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Everything posted by Riasamai

  1. As far as I've experienced you don't even need to sign up to be able to obtain a key. You just need a masangsoft acc. I signed up via steam yet all of my masangsoft accs have gotten keys lol.
  2. I have 3 different forum accounts. I signed up for the beta with my steam and somehow all my forum acc emails got CBT keys... that's rly f'ed up I hope it gets fixed. If you created a masang acc during the CBT sign up please check that mail (esp in the spam section!)
  3. I don't think we should get gifts as closed beta testers, however I do think that open beta testers deserve to get a reward.
  4. LEO is communicating a bunch in the suggestions n' bug thread, which is something. Bear in mind that we live in different time zones.
  5. Makes sense. Although maps shouldn't change I feel like something needs an adjustment, playing small maps will be pretty oof in the long term if that is the solution to the issue
  6. There was no such thing as a sniper sens in the old game. There was only the mouse sensitivity and the mouse acceleration, just like now.
  7. OBS. ZOMBIE MODE post is incoming! Please feel free to list your own opinions although this topic is only about the improvement and feedback to the currently zombie mode that is in the CBT. BEAR IN MIND! That this is how I feel and you might feel different about game, but please note that these improvements that I'm mentioning is mostly for new players, so they'll have a fun time. ISSUES / BUGS: Multiple popular glitches from the old MV, making the "human" side stupidly OP. HOST issues, where the host has to leave the game for the game to proceed after everyone has turned into zombies. CHANGES NEEDED / BALANCING ISSUES: The knockback is a huge turn off when playing zombie. Please decrease it so both sides are enjoyable. Zombies NEED more HP especially the 2nd turned zombies they die too fast. Zombies need a speed boost (This is mostly a problem due to clothes having such stupid buffs.) SUGGESTIONS: Removing edges specific maps that contributes to glitches (Neighborhood, Hobby Shop, Model Ship, The Studio ETC). Possibly removing collision so you are unable to stand on other players, making some glitches unobtainable. Adding shield pick ups for the "human side", so they can use it in a moment of need, making it more attractive to explore the map rather than hiding or glitching. (Kind of like the power weapons) Buff power weapons to make them more attractive to pick up. More Power weapons as they are fun to grab and use! Feel free to agree or disagree ๐Ÿ™‚