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  1. if I remember correctly, original game had only 2 free characters. knox and naomi. you had to unlock pandora and c.h.i.p
  2. true, surge ruined weapon balance. I would like weapons to have a difference. like gold shotgun(had best damage), silver shotgun ( Was mid range), bronze shotgun ( was fast and dealt less damage). This differences made the game more interesting. but there were some OP weapons like some heaven sniper which was way way way op.
  3. I really enjoyed playing mv when I was a kid. back then, We Didn't have much skins + we only had 4 characters if I remember correctly. (even with rp items game was kinda balanced). I definitely agree on the weapons upgrade system. old +5 was much better and balanced. Game Totally can use Ranked Mode (5v5) and please Don't forget Zombie mode. It was pretty fun back in the day. Steam Launch Could be Huge. maybe the game could give a limited time items in the events, which could be sold on steam market? who knows? Game should add more maps. (but first, just RELEASE OG Game) and yes... GAME NEEDS A GOOD ANTICHEAT. DEFINITELY!