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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Thank god someone else mentioned the formatting lmao. And I agree, I really wish they would adjust the pricing on MP items and remove the mixed capsules altogether. They feel so predatory and unnecessary for the game and just confuse newer players into spinning them.
  2. The whole point of the mode was to hide in obscure spots (camping in model ship for example) or group up on zombies, that's how it was advertised in the launch video for zombie mode. They nerfed runspeed melees for players and gave zombies high jumps so it's more apparent than ever that players are going to go for the hiding aspect rather than the mob aspect of the mode. Also forgotten junkyard was balanced around zombie mode but they patched 70% of the map because it had too many bugs they didn't know how to fix so they just nuked the entire map. Magic paperland got patched because people would camp spawn in team elimination and it in turn made zombie mode harder in the process. I agree with the smaller maps being added though, that was abit silly but it was also welcomed because having more maps for any mode is fine, that's why there's a recommended player limit it gives you per map. I'm more saddened that they removed other big maps like rock band and castle siege. I agree with this, for the reasons above.
  3. Yeah I miss the old versions so much, they were perfect for zombie mode and got patched to oblivion.
  4. Yeah they added a new-ish feature that let's you insert 3 artifacts to create 1 of a certain category you pick now. Makes the grind alot more tolerable. Gotta find it in the crafting table, it's good stuff.
  5. Forgot to attach the bonus meter images. The boxes can contain coins or coupons + MP, whatever would work for the devs.
  6. Suggestion: Bring back single wave rewards, as is it has no purpose in the game besides doing dailies. Suggestion: Bring back coupons, the bonus meter, and coupon shop back. Right now the game has NO pity system, and coupons filled the gap between not winning rares, and filling the bonus meter for some extra MP and coupons. It'd be nice to also have coins back so we can use them on the MP capsule in the future.
  7. Suggestion: Add a "lock" feature for items that let's you have the option to manually lock them to prevent them from accidentally getting sold or deleted.
  8. It doesn't help that they SHRUNK forgotten junkyard and magic paperland. Those maps used to be bigger and filled with more spots to hide.
  9. That's usually an error when xigncode3 detects something suspicious. Maybe something in the background is being detected as a cheat program and the game boots you out.
  10. It's already been discussed, but I agree that the jump height is pretty unbalanced at the moment. Figures lose 90% of the time unless it's smaller rooms where it's actually possible to kill the host zombie, or maps you can glitch on.
  11. Relogin through the website with steam, if it doesn't work do this afew times, it should itself after afew tries.
  12. I'll deffo be adding you later, if you get a fr from Ainz, that's me! Also I missed your art posts (even if it's your sister lmao), they shine light amidst the chaos. :x
  13. Visual bug: Ringmaster blazer is transparent in some spots.
  14. That's a fair take, makes sense too. I just wish the rewards were more enticing as it progressed.
  15. Yeah I heard about that, thanks for posting it in detail. That's a biiiiiig glitch.
  16. Bug / Oversight: Rockband, Bitmap 2, Aftermath, Toy Garden (night), Temple Ruins, Championship Castle Siege are NOT currently in zombie mode map rotation. They used to be but got removed for some reason. Bug: Forgotten junkyard spawns ammo packs in old, unreachable spots (before the map got patched to be smaller). Magic paperland does the same thing.
  17. Same, at least games like genshin / cookie run / etc give you a ton of PAID currency for free. Meanwhile MV is barely giving you free currency (MP). I don't know what their obsession is with making MP this ultra rare super duper hard to get mineral when it's only purpose is spinning for MP capsule or buying overpriced item shop items. At this point it feels like they value mp more than rt. Maybe if they wanted a REAL event they could do something like: Hoard Rush!: If players defeat up to 100,000 zombies total, everyone will win 1000rt, or 50000 MP. Y'know, stuff like that, make it worth it gawd.
  18. It's not hard for people to hide malware that goes undetected and can be snuck into "official" and safer sites. DLL files are notorious for this and it's unwise to advise anyone into downloading them. Most malicious malware lay dormant for months, even years, until they're ready to be executed. I'm not trying to come across as rude, but that's just the unfortunate reality when messing with dll files.
  19. Suggestion: Bring back the old pity system for capsules where you filled up a bar the more you spun, and would get a gold prize when it was full but this time it would give you 1 rare item from the capsule you're spinning, or at least alot of MP. We desperately need a pity system.
  20. I really missed playing boss battle with friends and grinding for those rare tracker sets, ESPECIALLY the pandora one.
  21. Pandora: Anesidora / Ringmaster / Rogue Slayer / Red Skater Knox: Herc / Mr. Pink / Yellow Naomi: Hattori / Demon Hunter / Diving CHIP: Glacies / Menoetius / Musashi + Gozen / Kris Kringle / Colonel Crac / Cursed / Blue bot + Red bot Simon: Raven Khan: Tech wear set