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Everything posted by SpectralWolfeh

  1. That's how the surge mods felt before surge shut down. Its so sad seeing history repeat itself. πŸ˜”
  2. If they're aware of the problem and don't really try to fix it then what does that say for the future of the game or communication between you and the devs then you and the community? Honestly hearing this is just like how the mods and community of surge were treated and its so heartbreaking. :c They better say something soon because everyone is giving up. Given this company's rep of butchering games for profit doesn't help their case either.
  3. I'd love to spend $50 on a pack I can't use in-game other than have prolonged eye contact in the menu because there are hardly any lobbies to play in! /sarcasm Honestly disappointing.
  4. Here's to hoping a better company will buy the license...doubtful but πŸ‘
  5. It'd be simpler just to build from scratch with more modern software than copy pasting the game as it'll just have the same issues the original had.
  6. I'd suggest some kind of council to work alongside mods and devs to try and discuss fixes to the game's gameplay, bugs, items and weps, etc. As far as the devs know this game will die if it continues the route its on.
  7. It really had a lot of potential, its so sad they didn't put as much love and care as they should have.
  8. I like the idea. Sadly they'd find someway to profit by making the capsule more expensive or something.
  9. My entry for the digital art category. I included my twitch vod of working on the piece. Music was muted due to my streaming settings lmao Entry: https:// imgur. com/a/ejirfAo
  10. Interesting! Might have to dust off my tablet for this. πŸ™‚
  11. Just like in Surge the moderators were just community members that moderate said community and keep order, answer questions to their best of their knowledge, they're not devs, they're not part of the company in any way so unless the devs openly share inside information then the mods won't have any info to really share. They're volunteers and as far as their powers and limits go they're doing their job. Sending suggestions is the most they can do, it was the most the surge mods could do as well. As for the mods getting kicked, yeah I experienced this too back in surge. Soon as people figured out who was a mod whether it be via the old pink text or just knowledge it can be very very difficult to play the game. Let alone in this version where there are hardly any rooms to play in at all.
  12. Honestly I don't understand why they didn't give y'all separated accounts or something like the mods from microvolts surge.
  13. I am! I'm happy MV is back but this ver is def lacking in some ways, hopefully devs do something about that. Tbh as for the fake ver I heard toy heroes was struggling recently but Idk how true that is.
  14. I remember seeing your name around but its been so long. As for where everyone is, we showed up for launch but slowly went our separate ways unfortunately. The devs proved to be a little bit of a let down with this version as of late.
  15. Honestly looks so much better than what we have right now.
  16. I want to create a doc of known bugs/issues and even suggestions for the game, possibly talk about them on my stream or a video in hopes the devs see it and maybe start listening to what the players want. Its a long shot I'm aware. However I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on the game, what can be improved or even report bugs/glitches in one spot so devs aren't doom scrolling through the forums lol. Post below. Cheers~
  17. I'm pretty sure the lore for this version is or will be different since other old versions had different lore but if you look up the old MicroVolts Surge channel you can find a video called ''MicroVolts Official Release: Build Your Legend'' that one is essentially the lore. I unfortunately cannot post the link.
  18. You can go into the replay of your game and report the user in-game. Just make sure you select the correct player and the correct reason.
  19. From my understanding the game/website uses steam to log in. Have him change his log in for that first I think. Least until you get a response on the ticket.
  20. Through some old friends and observation of other players, can't do it anymore sadly due to hand condition.
  21. Delays happen...however it really isn't surprising when we see how the betas were handled.. sigh.
  22. I got a key, used a yahoo email though. Last time I used hotmail and didnt get anything.
  23. The devs don't really owe us anything other than development of the game, they aren't our friends, they're a company with a job to do. It was the same with Rock Hippo and NQGames. We were just fortunate enough they wanted to interact with us on a more ''equal'' level (RH more than NQ but I digress). I believe the devs are just trying to be careful, so let them be. I'm alright with some items being behind a paywall, clothing, guns, etc. Not everything HAS to be free, but not everything HAS to be p2w. I think they're mostly focused on balance because that was the biggest complaint before the game shut down. That's totally understandable because MV was a game that tried to cater to all forms of players.. (Casual, Competitive, Meme-y, etc) and it did stray from that in the end. I agree though the timing is taking a bit longer than it needs to be. There could be things we don't know though. The biggest issue with how this game plans to thrive again isn't the betas, or even the community since we've long since grown up and moved onto other titles. Its the marketing to bring in a new community. If they don't market this game it will not last even a year as the profits will be too low to maintain its servers or even fund new content. That's where NQ went wrong when they held the title, and in turn pumped out so much RT content they thought would make up the loss but we all saw how that ended. Even now the betas aren't even being marketed, I actually didn't know this version was finally being updated until a few friends I knew from surge told me. Community isn't dead its just dormant if anything. We can complain, shit on this game and give our feedback all we want. The devs can listen to every word we say and still fail because the only people they've managed to draw back in are those who remembered the game by chance and respectfully we were a horrible community back then with the complaining. The MV we knew died 9(+) years ago. Let them do their work.