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  1. Community Engagement: It would be awesome if the microvolts team could be more open with us players having a community manager thats employed by masangsoft and in regular exchange with the devs who's also active on the forums and discord and talks to us regularly would be super cool we want to feel heard you know? Improvement of Anti-Cheat: Seriously the current anti-cheat system is a bit of a joke it's like letting a kid bypass bedtime we definitely need some changes here Gameplay Rewards: Playing the game feels kinda meh right now how about adding some cool rewards for leveling up like extra mp or cool cosmetic items? and maybe spice up the store with more options too. Future of the Game: It'd be great to know what the future holds for the game give us a roadmap of upcoming updates New Maps: Playing the same old maps for years gets stale you know? how about tossing in some fresh ones? that'd be cool for both competitive and casual players Fixing up these areas would be a huge step in the right direction for the game and once these criterias have been met then we can talk about bringing in more players and finally getting that ranked league system we've been promised
  2. The problem with Microvolts isn't the amount of devs they have or have had. I mean look at ToyHeroes, run by just one or two people and they did fine. The real issue is the lack of transparency and communication from the Team working on the Game. We've thrown tons of ideas at them to make the game better, but they either ignore us or give us the same old line, 'yeah, we're working on it', without any action. But the devs are not to blame though it's definitely a management issue and unless things change or they get a whole new management, we're stuck watching the game we all loved so much die because of these incompetent monkeys