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XVII - The Star

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Everything posted by XVII - The Star

  1. he is romanian, i am myself one and have talked with him in the past. NekOo0
  2. hilarious๐Ÿคฃ
  3. i've also written some tickets about 4 cheaters and got the same answer from them ''we will take actions''
  4. so some sort of private servers will start appearing again probably
  5. i literally forgot some much time passed just for this sheyty devs to come up with this crap all im waiting for is this game closing so other people could make a private server again
  6. he's actually 26 and was accused multiple times for grooming minor girls since back in the days when Surge was on. i even talked with some of his victims and he is threathening them with sending their faces and nudes in discord servers he seriously have some mental illnesses but he is so god danm of a prick
  7. dont think it has enough players to even mention it
  8. i also have the same problem and this is almost the main reason why i quit this poorly administrated game.
  9. do you still have hope for this game? if yes i feel sorry for you. the devs must have been reading or at least knowing stuff about what the community writes on the forum. The sad reality is that they dont even care about making the game playable again, all of this is just a cashgrab i hope it will just close soon again.
  10. u were right, lets just hope that the next update isnt gonna be another insult for us
  11. this is the end if devs wont do anything from now on... the 90% of the playerbase left the game already and the only way of saving it is to reverse all their changes to the original microvolts, making it more playable with other words.
  12. idk what else to do, i am not even able to play the game cause of its numerous crashes...... literally didnt play in a month and they still didnt fix those issues
  13. today i crashed 14times when i try to join a match
  14. no, it has nothing to do with having a potato, my specs are very good
  15. not to say that today i crashed 10 times trying to join a match
  16. yeah, i think the title is enough to understand what i am and probably a lot of other players are going through. please can you just simply do something about it
  17. i suggest u guys getting a type C and tune it on power.
  18. yup! tomorrow we are going to wake up to some RT ^^
  19. all i am asking for is getting the chance to have old mp shop items back (parts). you cant say we ruined everything since the developers dont even listen to us your reply has no point
  20. Please, it feels so unfair for players who don't invest money in this game. All we want is diversity, not every player looking similar to another... it is so frustrating