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Discussion 3


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  1. For reall tho, the skins are amazing
  2. You are literally fighting a ghost right now because who said we were mad?? You're the only that's mad over people bringing up a suggestion for diversity as if diverse people don't exist irl ☠️ You're the one being underhanded and rude if anything, coming at people sideways over nothing. If you don't see the need for diversity, that is your business but don't you get all upset and cry if people have different views. Not everything will appeal to you. The fact that you put all kinds of colours that people aren't even irl and identities of literal objects says a lot about what kind of person you are. A weirdo who clearly has a race problem. Why does it get under your skin that black people want black characters? Are you really so sensitive???? Like grow up.
  3. Bro you're so off topic, who said anything anything about them not saying anything about their updates? We're just making suggestions for what we want to see as the players of the game aka the people they're appealing to☠️