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  1. They should give MP for each game played, you win very little and it is demotivating. In addition to adding more customization in the store and lowering the prices, they are too high. And for my own pleasure I think that more game modes would be fun.
  2. Has probado en desinstalar el juego y volverlo a instalar sin el antivirus?
  3. The most likely thing is the bug fix in the rewards, the MP and maybe some new sets.
  4. Some rewards are bugged, they have to fix it.
  5. I sincerely believe that he would end up being discovered in any way, it would be very strange if they did not ask him for proof as the author.
  6. I liked the old ones better and that they were uploaded more slowly, but if they improve them they could be good.
  7. The game was released recently, let's hope they improve it. In any case, I miss the old store where there was a lot more variety of customization, also how MP was earned before.
  8. Por desgracia no soy de Latinoamérica pero les deseo mucha suerte con ello, los hispano hablantes existimos en el juego y seria un detalle encontrar a más gente para ayudarse y jugar.
  9. Es un bug, solamente te dan las baterías y las capsulas, el MP ni rastro. En tu caso es raro que pase pero tienen que arreglarlo así que no te extrañe.