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Everything posted by doc

  1. Yeah, all map bugs/glitches are still there.
  2. The game seems to crash when changing the Color setting from Display from the default 32bit to 16bit. When it happens I was at max settings, fullscreen 1080p.
  3. Hi, I saw that the video resolution only go up to 1080p. 1440p and 4k support would be nice.
  4. doc


    Or maybe a self-hosting thingy where the room creator becomes a server?
  5. Yeah, also I logged in with the Steam account correctly but entered a different email than the Steam account on the Apply Now page, does that matter?
  6. if so it will be a nice 10-year celebration for the Steam release
  7. I think they only did art for the human characters for now because that's what they're used to. Pandora and CHIP are a bit different and require more thought I guess.
  8. About trading. It was a big deal when weapons were hard to get and upgrade. If changes are to be made towards rare cosmetics and no-P2W then trading will be worth less, being more useful for exchange of cosmetics or time-saving items. Weapons being otherwise available to purchase or drop from, say, post-match loot-boxes then trading value of gameplay items would always be lower than their cosmetics. So it should be locked until a certain level, as said above, for gameplay-chaging trades, and free/open for everything else.
  9. I could guess that the team(s) that eventually came across this project may have been leaning between an update of old development code and maybe a rewrite. If they have artists briefing what would be their income material, the cosmetics, then that indicates interest in further development. MV is still very unique even though Fortnite being the closest to it they're still worlds apart. Seems like a safe bet to put this project forward 🙂
  10. Instead of this being a feature this could inspire official eventual map changes/variations? Could be cool for events and such I guess