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Neo Trinity

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Everything posted by Neo Trinity

  1. I'm an NA player and while I enjoy the low ping, there's only a handful of other people I saw that wasn't 100+ ping. Evidently majority of the testers are from the EU and this beta is being botched by this high ping. You need to open an EU server, even if that means you have to turn off the NA one for the rest of the beta.
  2. Where did they say that? I took a quick look but don't really see any answer like that. They gave out 300 keys 6 hours ago.
  3. I was wondering why I thought I got the key on the wrong email. I had this account but since I thought I had to sign up through Steam I used an email different from this one. I wish they would of explained this during the application process. Would of been important to know. Edit: Wouldn't the Steam email thing not matter since we put an email into the application prompt?
  4. I'm hoping for at least 1k as well, but would love to see it get even more.
  5. I'd be perfectly fine with it, especially if it helps keep a steady cash flow without resorting to P2W content. I would be likely to buy it as well.
  6. I really enjoy the server so thank you for managing it!
  7. You got more than a healthy spoonful of ice cream! I insert chocolate into the vending machine.
  8. I'm certain it will most likely come available when CBT time is close.
  9. NFTs? That's a good way to make people not play this game lmao
  10. You got Apple sauce! I insert a feather into the vending machine...