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Everything posted by khalo0od100

  1. completely agree with everything. For me its very simple, short and straight to the point recipe: 1. MP gains per match 2. Add back everything in the shop as it was in the old game 3. Clan wars That's it, honestly, this way you can get people back and give yourself time to add the rest of the necessary things.
  2. im not sure what exactly do you expect, do you want to be able to 1v5 every time? that is just completely dumb, that shouldn't be possible , like never. You could have done that in Surge, with Hermes and zeus, now tell me, was that balanced? hell no. The spamm was always an issue because people relied on the explosives every single time , which is very very annoying. Lets say you are trying to snipe someone, and all of a sudden you see 3 rockets and grenades launching at you, its horrendous... so no, they shouldn't increase the ammo nor buff them, if anything maybe nerf their blast radius.
  3. i believe 95% of the community is glad the explosives have been reduced , it drives me insane when the first thing players to is to take out the bazooka in close combat and spamm the hell out of it. I think its fine as it is, the explosives shouldn't be the strongest weapons, but for me right now the problem is the way the grenades bounce you arround when they explode, that's one annoying little thing πŸ™‚ IMO they should reduce a little bit the characters reaction to the grenades explosion
  4. Thank you for this post ! ive been saying we need all those items since launch.. as they were in the game before..
  5. you are right, its not a problem, its a MASSIVE problem , in every single room you have many players constantly camping and never leaving the base just to raise their KDA , and these drops are just making them continue to do that. This way of playing is very sweaty and tryharding and does nothing else than make other players mad.. dont get me wrong , sometimes i like to sit back and snipe people but this is just ridiculous There are capture the battery rooms or team death matches where you literally cannot kill anyone from the enemy team because all they do is sit in the base. What even is the point of the game mode if they dont even try to push/rush?
  6. Everything above, its pretty much spot on but i am going to add 2 more things: 1. For the love of god, just make the shop as it was in the old game, with all the weapons , parts and accessories 2. Remove the HP % Ammo drops from being spawned in fixed spots to dropping per death - its very annoying and all it does is to promote camping
  7. Bro i was thinking the same thing, i honestly have no idea what it is , but the game feels a little bit odd .. i was wondering what's happening since the launch indeed THO feels much smoother, to me it seems the shooting and guns also feel different in a good way. Im not sure what they did , but it feels odd
  8. Thanks for this, 7-11 am in which time zone tho? CET? The problem is that mos of us work in the mornings so we cant play then... and i for example log in in the evening and there are indeed a few rooms but mostly they are full of campers who tryhard for their KDA, which is INSANELY annoying..
  9. Hello fellas, Since the game has been released there's something really bugging me , which at first did not seem like a big issue but now its more and more annoying - the fixed ammo and hp drops.. As the majority of people already said it, the camping in this game its extremely annoying ( which wasn't the case in the old game ) and this is mainly due to the fact that spamming nades and zookas has been reduced, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But these fixed hp and ammo drops play a big role in camping , people literally sit in the base or in some spots , run back take the drops and then just proceed to camp further ( im not going to name some of them but there's a whole clan of players with this kind of " playstyle" ) It's becoming a habit in every single room and it's driving most of us crazy to the point where players are kicking each other for this. For me , its insanely annoying and cringe to see this going. And yes. i know there are more pressing issues than this
  10. that is true but you must take into consideration most games are not released with almost 0 content and 0 incentive to keep you playing the game
  11. Facts! completely agree Everything they had to do was take the as it was in Surge, strip it of a lot of content and release like that, and everything they stripped from it could have been released later in updates.... Right now the shop is SAD, thats the only thing i can think of when i look at it.. MP gains are INEXISTENT and there's 0 pourpose to play besides nostalgia, which by the way fades slowly due to this lack of items and stuff. I really hate to say this, but look at TH.. its better in every aspect besides those cringy ice and fire weapons and the Dev Staff. Honestly, such a small group managed to find the perfect recipe and Masangsoft couldn't...... I really doubt they will release a huge update after the halloween one considering the steps the've taken so far. And i really don't want to admit this but at this rate there will be 10 rooms constantly which will lead to the games death.
  12. that Micr0volts guy is using all kinds of hacks...i've reported him twice already...
  13. What even is this post , lol. I swear, some people have ideas that make your jaw drop...
  14. " I wouldn't spend money on items with the same specs as 100MP items " - this is what balancing means tho ? Also, no one forces you to spend money, that's exactly the point ... lol Regarding new content yes.. we all want new things, but there's nothing much you can do about that.. its all up to them
  15. Should be half the exp you gain per game -> 1k EXP - 500MP
  16. I am starting to question if people like this actually think before posting
  17. What is wrong with you? are you the guy in the screenshots? Stop this bs with the tank, you can also get tank , it's in the game.. its a feature. Thats it.
  18. Honestly its a good ideea, i think the easiest thing to do is make MP & EXP events and also add back the capsule drops in game and the hammers to open them... you can receive the crosses which gain additional MP and EXP and thats cool. Also you can drop additional content in the hammers and capsules, they were great back in the old game but i think they missed a little touch to them, With MP per room gains we could open the hammers easily if they make them 2k lets say. I always liked them and this way they can add limited time content in there too. Also... another grinding point for us πŸ˜„
  19. Spot on , i agree with everything except the accessories part with extra bullets for nades ande bazooka, i truly believe they removed them in order to reduce the spamm which is great imo. Also the upgrade system is very crap indeed, seems to basic to me. But also, i would honestly go for the 9 level upgrade but it might be difficult to balance the weapons that way, the only way to do i see is to divide the current upgrade stats to 9 and make it that way. I would honestly just upgrade like a maniac for the weapons effect πŸ˜„ And yes, the thing we all want a is a MUST its the MP per room so we can go nuts on the capsule , upgrades, shop, etc. The time in game should be rewarded with MP in my opinion.
  20. im not sure, i spent 5 euros and from 5 spins i got 1 melee and 1 bazooka from the new halloween ones
  21. omg these were soooo cool ! the halloween events where the cherry on the cake for me, i swear. Literally loved the halloween accessories , weapons, hp drops, sets etc.
  22. Ok i get your point, but you are still missing the most important fact : players already left the game due to shi.t communication, why on earth are they so stubborn with the communication? a simple road map/ post to keep us informed would do the trick, atleast we know what's going on.. for now it seems all they do is "server maintanances" .. I get that there's plenty to do and their team is small , but my god, give us a forum post atleast? Also, the old game shut down in 2017 , yes, but here are 2 important things to keep in mind : - maybe they did not acquire the game LEGALLY and COMPLETELY in 2017 and the process took some time, even though they appeared to be the owners then - they still had plenty of time to do the minor changes as the game was in fact completely DONE.. all they had to do was balance weapons and remove the shi.tty overpowered ones, instead they went over their head with dumb stuff like infinite levels and removed the MP gains and almost EVERYTHING from the shops..
  23. i think its a good idea, the old game had this implemented for a long time. Also if they dont want to introduce this for some reason, they can just make rooms accessible for players between level 0 and 100.. as you reach level 100 in less than 100 games i think its fair. The player count is already dropping clearly , its visible in the game aswell, CH1 was busy until a few days ago, now i havent seen it like that anymore and also there aren't as many rooms either. It's sad to see, but i will put that on the fact that the only reason we have to play for now it's leveling up.. we dont get MP, the clans havent been added yet and etc. Its only been 3 weeks since launch but yeah.. people are not that patient anymore πŸ˜„