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  1. Its okay leo, you guys are undestandably very busy, as soon as theres more keys to be given out im sure more people will get to experience and give feedback! Many thanks for the already awesome content you guys are giving us!
  2. Would be super cool to try the closed beta, if anyone has a key, I would appreciate. Many thanks
  3. Does that work? how do i download the game?
  4. I've been checking in every couple of weeks since 2018, its insane to me to check back and see that the official website is changed and theres actually a select lucky few that get to experience the game! I hope theres more keys to be given out, can't wait to play this game again! Either way, thank you very much devs, im greatful for what you're doing with my childhood game!
  5. I've been checking in every couple of weeks since 2018, its insane to me to check back and see that the official website is changed and theres actually a select lucky few that get to experience the game! I hope theres more keys to be given out, can't wait to play this game again!