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  1. If you so sure "I don't have the skill" come and i'll prove how wrong and delusional you are
  2. You're a lost cause buddy There's no point in arguing with you since you're delusional
  3. This must be the most delusional thing I've read in a long time. "2 measely bullets which require you to aim with great accuracy" I don't know if we are playing the same game, but the fact that you are saying this seems like you aren't. Also, he only mentioned that the damage needs a Nerf which is true. Right now the damage is ridiculously high and it shouldn't be. The bazooka is meant for clearing positions, making enemies have to move, pushing them to follow up with a snipe, etc and not making their HP go to half in just 1 good hit. "To compare bazooka C and nade A to hermes and zeus is the most rediculous thing i have ever read on this forum." He is just comparing them to the damage and radius those two had which they do have even more buffed, to the maximum. "If anything bazooka and grenades need a buff. They feel a little underpowered and the bullet speed is lacking." You said something before about seeing the most ridiculous thing on this forum but what you say here tops it. It shows that you haven't played any "competitive" gameplay aka elimination 4v4, 5v5, 6v6 vs decent players. You are in no position to comment on this if you say this "If anything bazooka and grenades need a buff" Nades and Zooka aren't meant to be the "main damage" like they are right now. At least for Grenade A type, it needs blast radius nerf and a bit of damage nerf Also, Bazooka C type needs a damage nerf You can't argue against that and if you do then you're clearly lacking in using rifle, shotgun and sniper since you need your explosives to deal all the damage for you. The explosives are meant to set you up to deal damage with the other weapons, not completely kill an opponent.