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  1. Seeing the concept art for some of the potential new sets makes me honestly worried. It kinda shows a disconnect between the game and the new developers. What makes the art style of mv so good is because it's based on japanese anime, but these new sets seem inspired by (or even plagiarized from...) other totally unrelated games. This just worries me, it makes me worried that they don't understand what makes microvolts what it is. The game isn't supposed to be futuristic or modern, so why stray so far away from the original art style? I'm hoping the concept arts are just some rough sketches from a myriad of ideas, because this doesn't fit the game aesthetic at all. Hopefully it's just the first thing they found and just decided to share it for hype, that's what I'm hoping, cause otherwise it doesn't seem promising. Assuming these are professionals, I hope it's just a lack of good personal taste, cause there are plenty of normal players that can make and have already made sets better than this. Just my two cents...