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Weapon Balance


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It is known that rt and coupon weapons have better stats than mp weapons (as it should be in my opinion).

I think the controversial thing is the way you can get that weapons and the advantage they give to you (in some cases).
It doesnt mean that they have to be waaay better. For example, if the riffle pepper has 430 on basic power, adv pepper might have 20-30 more basic power. 
Also as i read in other post, god weapons have to be nerfed, make them as a lvl 9 weapons or even a lvl 10 and just improve the animations or effects to make them attractive. All this might sound like something basic but thats how it should be to make weapons nice to play
For those that doesnt want to pay, Hammers (especially rt and rainbow) were a pretty good option. They have to add them in order to make the game more balanced. Maybe as event rewards, single wave rewards, buying them from the shop or finally doing a good mission system. The whole point on this is make Microvolts a P2F (pay to fast) not a P2W (Pay to win). Also doing every one or two months patches to make some adjustments to the weapons stats would be pretty nice

Everything that have being said isabout something we all know about the game, but what if we add a new sistem based on rating weapons?
- MP and Basic weapons count as 1 point
- RT and "normal" coupon weapons count as 2 points
- Gods count as 2.5/3 points (depends of the stats)

You could create games with some limitations forcing players to distribute the weapons depending of their preferences.
Making a room with 7-10-12-15 "Weapon Points".
That would give players the necessity to have diferent weapons and not just one maxed of each type. Also would prevent rooms with people with a whole army of overpowering weapons and doing possible a CSD room without people fighting to kick someone breaking the "rules" that are on the tittle.

Tell me about your thoughts on this post or similar ideas, and please dont be a closed mind with last point, there must to changes on the game in order to attract people, video games have advanced and this is not 2014, they have to improve the game in different ways as a good mission sistem, a better and friendly upgrading sistem, maybe a battle pass, better pve...

Thx for reading <33

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If paid items have even the slightest bit of an advantage compared to their "free" counterparts then the game becomes pay to win. Your resoning is to make them have the slightest bit of a difference but if you give them such a small difference then theres no point in buying them. The point system could be interesting but i doubt they would be taking that route due to removing some player freedom (which isnt super bad) and also put more work on their plate, plus its even more balancing that they would have to worry about. So the more traditional approach would be better, however this could be made into a new game mode. You get a certain ammount of points to spend on your loadout where you can spend them in all weapons to either unlock their usage or upgrade them. As the game goes on you would get more points to spend on your equipment further making you question yourself if its worth doubling down and upgrading your equipment and keep your specialized role or try to cover its weaknesses by spending some points in a different weapon to add to your loadout.

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There is no paid weapons and no free weapons, that's what i want people to understand. In mv there were some weapons that could be aquired only through rt or with a almost unexistent chance you could get their equivalent from some loots. In ToyHeroes however aside from god wrapons you could get all the other weapons just through luck and playing, people need to understand this game is in fact not p2w is pay to get ahead faster or play and do it to a normal speed. And if we are making all the rt weapons the same, getting any of them should be equal. At this point I hope u understand that if all rt wrapons are the same and u can get the weapons they offer for mp and coin rotation people can't rly cry about not getting a certain weapon. Because at that point the difference would only be skins you don't rly have a reason to complain. What he rly means but didn't get to express well enough so others could understand is that the other weapon which we call rt weapons, aside from the standard csd set, should be the same. Which is not rly p2w bcs everyone would have the chance to get them and there would be no discrepancy between "paid for weapons" and "played for weapons". P.S. The lack of expresions and emojies and stuff like that kinda gives kind of a aggressive vibe to this post which eas not rly my intention T.T sry. 😂

Edited by Sorel
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17 hours ago, xAlvarø said:

It is known that rt and coupon weapons have better stats than mp weapons (as it should be in my opinion).

I think the controversial thing is the way you can get that weapons and the advantage they give to you (in some cases).
It doesnt mean that they have to be waaay better. For example, if the riffle pepper has 430 on basic power, adv pepper might have 20-30 more basic power. 
Also as i read in other post, god weapons have to be nerfed, make them as a lvl 9 weapons or even a lvl 10 and just improve the animations or effects to make them attractive. All this might sound like something basic but thats how it should be to make weapons nice to play
For those that doesnt want to pay, Hammers (especially rt and rainbow) were a pretty good option. They have to add them in order to make the game more balanced. Maybe as event rewards, single wave rewards, buying them from the shop or finally doing a good mission system. The whole point on this is make Microvolts a P2F (pay to fast) not a P2W (Pay to win). Also doing every one or two months patches to make some adjustments to the weapons stats would be pretty nice

Everything that have being said isabout something we all know about the game, but what if we add a new sistem based on rating weapons?
- MP and Basic weapons count as 1 point
- RT and "normal" coupon weapons count as 2 points
- Gods count as 2.5/3 points (depends of the stats)

You could create games with some limitations forcing players to distribute the weapons depending of their preferences.
Making a room with 7-10-12-15 "Weapon Points".
That would give players the necessity to have diferent weapons and not just one maxed of each type. Also would prevent rooms with people with a whole army of overpowering weapons and doing possible a CSD room without people fighting to kick someone breaking the "rules" that are on the tittle.

Tell me about your thoughts on this post or similar ideas, and please dont be a closed mind with last point, there must to changes on the game in order to attract people, video games have advanced and this is not 2014, they have to improve the game in different ways as a good mission sistem, a better and friendly upgrading sistem, maybe a battle pass, better pve...

Thx for reading <33

That point sustem is something i mentioned like a year back. And it is a good idea. I hope they make it happen.

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It sounds like it'd work on paper, but why would you still want the game to be unfair? You're willingly saying that you want the game to be slightly pay to win, but calling it something else. What the devs are doing right now is great, basically every weapon type has 3 variants, and every new weapon that releases in the future will have the same spread of stats, but with their own look, basically like a skin for your weapon. This is the best, and most fair solution for this topic, although some may not see it that way. Any pay to win aspects are heavily frowned upon nowadays, it's an outdated monetization system. Microvolts would struggle to compete financially in an environment with games that are not pay to win.

Although it may seem "fair" with this point system you've mentioned, some weapons are still going to be stronger than others. There's going to be a meta eventually no matter what, and even though there's a limit, because higher rating items are paid, many people still are not going to be able to reach it. It complicates an already fairly complicated balancing issue far more than it needs to be.

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