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FabriXor87 last won the day on October 20 2023

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  1. Shouldn't they ask their hand picked content creators to help out recording official footage for the event?
  2. Am I the only one bothered by the ending screen when the game is closed?? If I'm closing the game it means I don't want it opened anymore and I need to do other things, why do I have to wait before I can start using my monitor again? Also seeing the Boss Battle image appearing makes me cry inside a little bit
  3. I'm sorry, you're alone in this one. In most situations you have the advantage if you play with a tank set, especially based on how the +% RS is calculated and applied
  4. This is a really well thought out response regarding the topic. I agree on the blast radius, bringing it down to 500 would help, and then probably also slightly reducing damage. Most of the things you mentioned could also be applied to the bazooka. I would also take into consideration the knockback amount, sometimes it feels to intese. Having it as an actual stats that changes for each weapon type would help balancing the "drawbacks", since firing rate becomes irrelevant when swapping. However we need to be careful, because at the moment rockets and granates are also the only way we have to fish out campers. I've mentioned it already in the post I've wrote about run speed melee and set synergy (/index.php?/topic/2033-run-speed-melee-and-set-synergy/), having a buff on both the melee's run speed and even the +% speed given by a set would be a good way create more dynamic matches. It would help in this case as well, with good reaction times you could get out of the way of a granate easier and fast targets are harder to aim with these type of projectiles.
  5. Well thought post! I only play zombie mode from time to time so I have no opinions on balancing. However, I would add Cargo and Magic Paperland to to the list of maps that needs urgent glitch fixes
  6. It's creazy to think that at the moment the design of icons is the biggest hottest topic the community is complaining about.. Litreally anything is better then what we have right now, but if they do rework them I hope they'll hire a UI designer and take their time to make them, because developing good looking icons is no easy feat. If they just "update them" because the community demands it, and they are "not good enough" we'll enter a never ending cycle of complain, and there are more important things the devs should focus on. Great effort with your work, below you can find couple of notes about them (of course these are MY opinions, I don't want to take away anything from the work you've done, I love the passion) Legibility The font used on numbers is too thin Numbers in a lot of them either not have enough maring/ breathing space at the edges or, straight up go oustide of it Secondary shapes are too chaothic and make the icon look "busy" For the shading, you went with Left/Right brightness difference, it's a nice idea but the contrast in some of them could be adjusted. That said I prefer how the original ones had sublte higlights/shadows to make them look less flat wihtout overdoing it for the colours combination picked of the primary and secondary elements don't really fit well togather for the shapes they overall feel too spiky, they don't really fit with the "toy figures" theme and it makes them hard to read They have a random feeling to them, as if the combination of shapes have been picked randomly slapped on each other Because the levels go up to the 3 digits now, it's quite challenging design clean and readable icons. I believe they've taken this decision to give more a sense of progression, but in a way they kind of made the number feel worthless, this is especially true between level 1 to 100 since you blast trought the levels so quickly. So if they make new designs they should defintly focus more on refining the look of the ones above the 100 mark, and could probably keep the current ones for 0-99. Just a reminder of what the old ones looked like so you don't have to google it: What's great about these, is that every 10 levels you get a brand new shape, but the 6-10 versions are basically upgrades of the 1-5 ones However these still have flows (again my opinon): the 70s and 80s are basically the same, they are both "square based" (would be cool in MVR if the inons changes shape every 100 levels but every 10 levels you get a new variation of it, with two versions: one first and an upgraded one after 5 levels) the levels 6 to 10 don't really "upgrade the 1 to 5 look, 1 to 5 should probably have been a simple cirlce 56-60 are only different from 51-60 because they changed colour, they aren't an "upgraded" version the stars of 90s don't really fit with all the other icons
  7. Yeah I was thinking to look into that as well, it's just a little bit harder to find a setup to get reliable data! It doesn't feel like the melee option B is any useful atm
  8. It's a shame they've re-introduced the ADV verision of the weapons, because the stats are the same it would have been fun to have more different colours rather then having to stick with "MP weapon is green, upgraded is blue" and "RT weapon is yellow, upgaraded is red". MV is a coloful game, being able to upgrade/personalize your weapons with your favourite colours would have been more fun and would have fit the theme (even the default weapons) Imagine seeing a white pepper, green zolo, purple Pound, pink Pulse, black Saw, etc
  9. It looks like the Resoultion's options appearing in the Drop Down are populated based on what Main Display is set in Windows. That's quite annoying since I prefer having my main display set to my small fullHD one and not the 2k one I use for games We should have an option to allow us to change the target monitor directly in game
  10. What about Japan and Thailand, shouoldn't they be Japanese and Thai?
  11. I'm forced to play 3840x2160 on a 2560x1440 montior 😢 the character's selection and weapon'spop up menus break when I do that
  12. They are on YT Video 1 ID → Qqd6meaDmjY Video 2 ID → ULWwq3-MnSE
  13. Apparently I cannot post links to the videos, and there was also an image that is not allowing my to upload Let me know if someone can help me posting the links somewhere.