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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. There doesn't seem to be an option to have "hold to zoom in" for aiming down your gun, only toggling.
  2. Were some of the weapon sound effects always so...low quality and loud? I remembered some of the sounds being alot more refined.
  3. It seems you can't rebind the weapon keys properly with any other keys, and some keys cannot be bound with side mouse buttons while others can.
  4. I feel it would be fair either way. As long as people are enjoying the game!
  5. Then that would be unfair to later players then. I understand people would be envious if beta players got an item, but to say it's "unfair" is abit disrespectful to the devs who spent so much time trying to fix the game and make it right. Beta testers function to test the game and report bugs and issues during testing, consider an item a "thank you" gift to those involved, it's not meant for bragging rights or to make people jealous.
  6. I feel a head / face accessory would do fine.
  7. I don't know how laws work in korea, as I know china has issues with not caring for copyright, but if korea has a better law for copyright then masangsoft can absolutely cease and desist toyheroes for making profits off their IP.
  8. I agree, I've seen a game recently die because it's only way of cosmetics was gachapon and nothing else.
  9. You're right, I can't really do much but speculate honestly.
  10. I feel like those shouldn't count as glitches, but should still be patched out if it's an out of bound one. Like say, the little door knob on the cabinet in neighborhood shouldn't count as a bug.
  11. I'd imagine they would change the default run speed. I feel defaulting it to 10.0% runspeed would be good for base movement. (like the speed the colonel crac set had). I feel sets shouldnt have hp or runspeed, but the game should have better default stats to compensate, that way everyone has a fair playing field.
  12. I completely forgot they added the anti kick items.
  13. I mainly remember people abusing votekicks if you played well.
  14. I was looking at old map videos on yt yesterday, and man it felt so nostalgic. I can't wait to play on rumpus room and magic paper land again.
  15. OH RIGHT! I forgot it came with a personalized folded card thing. Like one of those valentines day / cheesy cards you'd buy for someone but it had MV on it. I'll have to see if I still have that somewhere to show you guys.
  16. Like fuchsia said, it's official. The main difference is no more p2w (no more cosmetic stat bonuses).
  17. Haha yeah, you can even tell by how banged up the card looks.
  18. America! I was wondering if it was only available here back then.
  19. Alright I took a picture! Took me a minute to find it.
  20. Yeah I probably shoulda explained, back then there was a prepaid microvolts gift card you could reload with money, it was a physical card with the MV logo on it and one of the characters. It was during early MV tho and I think limited countries too.
  21. Here's hoping it's much better and not just slightly better.
  22. I'm wondering who else has one, I still have mine and it kinda just feels like an ancient relic, but still novelty.
  23. That's a very fair opinion, the achievements were way too grindy for like, no reward.