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Everything posted by Breadnbutter

  1. Let's be real for a second. We actually need people who know the ins and outs of the game instead of casual zombie players. The whole purpose of a closed beta is to review all possible bugs, weapons, and provide with valuable feedback.
  2. Actually before even taking into account any feedback, get a better anti-cheat software
  3. Just a few concerns / questions that I would like to raise in the hope that one of the gms replies. 1. I think all of us would like to know as to why this took almost 5 years to launch - a closed beta with almost 0 changes? Not fudding, just being curious. 2. How were the beta keys distributed? MV had 2 closed betas and an open beta. I assume we are likely going to have another closed beta if not a few considering there's little that we can provide feedback on atm. In that case, please select your beta testers carefully, players with real experience in the game that can provide valuable suggestions. Make the threads view only to people that are not part of the beta test (similar to how microcouncil was done for mv) 3. Is the ranking system finalised? Are there any new maps, characters, weapons in the works?
  4. lol why would u get people on beta that cant even speak english