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  1. I wanna start off by saying I love this game and I want to see it succeed. I feel like the biggest issue right now is there is no incentive to keep the players playing. Idk how others feel about this, but I usually get on, do my daily and weekly missions then get off. There is nothing to grind for. Solutions I thought of: 1) Grind for MP - After lvl 100 it’s too hard to get MP and the grind is simply not worth it. An easy fix would be to add the ability to get MP after every match. It doesn’t have to be a lot, 50-200 MP per game (depending on time and gamemode) could be enough to motivate a good amount of the player base to grind the game. 2) Grind for glow - I think weapon glow and effects should be added back to the game. And add a system where people can grind for glow for their weapons. Either the old upgrade system, but it doesn’t affect stats, only the glow and bullet color changes. This system would work well with my first point as now people have to spend their newly earned MP to visually upgrade their weapons. OR a new system where people have to do a number of achievements to unlock a specific glow for their weapon. Like how camos work in Call of Duty. (This option maybe harder to accomplish). You can also add new glows in the future, like different colors and effects. Some other things I hope are added that could motivate some people to grind the game: Ranked mode. I know you are working on it. And I hope it’s similar to other competitive shooters, where you actually queue into a match. Trading system. A “new players” lobby, or a level cap option when creating a lobby. Like “only people under level 100 can join”. I don’t want new players to quit after getting destroyed by high level players.