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Leveling system is broken (REALLY BAD)

鱼 腥 汤

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The current level system is extremely bad and there's no downside or upside to levels. Previously it could take you a few hours to reach level 10, while now currently, you gain 1 level per match finished. Also, before performance used to matter when leveling, so the more skilled players would reach the higher levels faster. It was a way to Seperate the Pro players, with the farmer's and the new players. Having this 1 match per level experience system is going to break that entire dynamic, and new players wont be able to know who to turn to. Level's are crucial in any game due to this reason.

I believe changing the exp per level, so it would take hundreds if not thousands of hours to reach max level. Supposedly in previous versions, it's taken people over 4 years to reach max level. It's a fun but engaging way to focus your attention on the game, it keeps the grind up. This is just way more enjoyable.

Also the current leveling system fully 100% removes the reason to have a level 20 requirement to create a clan, you just have to play 20 quick free for all's which can be done in under an hour easily.

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28 minutes ago, 鱼 腥 汤 said:

The current level system is extremely bad and there's no downside or upside to levels. Previously it could take you a few hours to reach level 10, while now currently, you gain 1 level per match finished. Also, before performance used to matter when leveling, so the more skilled players would reach the higher levels faster. It was a way to Seperate the Pro players, with the farmer's and the new players. Having this 1 match per level experience system is going to break that entire dynamic, and new players wont be able to know who to turn to. Level's are crucial in any game due to this reason.

I believe changing the exp per level, so it would take hundreds if not thousands of hours to reach max level. Supposedly in previous versions, it's taken people over 4 years to reach max level. It's a fun but engaging way to focus your attention on the game, it keeps the grind up. This is just way more enjoyable.

Also the current leveling system fully 100% removes the reason to have a level 20 requirement to create a clan, you just have to play 20 quick free for all's which can be done in under an hour easily.

You need to give up, because no one will listen

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I believe this is a bug, it happened one Beta weekend, and then it was fixed then next. But then they released it like this for some reason.

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1 hour ago, Baran01 said:

You need to give up, because no one will listen

Quite frankly the opposite. The reason nothing is being changed, is because not enough attention is brought up for a change to be deemed necessary. 

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1 hour ago, mIKA- said:

I believe this is a bug, it happened one Beta weekend, and then it was fixed then next. But then they released it like this for some reason.

Indeed, my first thought process was that they might have forgotten to change the experience rate, however, it seems that after you hit level 100, the experience needed to level seems to switch. Though I really think that's a dumb way to go about it, it makes the first 100 levels nothing, could just start at level 100 at that point cause it changes nothing.

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Yeah it's really funky how fast you can level up. I don't see why this was approved... Levels used to mean something and only 1 day in people are already level 100. 🤨


Could it be because it's the only way to get MP right now? I can't even get MP from matches.

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I mean... Nothing has changed since the last CBT, the only things that were added were: You now can buy rt, you now can have rt weps/part.
They have not changed anything despite the whole CB testers saying that the weapon balance is crap and the level per game glitch is the same story, i kinda thought that the launch is gonna be a disaster, but not this huge...😅 There is just huge nostalogia hype around it, if its gonna stay like this, than its gonna be pretty empty after few months (the same way as the game that we cannot speak of here, that thing is merely abbadoned and the player count is pretty dead too)

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I had my believes up for this game, but after this launch its pretty much gone, Leo is the only saint one from the team, sadly he is just a GM with little to none priviliges, I do believe that he has told the dev team all those flaws, but it just seems like noone even cared

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