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XXBOBBYSHMURDAXX last won the day on July 14 2023

XXBOBBYSHMURDAXX had the most liked content!


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  1. RT prices are insane. Even with the 2x offer for first time purchases it felt overpriced. You cannot charge this much for items that have no inherent value whatsoever. I'm all for balance and strictly cosmetic items but you have to make a compromise when it comes to pricing because it literally makes no sense to pay 1$ per spin on average when items give you no advantage. Please consider hearing the community's opinion on your pricing model as I feel it will be beneficial for your bottom-line as well (profit wise). RT purchases will plummet once everyone uses up their 2x bonuses.
  2. That word salad about the capsule machine sounds like they are about to fuck shit up lmao
  3. Last time I played MV I was underage and broke. Now I have a job and can afford to buy 1kk RT to sadistically 1 shot entire lobbies with my god layout but I can't have that because mouthbreathers want le balance and le competitive integrity and so on. You owe it to me. I played this game for way too long and had to be at the receiving end of what I just said and I need to get my revenge. Let socioeconomic darwinism do its thing so broke kids are taught that in order to win games they need to grind and have disposable income to splurge on videogames (metaphor for life which is also p2w), because let's be honest every single balance fetishist on this god forsaken forum is underage and poor (no job or responsabilities is why they even post here in the first place), rich adult MEN want this game to become a theatre for reckless spending for inconsequential pixels. Real Gs know what I'm talking about.