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Count Bleck

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Everything posted by Count Bleck

  1. as much as i love this game, there is one other aspect of things that is concerning, though it's one that masangsoft can't really do anything about: a lot of live service game models are really difficult to get going nowadays- onboarding is more difficult and the market has become so oversaturated that its hard to be successful... while the pandemic definitely was a factor in the past i think the tricky part is getting a game like this off the ground, especially given it's steep learning curve and playerbase that is known to be a bit toxic. i still of course want to see what they do with it! and it could definitely work out, but if masangsoft is struggling managing their IPs, that could explain the lack of beta testing and whatnot short version: stuff's complicated, not only just in working with such an old game engine, but in the state of this type of game in the market! : o
  2. maybe its just me, but ive always liked having rooms to hang out and chat- its considered part mmo, right? i feel like time in the game should be rewarded, even if its an extremely small amount- if its a very small amount, it wouldnt be appealing to afk on?
  3. full offense. why would i use an ai to design a set. sounds awful, esp since legality behind using ai generated images is confusing rn
  4. reposting here in case the beta section goes offline!
  5. Thanks for having this closed beta! I'm mostly just watching rooms now since most people have moved on, and while most of my previous thread still stands... I did want to mention that the sniper rifle with three shots actually turned out to be really fun to use! It's weirdly useful in zombie mode, and I greatly enjoy the part system along with the easier swapping. The speed feels fun, too, though maybe it's just because I like playing fast. It feels like speed plays a big role in the current state of Microvolts! I'm not too well versed in most minute details of weapons, so I trust the other opinions of the community. A lot of the feedback regarding servers and whatnot still stands, I think- geographic placement matters, since there's a big range of players worldwide. But I do have a last question- is it possible to send you guys video files for later? I have recorded a lot of footage of glitches in the game, and while I want to send it, I can't edit it down before the end of the beta.
  6. I do wanna add that Leo mentioned that they had to find the source code for the game, which could explain the wait alongside corporate issues! I feel like the shuffling of weapon stats between diff types isn't as big of a deal- like one weapon having the stats of a different one just takes getting used to, and isn't an outright issue. I mostly worry about how grindy the game could be for needing so much battery, but I'm sure there will be some extra care in this new idea- which overall I like! I hate having to get run speed parts via the capsule.
  7. It seems like depending on your computer, in certain maps Sophita upon death will fill the screen with flashing white polygons until her body despawns. It's very fast, and possibly seizure inducing. List of maps me and another player have noticed this on are: -Rumpus Room -Tracker Factory -PVC Day (rare) -Chess -Bitmap 1 (not consistent) -Junkyard (The tiny one, not the one blocked off from a larger map.) I had to stop looking because it was hurting my eyes too much. ... It won't allow me to post the video directly (it's too large), and the page has an error when I link directly from youtube. I'm not sure how to share.
  8. In my own opinion, I like the current swapping mechanics simply because the old ones weren't accessible- the skill ceiling was too high on top of physical problems like my hands always shaking and being a bit small on most keyboards. It's a bit unwelcoming to new players versus ones who have been playing for a decade, now. It's very hard to master, and while skill should always factor into winning, I've never been able to master it despite also playing for a decade... I always feel accessibility should be put into consideration when it comes to reviving games- not to make everything easy, but possible to pick up on for people who may have never heard of this game before!
  9. Truthfully, I've never had an issue with HP, though I did notice non-host zombies only having 6600 hp, making them easily killable even by using melee only! I highly disagree on shield mechanics, I just think it would go against the idea of zombie modes as a whole- this person can only melee, meaning you have the means to get ahead of them with good play and tactics. I don't want an easy button to get away from stuff- and in cases where there are too many zombies, it'd just delay the inevitable.
  10. This isn't a part of testing, but something I'm very concerned about. While there is going to be work on the weapons to avoid the p2w nature, and while clothing items do not translate to any particular stat differences... Will there be a lot of MP customization options? The MP shop has options, sure, but it'd be good for MP players to also be able to get different items and such from events, boxes, capsules, etc. Even if customization isn't the point of the game, I think it plays a large enough part to ensure that f2p can still be able to be more varied than just the shop items. A small side question is if all shop items will be able to be bought as unlimited items in the future- including RT items. Thanks for all of your hard work!
  11. What technical parts would this be? If you aren't able to answer that is okay, but it feels kind of strange to have one character stronger than the rest. : O Since all characters share the same skeleton, and hitbox, I'm not sure what he faces as a problem.
  12. Besides obvious ones, too many things are blamed on lag, such as the higher zombie jump. It'd be good to see a list of changes made.
  13. I feel like even with potential anti cheat in the future, it'd be best to report things. :v It's hard to test when people are already hacking. Who can I report to?
  14. On starting the game and joining a match, my jump wasn't working right- i could double jump, but not high enough to get on top of anything. I remember this being an old bug to look into- I had to restart to fix it.
  15. I feel like a forum title would be best, because even if something has no stats.... it would feel weird to me? A forum title is just a forum title- not every player will be on the forum. Just having a "beta" item on its own would be annoying if there is ever a trade economy.
  16. I would appreciate it, too, since I use it to practice different things/movements.
  17. You have to buy new ones to upgrade and repair them.
  18. You're probably right, I didn't consider all of that- perhaps I'm just thinking about how much less time/money would be spent in the capsule to get an item if I can simply pick the stats I want.
  19. AND ANOTHER THING: I do like being able to pick the stats of parts- I hope that they stay at one level with the zero price so that it's easy to pick favorites. I do think speed should not be given extra stats like extra hp or explosion armor- I think that if someone wants both hp and speed, they should build their character that way.
  20. One last thing: are our names permanent? I put in something just to have a name since Count Bleck wasn't allowed for some reason. I'd like to change it to that if possible.
  21. As a reminder for everyone: if a game is in closed beta, they are testing new balancing and ideas. As it's not finished, and only working off what was left of MVS, you should not expect a complete game. Balancing is a difficult thing to achieve.
  22. Not sure if I should add to an existing thread, but here are things I noticed after about one day of play: Sound design: Sound bank seems low quality- compressed. Some maps seem to lack background noise/ambience. Sound effects for hitting things seems wrong for materials- wood sounds like hollow plastic, etc. Bugs: Sharkill's lines are bugged- some are Kai's, and uses female zombie sounds. Sometimes a turned zombie will spawn using both boy and girl models at the same time. The wrench melee type causes extremely fast run speed when upgraded on that stat. Going full speed with this makes user faster than zombies. Most map bugs are still in tact, the window in the red base of Neighborhood in particular is a pretty bad one. Selecting a character is difficult, I sometimes have to click to the right of them to select, and sometimes going to confirm will select a different character.' When spawning in, melee won't give speed boost as it should until you swap away, then back to it. Crashes are still very common. Balancing: Zombies having a higher jump is a good idea- though perhaps needs to be a lil lower, it's hard to hit players when jumping. The recoil is too extreme- shotguns knock back very far. Firing rate for shotgun seems a bit too fast. Multiple shots per round of sniper feels overpowered, since I can spam it. Upgrading parts/accessories is interesting, but I do worry about how grindy the game will become. If it's too extreme, it could make it less welcoming for new players, who are against the average playerbase with upgraded gear. This would be compounded over time. Swapping feels much easier/more natural. I have shaky hands, so it helps a lot. Misc: Anticheat software is desperately needed. The chat filters need to be fixed- false calls on word combinations (i.e., "put a" is flagged as a bad word.). There's no real way to foolproof chat from slurs and bad words, but censoring words next to each other is not a great choice. Winter/christmas snow from MVS is still present. Alignment of shop icons, prices, and boxes are all misaligned.
  23. I got my key, it was in the updates section of gmail, if anyone uses that. Have fun everyone!
  24. im working on what Might be a series of sets but might not be (it depends on my motivation lol) here's a small peek!
  25. here's some art! i made a pandora drawing for a friend, and a different friend challenged me to make a princess knox, so i did!