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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. People need to stop posting these, as they mean nothing. Steamdb data can be changed anytime (and it has in the past) so I don't understand why people keep using these. It just archives updates and date changes.
  2. Short answer is: They don't seem to know what they're doing.
  3. If I had to guess, maybe they don't like the "rant then post le cute picture" thing. I personally don't care but it's the only reason I could come up with lol
  4. Keep it private this time, last time you posted about it, it made the situation worse. At this point just wait, last time I sent them a ticket they just said they'll consider community helpers etc in the future. But please take this with a grain of salt. We can't really do much at this point, and "trying" may overwhelm them.
  5. You know anyone can send in tickets right? I've spoken to levi before but I just don't post the screenshots cuz it's not noteworthy lol. Not trying to be mean but this such a weird reply.
  6. I really hope they sell microvolts to somebody else, their track record just shows them having diamond hands with video game IPs and letting them die out.
  7. It'd certainly be a better foundation to work off of. The current ground they have right now is like walking on quick sand.
  8. I agree with this, surge only failed because of a select few poor decisions. If they picked up from surge and just worked from there to fix those changes then the game would be in a much better state.
  9. People have been waiting literal years for this company to do something with the IP, so of course some of them are going to be unhinged. I understand people are being empathetic towards the devs but this is a cycle I've noticed and it's forming a toxic parasocial relationship with a company that may or may not care about it's playerbase. The cycle is as follows: Anger -> empathy -> anger (again) -> coping -> more empathy (with covering up for their mistakes) The community is torn between understanding that the devs are human, and the devs being really incompetent. Reading some of these replies just making up reasons and excuses for the company with literally no proof is disheartening. I personally understand they're people too, they DONT deserve the super angry backlash posts calling them swear words and harassing them, but just because you feel bad for them doesn't mean you can make up a tragic backstory and character lore for actual people who exist. The truth it, we don't know what's going on at masangsoft at the moment, and we are in no position to be covering up for them and making up excuses for their flaws. What we DO know is that they've taken games and ditched their communities and poorly ran them in the past. It's okay to have empathy, it's NOT okay to make up rumors and whiteknight developers without knowing who they are, what they're doing, and what's going on. What if hypothetically Levi was actually a horrible person, we don't know and won't know until we wait and see. Remember that corpos can, and WILL take advantage of community kindness, so give it to them sparingly. Do not expose how kind and desperate you can be because in the end, it's still a company, and they may take advantage of this. To us, this is microvolts, to masangsoft this is just another IP. Keep this in mind. Please.
  10. We don't know the situation, we can't just assume that "higher ups bad!". Also pretty sure there's only like 5 people working at masangsoft. Levi signed up for this, and isn't delivering. This just comes with the job, if you're not going to show us you're doing it then how are we going to know you're working. No more speculation, just wait for news (if it comes), we don't need any accidental rumors and misinformation spreading.
  11. You can technically speak to levi directly via support tickets (I've done so before and so has 007), but they can't really disclose too much info for some strange reason (NDA?). Still doesn't excuse them from giving us an actual roadmap or just straight up communicating here....or at all. This is all so sad and unfortunate and I've pretty much stopped having expectations at this point.
  12. Tanooki


  13. I remembered alot of knox players being the most toxic tbh, I love knox tho.
  14. You sure do make alotta super pretty "quick" art. Good stuff tho keep it up.
  15. Simon was pretty cool, his demon set was also pretty nice. Sophitia was cute but just ended up becoming naomi 2. Amelia was butt ugly (sorry lol) and sharkill pretty much didn't exist.
  16. Quick cash grab, I also wouldn't say they got lazy but they were running out of budget to handle employing people with original concepts. Remember that they started porting over arms races weapons and JP sets at the end of MVS because of this. It's not "super easy" to make concepts for sets that people will generally enjoy, there's quite afew sets that got shafted because nobody cared about them (like the oil barrel chip set). Sure we can make "easy" pretty concepts but we're also not working for a company that needs to sell said concepts to a large playerbase. And majority of the time, from what I've seen in other games, people who say "I'll buy that!" never actually buy it. To put it simply, they didn't get lazy, they ran out of budget and eventually couldn't keep employing graphic designers I assume, which is why towards the end we got reskins and why we were able to get new content (like the OP ability sets) but having them be reskins basically. It feels like the graphic designers were the first to be let go.
  17. Limited or not, these are still poor business decisions that shouldn't be given excuses. I gave them the benefit of the doubt at first, but it's gotten pointlessly stupid at this point.
  18. The nostalgia overload is going to kill me pls ;-;
  19. I still agree that community is important, and it's something they seem to lack expertise in. Even with their other games they seem to not really interact with the community outside of the rare post every now and then. .-.
  20. To add to this, toyheroes isn't run by trustworthy people. Microvolts, Microvolts Surge, Microvolts Recharged, Toywars, (and I think Microwars? I'll need correcting on this) are all officially purchased / licensed games.
  21. Thanks for the research! Reminds me of all the unused and scrapped art both ingame (achievement icons and banners etc) and on the websites that could have been their own characters but never got used. Still wishing we got that yellow chip set that MV used for like, EVERY promo art ever (it's even on the top right of the forum lmao). We really need like one website to archive all of this before it gets lost to time.
  22. Yeah no rush dude, not like the forum is getting much traction rn anyways lmao