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MicroData last won the day on September 24 2023

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  1. I would like to see the old items that used to be in the MP shop, there were many more outfit choices back in Surge. Why are they gone now? This would provide more reason to stick with the game and obtain MP. Then, there should also be better way to convert duplicate items into MP, or simply a better return rate than only 10% or whatever it is now, because there are some people sitting with just 10x copies of hands and shoes and faces that are pretty much sunk RT from capsules. Alternatively, extra RT items could have RT sellback, which is similar to how popular gacha games have a currency pity system - some of the currency goes back into becoming more spins. Of course, RT and MP should stay mostly divided.
  2. So basically control points (TF2) with item drops I'm all for trying different things!
  3. Why, I'm aghast! At all times I respond with respect, the only thing I'm saying is that you are giving false information. I'm not insulting anyone just sharing the truth. I am calm, and at no time did I insult, disrespect or say that they cannot give their opinion. I don't handle myself that way. In your own paragraph, you are claiming quite a few things that I never said! I consider it highly important to call out abusive liars like yourself who deny any of their own wrong after doing it. Everyone saw how you argue already. I guess you don't like it when the same nonsense is used on you. Enjoy your day, and thanks for projecting. I reported you as well.
  4. Good on them to fix a few bugs, But I don't see a thing on this list that addresses the major concerns the community has brought up since launch.
  5. Also don't forget single-weapon mode does not give everyone enough ammo
  6. Don't forget Item Match, Arms Race, Weekly Boss Battles, the other 60% of outfits that used to be in the shop, low level player servers, fixing autobalance that removes team switching
  7. This is just the old stuff from Surge that they removed.
  8. Melu have you heard of the psychological concept, "being in denial"? I think it would benefit you and everyone around you greatly to learn about its effects on mental health. I hope my friendly advice helps! Btw, I'll share my experience about the difficulty of gamedev: Some gamedev is extremely easy. Unexpectedly easy. And some gamedev is extremely hard. Very, unexpectedly hard. Although we only fully know if we have the source code, we can make some educated guesses. I think you already have a good idea about it! What we do know, is that the devs have mentioned absolutely nothing about why all of the god damn good content from Microvolts Surge, they game they originally bought in 2017, is missing! You and me both are not happy about their #### communication.
  9. Bro have you ever heard of "passive aggressiveness" or indirect insults. You are so full of it. I also invite you not to make false claims from other people and not to spread misinformation. You seem to care so much about that, except when you do it. What a paragon of respect you are! Reducing people's legitimate concerns to excuses!
  10. You are so right. Because of that, people like melu can post here. Sorry, that was so uncalled for. What I mean to say is, because of that, there is a severe bottleneck on communication between us players and the developer for them to really understand what concerns us. Perhaps it also contributes to the lack of communication from them, leaving us in the dark about this game's future, only increasing the community's frustration as time goes on. The launch gave many of us a very bad first impression, the poor communication is giving us an ongoing bad impression, the current state of the game is giving us an ongoing bad impression, and the expectations we carry because we know what the game already has in its files since Surge, us giving many veteran players a huge sense of disappointment.
  11. You're welcome, I think it perfectly described how much you put into a paragraph questioning someone's ability to read and thereby insulting their intelligence. Not to mention your generous amount of false accusations! On that point, I have a question. Can you read broooo?? Literally the post I quoted, you said "It is not dead". And I agreed with you. It isn't. It's just dying. On a decline. Losing players. These are synonyms incase you didn't know.
  12. Holy #### you're such a liar, sea lion, condescending, and pretentious. Also, the game isn't dead. The correct term is "dying". We will see whether it stays up or not in the near future. OP is right about everything they said about how disappointing it was for this release of the game to be missing 90% of the content we already used to have.
  13. Do you worry about gameplay getting monotonous? Do you feel you need something that will keep you in this game in the long run? If you answered yes, then you already know that just adding a level or weapon grind isn't going to fix that, because neither of those really change the BULK of your time - the gameplay itself. Microvolts is sitting on several missed opportunities. They removed maybe 5/10 of the gamemodes this game already had. It should be as simple as flipping on a switch for them to bring them back.