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Everything posted by BongLenis

  1. What does it matter if the game has "a diverse character selection". Bro, I know we are in the year 2022 but why does it all have to be about diversity and inclusion. This is a game about toys fighting for battery charges for crying out loud. I honestly don't care if you are black, yellow, blue or magenta nor does it matter if you identify as a racecar or a toilet seat. Creating games should not be about appeasing the social norms or the "trendy" movements. It should be about making something fun. Restricting that or saying "Since I am black, I will feel offended or left out when there is no black character" is underhanded and rude at the least. Other note - So whoever plays C.H.I.P is apparently a kitchen appliance or what? Did a microwave write to Microvolts crying about not being represented? It is just about what the creators of the game want to have in their game, any weird and underhanded whining wont make anyone's life any better except appease your insecurity about some random, non-gaming related, agenda.