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Everything posted by Bella_Fortune

  1. I doubt that will ever happen, since MasangSoft has a goal of buying failed games from shut down companies and then reviving them. They have done this with several games, such as AirRival, Microvolts Recharged, and Ace Online. So essentially they milk as much money as they can out of a game that was once a part of another company. Here is an article you can read (Translation needed) that explains their ideology, proving once again why most of their games never live up to their customers standards, atleast western customers. [비즈&테크] 마상소프트 Have a great day.
  2. “기업 모든 책임은 직원 아닌 CEO가 져야죠” 출처 - The Article
  3. The number of developers working on the game is unclear, but a Korean article from 2023 reported that Masangsoft had 100 staff members. Masangsoft seems to be focusing more on “Mobile Gaming”, which could be problematic because many Mobile games use P2W-strategies and pay-wall features that favor paying players over free players. This isn't a great sign for Microvolts and all other PC-oriented games since the game developers focus will shift from them to "mobile".
  4. From my research, I have concluded that MicroVolts is a game that is managed by an irresponsible and greedy company. I don’t want to stop anyone from enjoying this game, but I feel obliged to warn you about the problems that plague it. I have been following this company, Masangsoft, for about four years now, and I have seen how they have mistreated their players and their games. Anyone who expects them to improve will be sadly let down, and I am sorry to say that. Masangsoft is a company that only cares about making money, not about providing quality games or services. They exploit their players by selling items that are extremely expensive and give unfair advantages in the game. They also neglect to fix the issues that affect the game, such as bugs, glitches, and hackers. They have no respect for their loyal fans or their feedback. Masangsoft has destroyed RaiderZ, a once-popular MMORPG. They have abandoned the game for years, without any updates, patches, or events. They have also closed the servers without any warning or compensation, leaving many players stranded and disappointed. Masangsoft has also ruined GunZ: The Duel, a classic shooter game. They have altered the game mechanics, removing the features that made the game unique and fun. They have deleted the original maps and modes, and replaced them with boring and generic ones. They have introduced pay-to-win elements, making the game unfair and frustrating. They have also banned many players for no valid reason, and they don’t answer to support tickets or complaints. ASDA global is haunted by server instability and frequent disconnections, lack of customer support and communication from the developers. unbalanced gameplay and pay-to-win elements witch low population and declining community. ASDA global is another game that suffers from Masangsoft’s poor management. It is a game that is haunted by server instability and frequent disconnections, making it hard to play smoothly. It is a game that lacks customer support and communication from the developers, making it impossible to get help or feedback. It is a game that has unbalanced gameplay and pay-to-win elements, making it unenjoyable and unfair. It is a game that has a low population and a declining community, making it lonely and boring. If you still want to play these games, I would suggest that you join the communities that have created their own private servers. These servers are run by fans who care about the games and their players. They offer better features, more content, and more support. GunZ has had over 10 private servers, RaiderZ over 4, and ASDA only one right now, which is for sale. These servers are the only hope for these games, as Masangsoft has proven to be a terrible company that does not deserve your time or money. Sources: Trustpilot, Community Forums for respective game and Reddit posts. Take this post with a grain of salt, I hope you have a great day!