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Hello MV Community!

As a Discord MOD, I have the chance to contact the MicroVolts Dev team via private server chat, and they are reading and answering to us everyday.

Therefore, in order to hear the community, I am glad to say that this post it's about GAME SUGGESTIONS AND THINGS THAT YOU WANT TO SEE BACK IN THE GAME.

After this weekend, the MODs will discuss and make a big list about your suggestions, and send it directly to the  MicroVolts team.


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  1. Glowing upgrades for weapons
  2. Clan Wars
  3. More ways to earn mp
  4. Trading system
  5. Boss fight
  6. Arms Race
  7. Jackpot in capsule
  8. Coins/coupons based on spent RT
  9. Hammers
  10. More maps on zombie mode
  11. Ranking system
  12. More diverse way of weapon types and tuning – now all runs basically same stats for weapons and tanks
  13. Revisited leveling system - it's boring. 100 seems more logical than infinity
  14. LVL icons
  15. More advanced platforms - I mean, if y'all want to add them so bad, maybe make idle animations on them or pose
  16. God weapons - now without p2w
  17. More accessories, we had 2 seasons and like 10 back accessories are here
  18. Sales on capsule when season ends
  19. Brilliant boxes
  20. Invasion mode rewards and possibly daily limit then
  21. Multiplayer AI battle
  22. Old Maps that are gone now
  23. Maybe some scrap mechanic? That if u have 3 same weapons/parts you can roll one random unlimited of same type
  24. Roadmap
  25. Accessories that boost XP for limited time (old crosses for XP/mp)
  26. Public lobby for idle talking and interaction, I remember this was a thing once, you can shoot here but can't kill. It would be nice for global events or for just casual talk n show off
  27. New possible simple game modes - multiplayer invasion, FFA as zombies etc
  28. Ranking and clan menu in game
  29. Recruiting ppl for small tasks - you can make discord chat channel and announce that you for example need new LVL icons, most voted work will get some rt reward etc. - it will speed basic projects and make fun challenge
  30. More discord chat channels, maybe language ones, more media sending diversity etc.? MODS should have power to give awards for most active members, as well as punishing bad ones. 
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I took this from an old post of mine.


We need to accept that the leveling system will be uncapped, which I like!
They do need a change, but that's fine. If the icons are boring, so be it.
Maybe after level 200, the icons will be extremely pretty! We don't know!
They have only been leaked until level 200.


Without the pay-to-win element (which killed the game before), the leveling system doesn't have meaning! Before, you used to only be able to be "better 🤡" if you spent hundreds of real-life moneys. No one wants this. The weapon system needs to have its levels back. Of course, but how is the damage going to scale? Are they going to nerf the base damage? This will make new players completely worthless. They won't be able to kill anyone! If they unlock the upgrades to level 5 or level 9 but with lower stats to not make any gun broken, what will be the reason to spend hundreds of hours playing to upgrade something? Will you grind 300 hours just to get an extra 100 damage on your shotgun? Then proceed to upgrade the rifle to deal another 20 damage per hit? The problem here is the balancing of everything. Obviously, they want to add the level system back. But the grave has been dug up; balancing is going to be extremely hard to do. Will you upgrade a weapon just for it to look cool? Honestly, I would! Valorant players already spend money twice on the same skin, just for it to have a different effect! I think on MV, this change would work! This could be an extremely good method to make "coupon" skins, something very sought after! having special effects, and extremely cool animations, that could get even better with upgrades!

As I said in another post:

"The gun variants could be easily put the same way that the clothes are done. So, you can buy whatever weapon you want, but the first upgrade would be the deciding factor, making it have the stats of the ABCD variants! Then you can just keep upgrading until level 9 like it was on MicroVolts back then."

Investment idea:

At the start of next year, please invest in streamers and YouTubers to boost the popularity of the game! This will bring attention to a vast amount of new players that could stick around!

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Hey buddy. I just don't understand why we even bother creating topics on the official game forum if they're not going to pay attention. It seems the only way to get our opinions across is through a moderator who communicates with them on a different platform (Discord). I don't want to come off as overly critical or as a 'hater'. It's just disheartening for me to think that they don't even read the forum.

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Everything mentioned below has probably been said already by others in other threads as well, but there is no arm in repeating them.
I've divided it based on what I think is more and less important


Most important

  1. It looks like you are already working in bringing back more modes, I'm sure the majority of players just wants them all back and probably in the future will ask for some more 
    - Boss battle was super fun and could be expanded upon in the future, a daily free coupon for would be cool to have, it would stimulate players to login more as well
    - Bomb Battle would be cool to have as is, but players were just playing as an elimination, maybe some balancing on speed for placing and defusing the bomb might help with that
    - Close Combat, a lot of players are saying it's the same as having a restricted weapon, but actually Close Combat had items as well, which was making matches a lot more fun then just the limited weapon
  2. Give more purpose for the players to play → let the players earn more MP, increasing daily and weekly rewards and earning some at the end of the matches
  3. - There are fewer and fewer players averaging every day, promote more the game (the event held a when the game opened is great, having more of them might help), but more importantly help new players have fun, playing against veterans is no fun (I'm looking at you veterans, take it easy when you find a new player, don't scare them away t-t).
    I don't have the solution, but something should be done from preventing them to uninstall the game right away.
    Probably there aren't enough new players to have a channel in the server just for them, but AI battles could be very fun if if all the maps were available and (I know it's hard) AI gets improved (their movement is too simple, I don't think they can even jump right now)
  4. Bring the community closer together by hosting some in-game events/tournaments
  5. Items Ammo/HP
    - adjust their location in every map, some of them look like have just been placed randomly
    - consider also spawning an HP item in the location a player has died, it creates  fun dynamics
    - Temple Ruins map doesn't even have them
  6. - Spawns → Adjust spawn points, especially in TDM and CTB. There should be a clear difference between each team area and what is the middle fighting space, having spawn at the centre of the map is awful (a good example is bitbmap 2, it would be a great map but the spawns ruin it, same goes for Rockband S)
  7. - Add more game resolutions, or at least one in between the 1920x1080 and 3840x2160 options, ideally the standard 2k 2560x1440
  8. - Get a small QA team that helps you test new big features in private servers before they get released, a lot of small balancing and bugs could be easily fixed before reaching the public 
  9. - Restricted weapons battles are not fun because once you run out of ammo you need to die, players should have x10 ammo so that they don't run out



  1. I've noticed it only with Awsome and Tight CHIP Sets, since they are the only ones I own
    - You can't wear a head accessory, I don't think it needs to be visible, but not having the option of getting more ammo in the matches is annoying
    - Awsome set doesn't allow for the back accessory either, but the Tight does
  2. Melee speed
    - The default Basic melee Run Speed says it has 550, but it's probably 520 like the option C not upgraded. It's misleading
  3. Shop items, were the following intentional? 
     - Hornet, Bombard, Mimic, Exile costs RT instead of MP?
     - ADV-Pulse costs MP instead of RT?
  4. The sound of some Melees is broken, the Chain Saw one plays if I'm not mistaken


Less Priority

  1. Give more purpose to the Single Wave, at the moment there is no point in playing it, dropping something if you reach the end would be nice. A Level 3 would also be fun to have
  2. Run Speed of the melees is almost unnoticeable. Option A upgraded in Runs Speed only gives you 580, while option C upgraded in power gives you 530, 50 run speed is not much. At the moment there is no real reason to use anything but the C option
  3. It might be cool to try and boost the Run Speed sets, maybe to a max of +%20? To encourage more dynamic playstyles and penalizing camping, making the matches have a faster pace and more engaging/entertaining
  4. More fun level icons
  5. Add more parts to the shop MP, I hope this hasn't been done because you want to release them slowly and not run out of content straight away, to counter this it might be fun to have them in a rotation, so it can also bring back players to the game to check out the new rotation.
  6. Add more maps to Training Center, so that players can explore them on their own time, especially beginners
  7. Shop items both RT and MP too expensive


  1. Unlock some of the blocked areas of various maps, one of the big reasons I fell in love with the game is that you could almost go anywhere in the first set of maps released, but in a lot of maps there are just invisible walls that don't make sense, it's fun exploring and it's very cool to get kills when you do it from weird unexpected areas
  2. The shield was a feature everything dislikes, but maybe there is potential in implementing it in a future mode? It would bring some cool dynamics in a king of the hill mode
  3. Don't implement a weapon upgrade system, but maybe let us choose the colour of the weapon we want for the common weapons? MP weapons from Green to Blue and ADV ones from yellow to red? Also the glow was cool but visually distracting, if it was more subtle it would be nice to toggle as an option
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53 minutes ago, failer said:

Hey buddy. I just don't understand why we even bother creating topics on the official game forum if they're not going to pay attention. It seems the only way to get our opinions across is through a moderator who communicates with them on a different platform (Discord). I don't want to come off as overly critical or as a 'hater'. It's just disheartening for me to think that they don't even read the forum.


They read the forums, and they read Discord, but we have a easiest path to reach them, that's why I am doing this.

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Aye, i have a small suggestion for ya!


The removal of basic parts and weapons from the limited capsule.


It is very, very annoying to rack up enough MP to spin that capsule once, only to get a Zolo. 


This however wouldn't be a problem if MP was obtained through playing games.


(Saw somewhere on the discord that they havent implemented MP rewards from completing games due to a problem with potential exploits or something. Might have just been a random user claiming it. Don't know.)

Edited by Spiffy
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I'll throw some more suggestions on the table.




Another suggestion i think everybody would agree with is to restore the shop to its former glory.


I don't care if we're getting content slowly, the shop, as of now, is very depressing to look at.


There was a lot of choice for each character in the previous versions, and now there's barely anything.


The coupon shop also needs to make its return. 




Speaking of coupons, also bring the capsule machine back to its former glory too.


Every spin of the RT capsule used to give a decent chance at giving you a coupon.

It was a 'deal-sweetener' for you for investing your money into the game and, in turn, you got to choose some coupon-exclusive weaponry. 


Same with the lucky spin mechanic. If i remember correctly, it gave the player the chance to get three chests, each containing some decent goodies.




Staying on the capsule, we have the 'full party' capsule collections. 


The rates need to be double the rates of the non-full-party capsules.

Why do i say this? Because you're not guaranteed to get the part you want for the character you play.


It is very silly how this was approached, I can't imagine how many people spun on that full party capsule. Especially with 10k RT in their account.

It's a very good way to discourage people from spending their hard earned cash.





Map ambience needs to be readded. The maps feel very soulless right now.


Same with certain maps having snow on them. That too, needs to be removed.


Kind of weird to play Toy Fleet and see snow falling.


On a sunny day.




Gibbing and ragdolls need to return too.


It felt very satisfying to blow up a figure with a bazooka, zap em and 'splode em with the grenade launcher, chop them up with the chainsaw, mow them down with the microgun, you get the idea! 




This isn't really a priority, but i really want some figures to actually look like figures.


Sharkill, Simon and, i think, Amelia, do not have any figure parts on them. No ball-joints, no lines to indicate posability, nothing whatsoever! 

Since they have replaced some of the voices of the english VA's i'm certain that the devs would consider giving some more love and polish to these figures.




For now, thats everything i can think of. If i think anything else up, i'll post it here.

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Pretty much alot of the above.

Just to clarify this post was created to ask for "game modes" i saw a lot of people asking for weapons and a level remake q_q..

So. I'd like my boss battle back. 4 max. (If possible without the cost of tickets. just make the rates of the drops super low so people grind it instead of paying for it.)

Next would be Arms Race. Possibly the (more fun) ffa. Where instead of sweating you just enjoy using (non accessible weapons) and racing with other players on who will get a kill with all of them first!

Now. This is a personal Idea not something that existed before but I think something that would be quite creative and fun. 
"Hide and Seek".
Basically a similar premise to Zombie mode. One player hunts the rest of the lobby. who ever the seeker finds they join his team and try to find the rest of the survivors. The twist? The seeker has some sort of blindness. Since it will be only melee to be balanced the hiders will be slowed (half of the normal speed) while the seeker will be faster (max possible speed). The blindness effect I'm speaking of would be like a dark shadow surrounding your screen. Similar to a sniper scope but not visible all the way.

That's all. Appreciate u asking for this ❤️

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I would love to see what maps they can create for the game and i would love to give some ideas once im done with some of them. I would love to see boss battle back with a new boss to beat. Its something that ive made a project about and posted here on the forum(i think) and youtube on my channel. The removal of basic parts & weapons on the shop like spiffy said. When leveling you should be awarded more MP than just 300 MP it is quite demoralizing to see( suggestion maybe a crate every 10 levels that gives you MP, exclusive parts/weapons/accesories). Some weapons/parts/accesories you cant get easily only being F2P like the MP weapons, devil horns and so on..




And this is what i remember from my lists. So im letting the MV team of devs to cook 🍳 

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  • Add server for beginners
  • Bring back the good old level icons
  • Make it harder to lvl up
  • Change how exp is calculated (let it be based on playtime, kda and damage done)
  • Bring back MP after each mach
  • Fix weapon sounds
  • Bring back old weapons lvl system but dont make it op
  • Provide better daily awards and monthly events like what is this??
Edited by DevsListenToTheCommunity
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6 hours ago, Errebe said:


They read the forums, and they read Discord, but we have a easiest path to reach them, that's why I am doing this.

Yeah, you already said that, and I understand and appreciate your efforts in creating a topic for us to share our suggestions directly with the team. However, it is a bit concerning that we needed a specific channel to convey our feedback when many of us have been actively sharing insights on the game for over a month. Anyways, I kindly suggest checking out this subforum, since it contains valuable feedback on various features, some of them from players that have quit, so they might not see this. I hope we can ensure that all valuable suggestions are taken into consideration.

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Just one thing, give MP after each match.

I don't feel motivated to play if I receive absolutely nothing. I would like to be able to grind MP to use the limited capsule.

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Hello Microvolts team,


The current issue with the game that makes it bland and boring to play is the lack of purpose (aka grinding).

There is no striving towards something. 


From the eyes of a beginner who has never played this game there are visual effects lacking. I am talking about weapon glow and red bullets. When a beginner gets killed and SEES the weapon hes been killed with, he will start wondering: How can i get that same glow and redness.

Now he is interested in upgrading the weapon. Now he has a purpose to become stronger ingame and pherhaps look cooler.

Visually the game is boring right now. The upgrade system has to go back EXACTLY how it used to be. Let weapons have a failing chance at level 5-9. It doesnt matter. When i was a beginner is surge i remember upgrading my harvester from level 8 to 9. It failed 11 times in a row, and i didn't care. because the grind to collect the batteries and MP was so fun that it was totally worth it. I actually was proud i made it. That is the thing beginners and old players are lacking right now.


Capsules need to generate coupons again and there need to be more rewards like infinite boxes, rt hammers, superglues etc etc. ALL players want variety. It's sad i spin RT capsules because i need to sell of parts to get MP. The whole point of casule spinning should be to get rare or super usefull items.


Give weapons unique stats. This one is the monst important on the list. EVERY player uses the same weapons eventhough there are 3 different weapons (ABC) for every category. People are always gonna be bias towards the best. Thats why we need every single weapon in the game to have different stats.

When surge had super powerfull weapons for example (golden/god weapons, millitairy, optimus) There were still players out there playing with ADV weapons or even rare weapons like bazooka gone bonkers, or some hotdog on a fork which had 1/3 the runspeed of goldberg. 

My point with these examples is nomather what the current meta is the players will always find reason to use the old stuff. It was sheer due to the uniqueness players kept using them. Some even used it to handicap themself if they were really good.


Unique stats for the characters. It would be fun if they had bullet/ explosive protection again. And ofcourse the extra % dmg on weapon stats. It made things more fun.


Rifle and sniper are too weak. They need more power.

MG needs a nerf on power. 

Granade and rocket launcher need more power and 3/ 6 ammo instead of 2/2


This would make a great beginning for the game to attract more beginners and retain old players.


Hopefully was this usefull


Edit: Now instead of buffing power on some weapons you guys could also make level 9 again and let weapons scale higher.

example: 1-5 +10 power 5-9 + 20 power. That way you can make it balanced and rewarding.

Edited by Meat
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Everything above, its pretty much spot on but i am going to add 2 more things:


1.  For the love of god, just make the shop as it was in the old game, with all the weapons , parts and accessories 

2. Remove the HP % Ammo drops from being spawned in fixed spots to dropping per death  - its very annoying and all it does is to promote camping

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I understand the purpose of developers but I would like to give the following advices:


MP & Capsules 

- Give he chance of collecting MPs for each match. Right now all people are totally dying for them and it is sad to feel poor in a game. F2P have no chances of winning things

- Scale the MP you receive for each level: the higher you go, more MP you get 

- Add the chance of winning RT weapons in limited capsules and delete basic things. It is not worth it

- Add more parts to the shop and more items

- Change full party probability: I am spending less because I can get a random Item I dont want. This thing is already enough to balance less RT spent, dont low also the chances of winning: it is too much

Upgrades & Weapons

Upgrades should be inserted again. I would suggest two chances, both of them without changing the final outcome:

- Upgrades should reach 5 or 9 with visual changes: The first upgrade is the tuning for choosing the path of the weapon, the others will be different: each level will give you a different color and will need a weapon of the same type , MPs and Battery. The higher the level, more things you need 

- Same Upgrades as before

the end result will be that the weapons reach the actual stats with visual features.


Regarding weapons meta I would suggest to:

- Fix rifle, the only one used is C (increase accuracy of B for example and decrease fire rate to bring it in meta)

- Shotgun A is useless, I have 5 shots but I cant kill no one

- Sniper is fine

- MG is too op, balance them please

- bazooka & grenades: too much radius and RNG. A grenade killed me without direct while I had 1827 HP


Clan Wars & Matches


- Bring back Clan Wars and organize end season tournaments between the first 10 clans.

- Clan points should be calculated with a variable precalculated value based on experience/level of members, a variable built value based on win and loss of Clan Wars.

- Deliver seasons for game modes: 4 standard and constant modes ( TDM, FFA, CTB & Elimination) and 2 or 4 seasonal Game Modes maybe choosen by the community here on the forum (maybe you are already thinking of doing so with the last poll you Made)


Community management


People are not liking not knowing what you are going to make. Please provide a Roadmaps, more videos on YouTube with what you are going to do. Engage more and reach more.


These are the most crucial things, have fun to everyone, I hope this comment will be useful 

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49 minutes ago, Vinn said:


I understand the purpose of developers but I would like to give the following advices:


MP & Capsules 

- Give he chance of collecting MPs for each match. Right now all people are totally dying for them and it is sad to feel poor in a game. F2P have no chances of winning things

- Scale the MP you receive for each level: the higher you go, more MP you get 

- Add the chance of winning RT weapons in limited capsules and delete basic things. It is not worth it

- Add more parts to the shop and more items

- Change full party probability: I am spending less because I can get a random Item I dont want. This thing is already enough to balance less RT spent, dont low also the chances of winning: it is too much

Upgrades & Weapons

Upgrades should be inserted again. I would suggest two chances, both of them without changing the final outcome:

- Upgrades should reach 5 or 9 with visual changes: The first upgrade is the tuning for choosing the path of the weapon, the others will be different: each level will give you a different color and will need a weapon of the same type , MPs and Battery. The higher the level, more things you need 

- Same Upgrades as before

the end result will be that the weapons reach the actual stats with visual features.


Regarding weapons meta I would suggest to:

- Fix rifle, the only one used is C (increase accuracy of B for example and decrease fire rate to bring it in meta)

- Shotgun A is useless, I have 5 shots but I cant kill no one

- Sniper is fine

- MG is too op, balance them please

- bazooka & grenades: too much radius and RNG. A grenade killed me without direct while I had 1827 HP


Clan Wars & Matches


- Bring back Clan Wars and organize end season tournaments between the first 10 clans.

- Clan points should be calculated with a variable precalculated value based on experience/level of members, a variable built value based on win and loss of Clan Wars.

- Deliver seasons for game modes: 4 standard and constant modes ( TDM, FFA, CTB & Elimination) and 2 or 4 seasonal Game Modes maybe choosen by the community here on the forum (maybe you are already thinking of doing so with the last poll you Made)


Community management


People are not liking not knowing what you are going to make. Please provide a Roadmaps, more videos on YouTube with what you are going to do. Engage more and reach more.


These are the most crucial things, have fun to everyone, I hope this comment will be useful 

very nice suggestions my friend , thank you for this

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10 hours ago, khalo0od100 said:

Everything above, its pretty much spot on but i am going to add 2 more things:


1.  For the love of god, just make the shop as it was in the old game, with all the weapons , parts and accessories 

2. Remove the HP % Ammo drops from being spawned in fixed spots to dropping per death  - its very annoying and all it does is to promote camping

limited ammo and go pick it upis necessary, camping is not a problem

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They should take back all the MP items or compensate (though I don't know if that's possible or if not then there won't be any compensation). Then sell those items in the store, if they still don't add MP after the battle then at least check in every day get a reasonable amount of money and then play, everyone is happy. They should also make the mechanism for earning MP from capsules more limited

Edited by QN_Khai
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10 hours ago, QN_Khai said:

limited ammo and go pick it upis necessary, camping is not a problem

you are right, its not a problem, its a MASSIVE problem , in every single room you have many players constantly camping and never leaving the base just to raise their KDA , and these drops are just making them continue to do that.

This way of playing is very sweaty and tryharding and does nothing else than make other players mad.. dont get me wrong , sometimes i like to sit back and snipe people but this is just ridiculous 


There are capture the battery rooms or team death matches where you literally cannot kill anyone from the enemy team because all they do is sit in the base. What even is the point of the game mode if they dont even try to push/rush?

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  1. Clan Wars
  2. Competitive Tournaments
  3. Ranking system
  4. Trading system
  5. More ways to earn mp
  6. More ways to earn coupon or anything else to grind for to get something good
  7. More maps
  8. Jackpot in capsule
  9. Hammers
  10. Boxes with rare weapon to win
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