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Posts posted by Tanooki

  1. 3 minutes ago, Volt said:

    On an unrelated note, everyone please stop formatting your posts and replies like this lol. It's such a pain to read.

    But the reason why they don't remake it, is because they know it died for a reason. Surge had many flaws, the largest issue was it being pay-to-win, which yes, is an issue (I know there's still many people that will argue it's not). These developers are very against that idea, although, if they just implemented almost everything from Surge outside of cosmetics, and added their weapon balancing, it'd be nearly perfect. MP distribution, prices of capsule spins, shop item prices, everything like that needs some adjusting I feel in this version. I don't understand why there are so few modes for one, I'd absolutely love to play some Item Match or Arms Race (especially if they rebalanced the weapons).


    Thank god someone else mentioned the formatting lmao.


    And I agree, I really wish they would adjust the pricing on MP items and remove the mixed capsules altogether. They feel so predatory and unnecessary for the game and just confuse newer players into spinning them. 

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  2. 29 minutes ago, desafinado56 said:

    Heres the thing about three of those maps you mentioned, they werent in the original map pool for zombies, they were added later and of course they are the worse maps to play zombies because you really lack places to jump around on. Compare it to studio a map specificcally made with zombies in mind and youll see what the devs had in mind for the game mode: A lot of places for you to jump to and from to throw off zombies aim, locations that can defended without feeling like bullshit but overall its a map where camping in one spot isnt the best of ideas. Thats what zombies is all about its cat and mouse, a game of chase and said game is no fun if the person youre after is somewhere you could never hope to get. Thats why the zombies added agility is so important its a balancing act, the problem are that some maps really dont work well with zombies because they were never made to be played in such a game mode, so removing the maps that play poorly with this game mode or making small changes to them so they work a bit better is a better idea than down right removing the one thing that made zombies fun to play and balanced. Instead what we need is a buff to figure melee run speed and damage.


    The whole point of the mode was to hide in obscure spots (camping in model ship for example) or group up on zombies, that's how it was advertised in the launch video for zombie mode. They nerfed runspeed melees for players and gave zombies high jumps so it's more apparent than ever that players are going to go for the hiding aspect rather than the mob aspect of the mode. Also forgotten junkyard was balanced around zombie mode but they patched 70% of the map because it had too many bugs they didn't know how to fix so they just nuked the entire map. Magic paperland got patched because people would camp spawn in team elimination and it in turn made zombie mode harder in the process.


    I agree with the smaller maps being added though, that was abit silly but it was also welcomed because having more maps for any mode is fine, that's why there's a recommended player limit it gives you per map. I'm more saddened that they removed other big maps like rock band and castle siege.



    9 hours ago, Apogey said:

    I think it’s still worth to rebuild mappool, return a larger versions of maps (for example for Forgotten Yunk Yard and Magic Peper Land), remove maps that simply don’t have good places for figures to fight off zombies, and it would be cool to see new maps specifically for this mode in the future if of course developer is interested in it.


    I agree with this, for the reasons above.

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  3. 3 hours ago, MushieMushie said:

    Instead of using the cut-map versions, I think using the full maps of MPL, FJY, and etc can help too. I don't know if we have them in the game because the ones I played in have been the cut versions.


    Yeah I miss the old versions so much, they were perfect for zombie mode and got patched to oblivion.

    • Like 1
  4. Suggestion: Bring back single wave rewards, as is it has no purpose in the game besides doing dailies. 


    Suggestion: Bring back coupons, the bonus meter, and coupon shop back. Right now the game has NO pity system, and coupons filled the gap between not winning rares, and filling the bonus meter for some extra MP and coupons. It'd be nice to also have coins back so we can use them on the MP capsule in the future.



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  5. 8 hours ago, failer said:


    I agree with you. Even though they are the largest maps in the game, they still seem relatively small for a Zombie Survivor mode accommodating 16 players. It's a bit dissapointing, and it often feels like you're going to die no matter what.


    It doesn't help that they SHRUNK forgotten junkyard and magic paperland. Those maps used to be bigger and filled with more spots to hide.

  6. 6 minutes ago, failer said:

    I think It's all about inclusivity. Simplifying early-level progression can attract a wider player base, including newcomers to gaming or the genre (specially kids). This ensures that more players can enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed.


    That's a fair take, makes sense too. I just wish the rewards were more enticing as it progressed.

  7. 1 minute ago, Volt said:

    I don't see a reason for this infinite leveling system in the first place, levels 0-100 are already pointless and I don't understand why they chose to do that. Having such a large range of levels feels like there's no meaning to any of them, they definitely should just go back and set people's levels based upon how much XP players have, using a leveling "rate". They could make every single level like 5000 XP if they want it to be infinite, people would level up far slower within levels 0-100 as compared to now, but reaching levels higher than 100 would still be obtainable even into the 500+ range if you're a dedicated player who plans to stick with the game for a long time. As of right now, at this rate, they've currently implemented 1000 levels I believe, which nobody will ever reach even level 500 at this rate. I can't imagine seeing what a four digit level would look like in game, I feel like it would be terrible honestly.


    Exactly! That's what I've been saying xD

  8. Bug / Oversight: Rockband, Bitmap 2, Aftermath, Toy Garden (night), Temple Ruins, Championship Castle Siege are NOT currently in zombie mode map rotation. They used to be but got removed for some reason.


    Bug: Forgotten junkyard spawns ammo packs in old, unreachable spots (before the map got patched to be smaller). Magic paperland does the same thing. 

  9. 3 hours ago, MicroData said:

    I've played enough gacha games.

    This is hardly an "event" tbh.


    Same, at least games like genshin / cookie run / etc give you a ton of PAID currency for free. Meanwhile MV is barely giving you free currency (MP). I don't know what their obsession is with making MP this ultra rare super duper hard to get mineral when it's only purpose is spinning for MP capsule or buying overpriced item shop items. At this point it feels like they value mp more than rt.


    Maybe if they wanted a REAL event they could do something like:


    Hoard Rush!: If players defeat up to 100,000 zombies total, everyone will win 1000rt, or 50000 MP.


    Y'know, stuff like that, make it worth it gawd.

  10. 3 hours ago, Melu said:

    I can't edit the post or delete it (to remake it again). I'm talking about safe/official pages. I am a computer technician and I have already solved many people by giving them that advice.and I have done it I never had a problem. Be careful which page you download from.

    I'm sorry about that, you have to be careful where you download things or access links. :classic_blush:


    It's not hard for people to hide malware that goes undetected and can be snuck into "official" and safer sites. DLL files are notorious for this and it's unwise to advise anyone into downloading them. Most malicious malware lay dormant for months, even years, until they're ready to be executed.


    I'm not trying to come across as rude, but that's just the unfortunate reality when messing with dll files.
