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Chocolate Babe

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Everything posted by Chocolate Babe

  1. NOO yours not lying FACIAL EXPRESSIONS are definitely needed!! cant just have an stoic face all of the time some people are happy put in an extra happy face or two, dont think it would take that long to make either?
  2. YEAH exactly my point i feel like theres alot of RT items but no MP varieties especially for girls STEP IT UP!
  3. the MP SECTION is sooooo DRYY RT however yeah thats filled
  4. anyone wondering why there are such scarce MP variants for clothing lets make some more alternatives for pandora, naomi etc!!
  5. hi when i look for create clan i cant find it why is that im lvl 20 and above
  6. its sad honestly hopefully everyone who is on other platforms will return to the original i wonder why it is like this
  7. yes thats so true, i remember back in the day on MV if you where new lets say level 1to5 you didnt have to join an server wih people way higher up in level than you would simply wait in queue and get matched up with people at around the same lvl hopefully that will too come back
  8. the create clan should be on the left side cant see it and im over level 20?
  9. right well its good people are coming back to the original game atleast
  10. yeah honestly hope mods atleast know about it?
  11. who else is back to microvolts again! excited that MV is back but alsow wondering what will happen to the many fake microvolts that had been made before this version? will microvolts do something about that? lol either way im glad to be back playing