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  1. I got this error this morning when trying to launch Microvolts from Steam. I tried many things and finally found a solution. So I want to share itm in case someone runs into the same error. Solution: Restart Steam in Administrator
  2. ❧Try closing Steam and logging in again. ❧Be careful if the antivirus or Windows firewall is interrupting a file, blocking it, etc. ❧On the other hand, go to Steam > MicroVolts > Right click > Properties > Installed files > Verify integrity of game files. ❧ Repair system files: command prompt > sfc /scannow (search on Google for command list). ❧ Disable extensions from Microsoft Edge or from another browser if you use it. ❧ Update drivers/windows updates. ❧ Reinstall .dll (or the dll that told you the error) by doing a Google search. If none of this works you should contact support by accessing the official website. On the other hand you have the general discord chat. If you have anything else to add about resolved bugs, it would be appreciated. If I can help you or you need quick help, you can find me in the game's official Discord by joining it and, simply writing in the channel "help_and_tips".
  3. I spent OVER $100 on the Celebrity Life gacha without a single golden item. Please fix the gacha or AT LEAST put a warning that it doesn't work so we know not to waste our earned money because there's no way you can spend so much without getting a single desired item. I am done spending in this game after this tbh.
  4. So, the title might be a bit misleading but there's meaning to it. It's not about the changes we went through with MicroVolts Surge to the current MicroVolts Recharged. It's about what changes could bring a positive effect to the current game, as well as what features could help the game to become more alive and worthwhile playing. So let's start with a little list of noticeable things that are obviously still not right within the game, but that are already there, might add more later on if I notice more, I will try to put them into categories and leave what I think to be a good solution to the issue right under it: In Game: "No MP gained after reaching any Level after 100, as well as no MP gained after finishing a game" - Add the feature of gaining MP after a game, as well as rework the rewards for leveling up after Level 100. "There's no benefit in leveling up at the moment and the rewards you get until Level 100 are bugged and some people have not received them" - Rework the Level-System and come up with a new one that rewards players for leveling up, it's something players look forward to the most. I will answer the bugged item part later on. "The weapons in game are not fully balanced yet, especially the explosives, their blast radius is just too immense" - There's a lot to talk about here, Type-A melee weapons need a buff in damage. Type-A/B Rifles are not really accurate enough to play a major role in battle, so buff their accuracy by a little. All shotguns feel like they are unreliable at times due to their damage output being randomized, I can rather depend on a bazooka than the shotgun. The Snipers in this game are SLOW after drawing them. It takes years to reload them and they deal not enough damage considering everyone is tanking, I'd power up all sniper types by roughly 100-200 damage and rework the reload speed on them. Gatlings are too Overpowered and will kill you in a second, they need a nerf in power. Bazooka and Grenade launchers have a ridiculous blast radius, you can hardly avoid them at all, that is especially true with grenades. Grenade Type-A deals 1100+ damage upgraded on power and with that blast radius, you'll most certainly get hit with it. So, LOWER the blast radius and nerf the power a little. "The Capsule is a fun aspect for the game and everybody loves it, just the chances of winning on the 'Full Party' Selection is hilarious low and needs fixing" - Fix the winning rate of the capsule as well as check on the items that were forgotten to be put into certain capsule lists, for example Herc/Titan Face is missing from the single capsule and is only available in the 'Full Party' Selection, which has a terrible winning ratio. "Some items need a rework on their description, for example all Type-B and Type-D snipers, adding if they're a double zoom sniper or a single zoom sniper" - Don't be lazy with the description and copy paste them, be original and add new texts for items, many just feel copied because they are. Also add the 1X Zoom or 2X Zoom to Type-B and Type-D Snipers like you did with the Jam Sniper in the Shop. "Weapons damage output is randomized and not set, making them unreliable at times for no reason" - There's no point in having unreliable damage output. It ruins the gameplay, even if you do everything correct, hit all your shots or hits, if you're unlucky you're not rewarded for playing well. Let Melees, Rifles, Snipers and Gatlings deal the damage they show. As for Shotgun, Bazooka and Grenade, it depends on your distance and how you hit the opponent, so these ones are fine. "There's still a lot of glitches on a lot of maps that need to be fixed" - Rework the Map files and block glitch paths, create an extra bug and glitches report channel, where people can show you the way into the glitch spots or show bugs, so that you can work on them. "Zombies are too powerful and tanky in Zombie-Mode, but their melee has almost no range to hit the target" - Reduce Zombie's HP by a little and maybe reduce their jumping height. Add a little bit of range to the Zombie's melee though, sometimes you can stand in someone with it and still miss. "The Level-System is a mess, plain and simple said, the icons are boring and dry as well" - Rework the Level-System and add one that lets players grind the Levels. The current Levels are gained way too fast and look way too plain. Either add the old level icons back that MVS used, or maybe go for other icons that are just not as plain and boring. If you check Clans out on the webpage, you can see level icons next to the players that are not as plain. Maybe work with these if needed. Bugs: "There's a lot of bugs where people can't play in rooms after joining them in the last second, they then just float in the air at their spawn" "There's a bug where players are shown twice on the map and are shown as enemies while they're on your own team, and for whatever reason you can kill them with explosives but no other weapons" "In Elimination, jumping off the map at the last frame of the countdown will result in an automatic win for a team without battling it out" "In Elimination during the sequence of respawning into the new round, if you attack someone with enough power at the last frame, you will kill that person and sometimes end the new round right away" "Certain achievements crash the game after collecting it" - Rework the achievements, might as well remove the gatling achievement of emptying your whole clip in one go, as that one is sheer impossible with the current gatlings no matter how you do it. "Character Models are able to have a visual bug of wearing Naomi's skirt" "Sometimes there's a visual bug during the character selection screen, where none of the characters are visible unless you click on them" "There's been a few reports of players getting their levels reset by exact two levels after crashing (Doesn't apply to Level 100+ players)" "As stated above in Gameplay, the rewards until reaching Level 100 are bugged for a lot of players and they do not receive them" "The Level 100 reward vanishes after equipping it, even if you receive it" - You might wanna give players their rewards back and look into why the item gets removed after equipping it. - In General you should add a channel for people to be able to report glitches and bugs for you to fix. Intern: "There's currently no Staff Team to help keep the Community under control or punish those who go against the ToS of the game. This goes for Discord as well as in Game" - Yes, there's applications still going on, but the sooner we get some to help out, the better. "Communication hasn't been the best between the Devs and players, it brings up a lot of questions about where the game might go" - Give us a heads-up about updates, maintenances, what we will have to expect in the future, maybe even tease us with some videos for coming updates, like the old MicroVolts did before it became Surge. Okay, phew, as you can see, we got quite a lot to work on, but it's still early, things are bound to change. So let's go over what we're still missing in the game or what we can still look forward to: "Clan Activities" - I am talking about Clan Wars, but maybe they go one step further and make it so that you can enter ranked matches as a clan as well. Another idea would be adding a Clan Capsule/Shop, either on the website or in game, so that people will want to join Clan activities more often. "New Gamemodes" - I mean, they're not fully new to old players, but for the new players, I'm talking about 'Bomb Battle', 'Item Match', 'Arms Race', etc. They will mostlikely add Boss Battle Tickets sooner or later as well, for the people looking forward to that one. "Ranked Matches" - We'll be getting our own mode where everyone will be sweating and try to be the best. I can see this coming out for single player ranking, as well as team ranking for Clans. I just wonder if the host can decide the rules or if the settings will be randomized and not changeable even by the host to make it fair to everyone. "The Plaza (Maybe)" - Well, the Plaza was a place where you would spawn in after logging in, it was basically the Lobby, but you could move around, access the capsule etc. The only issue was that it crashed the game a lot and had an impact on the servers, hence they took it down eventually. But maybe we can see it return someday. "Events and Tournaments" - Okay, I know we all want these, but that's probably a while into the future, even though Events might be coming sooner than expected. I will assume that they will either hire Event Supporters for these, or let the Moderators work it out once they have selected these. Alright, that was just a quick overview for all of you. Feel free to mention if I forgot anything, there probably are a few things missing. You can obviously also comment on my points and add something to it down below.
  5. The current level system is extremely bad and there's no downside or upside to levels. Previously it could take you a few hours to reach level 10, while now currently, you gain 1 level per match finished. Also, before performance used to matter when leveling, so the more skilled players would reach the higher levels faster. It was a way to Seperate the Pro players, with the farmer's and the new players. Having this 1 match per level experience system is going to break that entire dynamic, and new players wont be able to know who to turn to. Level's are crucial in any game due to this reason. I believe changing the exp per level, so it would take hundreds if not thousands of hours to reach max level. Supposedly in previous versions, it's taken people over 4 years to reach max level. It's a fun but engaging way to focus your attention on the game, it keeps the grind up. This is just way more enjoyable. Also the current leveling system fully 100% removes the reason to have a level 20 requirement to create a clan, you just have to play 20 quick free for all's which can be done in under an hour easily.
  6. This bug happened twice in Rampus room, in the same match and lasted for about 5 seconds. I have 2022 AMD drivers for my 5700xt. My Graphic settings were default only 2x anti-aliasing and 2x Filter and 1920x1080 Fullscreen sadly I can't embed a video.. But I'll try to upload it somewhere and link it here. in the second capture you can see it coming from the enrgizer body part
  7. Hello Microvolts Team, I just found a web design bug.. When you have the window on 100% zoom and you scroll down, you can't see "FORUM STATISTICS" on the right side bar. Unless I zoom out to 50% but then nothing is clear and fully visible. I think making the side bar static to the page will make it work? Note: I'm having this issue on 1080p screen, on Brave Browser and Opera. just mentioning, it might help to resolve the issue.