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  1. ahahaha i laughed fr lets hope he doesnt become anything in this life :DDDD
  2. ahahaha, good one now think that again, but slowly now I only shared my opinion about ur tournament (even wished u good luck with it) and u insult me... shows a lot about u as a person You give no details, no date, no discord or any kind of contact and expect any1 to be on board? But at least we have an artwork... thats giving confidence for sure 😄 But dw man, I trust u because the clans reputation is bigger than everything ahah
  3. Soooooo ur arguments are: - "u'll see if u get the prize if u win" - nothing else matters but the clans reputation I mean, yeah... its better to play and have a potential win than to play for nothing, but this feels disorganized gl tho
  4. why not explain the rules here so every1 can see and decide if they want to participate or not? and this is an unofficial event... how do we trust u that the winner gets the money? seems lil shady, hope i'm wrong
  5. u should record him next time and contact support with the video. they will insta ban him
  6. battle royale is not a good idea at all, sry
  7. listen to the players bcs they know better? naaaaaa, thats too mainstream how about we do everything our own way and hope we dont ruin the game? perfect!
  8. people will still play for the love of mv... they will just not play as much because there is no grind if they don't fix anything... the only grind now is the not so important level
  9. agreed with both of u! changing only the color would not be relevant. u need some kind of grind that is visible with the changing of the color the old upgrading system was nice. not perfect, but still better than this one lets hope they change it
  10. imagine a new player joining and asking a fake mod something they can say anything and people will believe as they seem to be the image of MV
  11. yeah! a toggle button in the settings is all we ask for :(((
  12. true... there isnt any mute button either, so also an option for this one would be nice
  13. people will be toxic no matter what you do just report them and hope they get banned