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Everything posted by Red

  1. All of these were already sets for the current characters in ToyWars JP. Laeven was for Naomi and you got it as a reward for completing the achievements. The other three were Naomi, Kai and Pandora. Would be a very easy release.. they’re cute
  2. @masangsoft.official on YouTube.
  3. Looks like they've just made the character costume introduction videos public on their YouTube channel From what I believe a new weapon set? Possibly looks like a re-colour going off the melee weapon in Khan's video. Trying very hard to hold off judgement as it's great to see that they're creating new items and weapons but watching Amelia's video and still seeing the issue with the texture shading on the face is a bit dry. Also looks like most of the new sets are used on the less favourable characters which honestly I was hoping they wouldn't include and stick with the original four + Kai. I did say that I was trying to hold off judgement but was very judgemental, still very excited either way! Thoughts, feelings, emotions?
  4. Red


    There's currently 4.5k with the game on their wishlist.