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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Has there been any cases of them restoring items yet? If so that's pretty impressive, when that stuff would happen in MVS I hadn't heard people having great luck.
  2. I don't really worry about that, as long as they introduce some fun events occasionally and add the modes that were previously in the game (Boss Battle, Item Match, Arms Race, one of my personal favorites ๐Ÿ˜‚). This game is super fun on it's own, I just don't really have a reason to play it a ton so I just play it occasionally as of right now. I really wish I had more of a reason to play it. I accidentally spent all my MP on some accessories that for whatever reason are 90x more expensive than others, so now I'm kinda just stuck and playing the game can't even fix it.
  3. Right now my favorite songs are: Realise by Sota Tom's Diner by AnnenMayKantereit Royalty by Ezgod (Wiguez & Alltair Remix) Middle one may seem a bit random but I'm obsessed with the guy's voice that's super deep and raspy, seems almost fake if you see what he looks like IRL.
  4. Let's be honest here, this game could be absolutely amazing, and the game being officially released doesn't mean much. It's basically in an open beta phase, they've admitted that many changes are coming even before they released the game, as long as they are open to making changes that people have issues with, which it seems like they are for most issues, it'll be just fine. Stubbornness is just about the only thing that could actually kill this game, it's playerbase is too dedicated and with the right changes and additions it'd have very little trouble growing a larger audience. Give it time, if you aren't much of a fan now, give it a try after they make some larger changes, which are coming.
  5. Personally, I was a huge fan of the original Microvolts website, with some modernization that thing would've been amazing. Really embraced what MV was and it's theme was everywhere, with no logos or words you could tell what game it was for easily, this website not so much besides the one background picture.
  6. They need to rethink MP entirely, this is unsustainable and not player friendly in the slightest. In all honesty, they actually made the game pay to win slightly by being able to sell items you win via the RT capsule for MP. With MP being so rare, the limited capsule is basically going to be useless, and since players don't really receive MP for anything but daily missions and login rewards, there's no real reason to grind either. We need match MP rewards back.
  7. Currently, there's no plans to add a trade system. Although, it'd be best to hold onto them in case they change the MP you receive for selling items, which they should probably do.
  8. Unless there's new info released somewhere that I missed, they've said that they have no plans to release the trade system in this version.
  9. I'm not sure I learned it really from anyone, if anything it would've been Yuki's old YouTube guide. Doesn't really help that I still swap with 1-7 to this day so I more or less just heard about the mechanic and picked it up myself. Cool to hear everyone's stories though, also seeing TreasoN here was quite a shock, legend ๐Ÿฅฒ
  10. Yeah uhm... Besides the fact it's going to be impossible for anyone to even reach past like 400, the level icons aren't unique enough to even want to grind personally. This needs some work lol
  11. "pro zm player" is a crazy thing to say considering that mode has never really been more than glitches and camping. Don't get me wrong, I do love the mode, but it's not very impressive unless you're a movement god or something crazy lol
  12. You should do that in a support ticket, so that hundreds of players aren't informed.
  13. Not very smart to share publicly who the cheats are being made/distributed by...
  14. I found it funny they were asking us to use the #ToyWarsRevival hashtag in our social media event posts, so yes, it basically is! Nothing wrong with that, just gotta iron out some issues and follow some feedback as they receive it and it could be amazing.
  15. I agree with everything in this post, I myself haven't purchased the membership, it doesn't seem worth it just yet. They have said previously that they are going to add more benefits to it, so hopefully they can either increase the current benefits, or add additional ones. A 30-50% boost on MP would be great, although honestly we should be getting MP per match like you said, and that MP you earn, along with missions/challenges/achievements should be boosted as well if possible.
  16. I agree, I don't want to see any more "Full Party" capsules, the rates on them are absolutely god awful. In many ways, it's just a far worse option.
  17. On an unrelated note, everyone please stop formatting your posts and replies like this lol. It's such a pain to read. But the reason why they don't remake it, is because they know it died for a reason. Surge had many flaws, the largest issue was it being pay-to-win, which yes, is an issue (I know there's still many people that will argue it's not). These developers are very against that idea, although, if they just implemented almost everything from Surge outside of cosmetics, and added their weapon balancing, it'd be nearly perfect. MP distribution, prices of capsule spins, shop item prices, everything like that needs some adjusting I feel in this version. I don't understand why there are so few modes for one, I'd absolutely love to play some Item Match or Arms Race (especially if they rebalanced the weapons).
  18. I'd agree with this, outside of Tight not being S tier ๐Ÿ˜‚ Honestly this is very useful for the developers so they can get an idea of what type/style of items players like and dislike. Very smart!
  19. Yeah... it's getting to the point where I can't really play anymore. I get kicked like 1/3 matches, can't play with my friends because I get kick banned from the lobbies they're in, NA doesn't have much of a variety of matches anyways... It's a shame.
  20. Well frankly, the community has not changed, which is sad. Many of them are still just as childish as they were 10 years ago, and I was 10 years old then and I say they were childish... The video game community is full of "doomers" nowadays, that's just how things are. People pray on the downfall of games whether they like them or not, I'm not speaking for everyone but it's a concerning amount still. The controversial topics although, were only made controversial when the creator of that thread and members who were interested were literally attacked. Frankly, Masangsoft needs to take a stand on these things, because the game's only been out a week, and people are already going insane. If they're going to allow that type of behavior, for one, that's embarrassing, and many of us will show our displeasure. But, they should show that they aren't going to stand for this, as any modern and successful game would do the same, whether you like it or not, that behavior cannot be accepted.
  21. They weren't working on it for nearly that long, maybe two years. They don't know how the game was back then, nor did they know what the community want. This isn't MVS either, this is a different version they're working with I believe, so even if Surge was better than what we have now, they couldn't just rerelease Surge. There will be many changes and additions made even by the end of the year, they've basically said that they understand the game is unfinished, but they wanted to give us something to play and let the game evolve over time.
  22. Do you have any proof of these groups? This sounds a bit crazy but with this community I wouldn't be surprised.
  23. The support team can take quite some time to respond, I believe I've had them take up to three weeks, although I haven't made any tickets within the past couple months, they may have gotten quicker.
  24. Wow this is really good! I really wish my siblings played MV, that'd be really fun.
  25. I don't see a reason for this infinite leveling system in the first place, levels 0-100 are already pointless and I don't understand why they chose to do that. Having such a large range of levels feels like there's no meaning to any of them, they definitely should just go back and set people's levels based upon how much XP players have, using a leveling "rate". They could make every single level like 5000 XP if they want it to be infinite, people would level up far slower within levels 0-100 as compared to now, but reaching levels higher than 100 would still be obtainable even into the 500+ range if you're a dedicated player who plans to stick with the game for a long time. As of right now, at this rate, they've currently implemented 1000 levels I believe, which nobody will ever reach even level 500 at this rate. I can't imagine seeing what a four digit level would look like in game, I feel like it would be terrible honestly.