start with surge and went from there. Remove the paywalls and surge was fine.
    1 point