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Everything posted by Nekrophagy1

  1. wait is it actually removed in the game entirely? I know there's some weapons like the driver that shoot so fast there's no reason to swap, but I had no idea the mechanic was removed. That's disappointing
  2. Here are my thoughts on the Closed Beta after playing for 2hours. Bugs/Glitches: The only glitch I noticed quite often was the god ray bug where your screen gets like a spazzed out rag doll covering the entire screen for a few seconds. Weapon Balance: Weapons are not balanced at all. Some weapons allow for the quick swap technique while others like the driver shoot out so fast there is no need to even do the swap technique. If were gonna have weapons with varied equip speeds it should be shown as a stat so players don't have to experiment in game. Also The sniper rifle feels really awkward to use at times because once you scope in its almost as if your sensitivity changes. (Mostly noticeable if you play on a high sensitivity) Other Suggestions : If this game is gonna have a ranked mode parts giving extra hp/movement from parts should be completely voided for that mode.
  3. So sad, didnt get a key even though I played on steam for 100hours and prior to that on the launcher for at least 500๐Ÿ˜”